In this download of almost 14 minutes, The Arcturian Council walks us through a process of activating and integrating our ancient Egyptian lifetimes. You can do this one more than once, as we all have experienced multiple lifetimes in Egypt during the time of the Pharaohs and the building of the pyramids. Because of the connection between Egypt and Atlantis and the similarities between then and now, each Egyptian lifetime we integrate brings us closer to ascension. Enjoy! <3
Egyptian Lifetime Activation & Integration ∞ Pay What You Want
In this download of almost 14 minutes, The Arcturian Council walks us through a process of activating and integrating our ancient Egyptian lifetimes. You can do this one more than once, as we all have experienced multiple lifetimes in Egypt during the time of the Pharaohs and the building of the pyramids. Because of the connection between Egypt and Atlantis and the similarities between then and now, each Egyptian lifetime we integrate brings us closer to ascension. Enjoy! <3
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