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Emotional & Energetic Healing ∞Mega Bundle
This Emotional & Energetic Healing Mega Bundle includes 45 of the recordings on the topics of our emotions (positive and negative ones) and our energy fields. Included in the bundle are sound healings, light languages, meditations, processes, breathing exercises & more.
This Emotional & Energetic Healing Mega Bundle includes 45 of the recordings on the topics of our emotions (positive and negative ones) and our energy fields. Included in the bundle are sound healings, light languages, meditations, processes, breathing exercises & more. You can listen to these recordings in any order you want, and you can listen to the ones you really like as often as you like. <3
Sound Healing for Healing from All Physical, Mental & Emotional Abuse
Abuse. It comes in many different forms. We’ve all probably endured abuse of all kinds at one point or another in our lives. Healing from all the Physical, Mental & Emotional Abuse we receive in this lifetime can take decades. I think we could all use a little help healing from these traumatic abusive events, people, and circumstances in our lives. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. Before channeling the tones and overtones, I set the intention that they would carry the vibration to bring you into the healing state. I also played one of my crystalbowls, holding the intention that the sounds created by it would hold that same healingvibration for all forms of abuse a person could endure. When you listen to this sound healing, hold the intention that you release, process, and cleanse yourself of all the trauma from the abuse you’ve suffered. Love <3
Light Language for a Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Detox
Detoxification. We all need it, no matter how healthy we are. There are so many toxins everywhere, and I am not just referring to the physical/environmental ones! Imagine how much mental programming we are exposed to in a single day. And our emotional bodies, especially for empaths, can absorb so much of the toxic energies that others are putting out into the field of energy we all share.Toxic energies are another matter entirely. How much do we not even know about that our energy bodies are absorbing in every single moment of every day? That’s why I created this 6-minute language of light. For this light language, I intended to access and channel the energies, vibration, and galactic light codes that would give us all the detoxification of all of the aforementioned toxins, resulting in a purer experience of all of our bodies – the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic. Joy! <3
Yeshua’s 40-Minute Daily Vibrational Upgrade, Emotional Clearing & Energy Reset
In this 40-minute recording, you’ll find everything you need to give yourself a vibrational upgrade, negative emotional clearing, and a full energy reset.Yeshua’s soothing words and tone of voice will allow you to slip into a higher-vibrational state, just by immersing yourself in his energy. This is a four-part process beginning with a light language healing transmission of energy through the crown chakra, which will result in the releasing of all negative emotions, trauma & lower vibrational thought forms. Next, you’ll be taken through a process for deep breathwork using high-frequency thought forms that Yeshua places in your field. Then you’ll receive 10 minutes of toning, while Yeshua indicates the intentions behind each tone, and you’ll be able to match the tones that Yeshua transmits. Finally, you will be lulled into a peaceful, deep state of bliss through a guided meditation. This is a wonderful way to start your day. Joy! <3
Light Language for Clearing All of Your Childhood Trauma
Childhood trauma. Some of these traumatic events we are very aware of, and others are buried deep in our subconscious. No matter whether we know of the trauma or not, it’s there, and it affects us in the now moment. Childhood trauma affect our relationships, health, finances, thoughts and beliefs and so much more, and all are affected much more than we realize. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. I know that light languages can help activate what we need activated and clear what needs clearing. I channeled this light language while holding the intention that it carry the vibration, energy and galacticlight codes that will clear all of the childhood trauma and the energies associated with it from your chakras, energy field and mental and emotional bodies. I could feel the sincerity in the light language and the power it holds. Love <3
Arcturian Light Language for a Full Soul Healing & Cleansing
Our souls. They go through a lot in a singular lifetime – a lot of pain, suffering, trauma, and negative thoughts, actions, words, and emotions. When we die in a physical lifetime, our souls go to the seventh dimension, where they receive a healing and a cleansing to release all that was not serving the soul from the previous lifetime. We are doing so much work in this one lifetime – healing, releasing, forgiving, and integrating – and as such, our souls could use a little help from time to time. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language from The Arcturian Council.
First, I tuned in to the Arcturian Council so that I could bring the light language through the prism of their 9th-dimensional energy. Then I held the intention that the light language include the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes for cleansing and healing us at a soul level. And then I just got out of the way and let the tones, words, and sounds flow through me. The result is a light language that is quite powerful in its intensity, as well as its ability to give your soul a full cleansing and healing experience, much like the one it receives in between lifetimes.Joy! <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Divinity in Your Cells, DNA, Mind, Emotional Body & Energy Field
As an awakened soul, you undoubtedly know that you ARE Source Energy. Source Energy is within you, It’s all around you, and It’s in everyone and everything. Truly, all is Source. But how much are you being programmed to think and feel otherwise? Need a reminder every now and again of these eternaltruths? I know I do! That’s why I spent 10-minutes playing one of my crystal bowls and channeling the tones and overtones for this downloadable mp3 recording. The energy, intention, and vibration infused into the sounds created are for activating the Divinity in your cells, DNA, mind, emotional body, and energy field so that you have those reminders built into your body, mind, emotions, and field.
We need to be reminded of this ultimate truth, because so much of life is about making us feel small and disempowered…but always with the opportunity to rise up and know ourselves as our true selves – Source Energy Beings! The way that sound healings work is, they send a vibration to every ounce of your being-ness so that the vibration and the intention contained in the vibration overtakes any and all programming that we’ve received throughout the day…and throughout our entire lives. This mp3download will also work on the subconscious mind and past life selves to remind all of them of who we really are – Source! Love <3
Pleiadian Sound Healing for Healing Your Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Bodies
Pleiadians are known throughout the galaxy as the master healers that they truly are. I’ve been channeling The Pleiadian High Council of 7 since 2016, and very recently, I made contact with a Pleiadian named Sylus while channeling a light language. I channeled both Sylus and The Pleiadian High Council of 7 as I brought this sound healing through me. I played one of my brand new crystal bowls (thanks, wifey!) while channelingtones and overtones, and I held the intention for the sound healing to heal you on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic planes of your existence.
The result is this 10-minute recording of that channeled healing session from the Pleiadians, and I know that it will be an effective tool in helping you with whatever life challenges you’ve been struggling with at this time. How do I know that? Sound is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal as healers on Earth, and I’ve known that for quite some time. I’ve benefited from sound healings, performed sound healings, and I love feeling the power of tones and sounds moving through me. Listen to this downloadable file, and heal yourself on all levels of your being-ness. Love! <3
Light Language for Purging Negative Energies from Your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Energetic Bodies
Negative Energies. They can manifest in your reality as thoughts, thought forms, beliefs, blockages, emotions, entities, toxins, and even diseases. You can clear these energies in a variety of ways, and light language is one of them. In my opinion, light languages are an extremely powerful tool for purging anything and everything that’s of a lower vibration. You have several bodies, and each of them hold on to these negative energies in different, unique ways. This 6-minute light language I channeled is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for disrupting, dislodging, and purging all lower-vibrational, or what we commonly refer to as negative energies from all of our bodies. A healthy body, healthy mind, peaceful emotions, and a powerful force of an energy field are what you can expect from letting this language of light do what it does so naturally. It’s effortless. All you have to do is listen and let the power of this channeled light language wash over you.Love <3
Light Language for Releasing Blocked Emotions & Stuck Energy
Emotions. They’re so important. But we’ve been programmed away from valuing them and even feeling them. What happens when our powerful emotions are blocked? We get sick. We explode at our loved ones. We prevent positive emotions that we actually want to feel from being felt. That’s why I created this 6-minute light language. When I channeled this light language, I infused it with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to release those blocked emotions and the stuck energy that goes along with not letting that emotional energy flow through us. Light languages are one of the most effective healing modalities that we have on Earth, as they work on our subconscious minds, cells, and energy fields. This light language will likely have you running a lot of energy through your body, so make sure to drink lots of water before and after listening to it, and get ready to feel again. Joy! <3
Tones, Overtones, Crystal Bowl Sounds & Reiki Energy for Releasing All Lower Vibrational Emotions & Energies
Lower vibrational emotions and energies. We never really want to encounter them, never really feel up to feeling them. That’s why I created this 10 minute recording that you can listen to at any time. The use of sound for healing has been around for thousands of years, and we who are on the leading edge are just starting to re-discover this potent healing modality. I channeled the tones and overtones while playing a crystal bowl and sending out reiki energy from my heart so that you would feel the support you have in releasing that which is of a lower vibration and no longer serves you. This 10-minute sound healing will release energies from your energy field, chakras, and cells so that you can live the fullest life possible. Once you listen to this recording, you’ll also want to fill your body up with high-vibrational energy. So I recommend breathing right into your heart center after you finish listening to this one. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Feelings of Abandonment & Loss And Fear of Rejection
Abandonment. Loss. Rejection. We’ve all experienced crippling life circumstances that have led to us feeling like someone has left us behind, and we’ve also felt the emptiness inside when in those moments of despair. How can we heal from something like being left behind by the person we felt was the love of our lives? How can we get past the death of a loved one? And how do we get over the fear that we will be rejected and that it will happen again and again? Sound. Vibration. Energy. These are the healing tools of the 21st Century, of the era The Arcturian Council has just labeled “The Age of Vibration.” I channeled tones and overtones for 10 minutes, as I played one of my crystal bowls, infusing my playing and my toning with the intention, energy, vibration, and compassion to release those feelings of abandonment, loss, and the fear of rejection from the listener’s chakras, body, energy field, and mind. When you listen to this one, you might get emotional, but just realize that as you feel those emotions, you’re releasing them. Love! <3
Breathing Exercise to Release Lack of Self-Worth & Activate Self-Love ∞Yeshua
Lack of self-worth. We all feel it to some extent. It’s what makes us feel small, limited, and keeps us from knowing our true selves, our higher selves. Self-love can also be so elusive, often conditional, and hard to access when the heart is surrounded by those unwanted thoughts, beliefs, and negative emotions that come with the vibration of lack of self-worth. That’s why I channeled Yeshua to guide us through this beautiful, powerful breathing exercise.Once we feel self-love, the world opens up for us, giving us access to love from others and the ability to create our reality. Joy! <3
Yeshua leads us through this 14-minute breathing exercise to release our feelings of lack of self-worth and activate that innate feeling self-love. The 12-dimensional ascended master does so by guiding us through a series of inhales and exhales, getting us to feel what we need to release first…and then activating that eternal and infinite self-love we have in our hearts. Yeshua’s powerful transmission of energy can be felt throughout the breathing exercise. He knows exactly how to guide us through the breaths, and you will feel better after following along. Love! <3
Light Language for Healing Your Shadow Self
The shadow self. We don’t like talking about it. We certainly don’t like admitting we have one, even to ourselves. But it’s there, representing all aspects of self that we don’t feel comfortable with. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. This light language is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to offer love, healing energy, compassion, and forgiveness to that shadow self that occupies our inner realm. Often these shadow selves are comprised of fragmented pieces of our souls, created during times of inner turmoil, guilt, and regrettable actions. The shadow self has been formed over all lifetimes and wants and needs our attention to be integrated into the whole of who we are. This light language transmission will do just that for you, allowing you to live more fully and joyously. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing Anxiety & Depression
When I created this sound healing, I played one of my crystal bowls and channeled tones and overtones. I infused tones, overtones and crystal bowl playing with the intention to alleviate all forms of anxiety and depression. Those intentions, along with the vibration of the sounds, work on your energy field, chakras, and overall vibration to elevate your mood and put you into a frequency that is incompatible with those worrisome thoughts and negative emotions that accompany anxiety and depression. This is a sound healing that will have immediate and lasting effects on your vibration. Once you are free from all of that anxiety and depression that’s been holding you back, you’ll be able to live a fuller and happier life.Joy! <3
Meditation for Clearing, Releasing & Processing Fear ∞Yeshua
Fear. It can be so, so crippling. I’ve felt it myself, more than any other negative emotion in this lifetime, and I’ve seen it affect those around me throughout the course of this lifetime. That’s why I created this guided meditation with the help of Yeshua (also know as Jesus Christ). Yeshua guides us through a process of releasing that fear within us, and he also helps us to gain access to the Love that we want to replace that fear with. This 15-minute meditation is set to beautiful new age music that will also help you to access the state of being you need to be in so that you can let go of this heavy negative emotion that no longer serves you. Release your fear and step into Love <3
Meditation for Healing Your Inner Child ∞Archangel Michael
This guided meditation on healing your inner child is about 15 and a half minutes and comes to us from the beautiful angelic collective known as Archangel Michael. In this meditation, Michael guides us through the process of accessing the moment of our inner child’s loss of innocence, and then the Archangel brings us to a place where we (the adult version of ourselves) are the ones actually healing that inner child. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music that will help soothe you into the healing process. I knew Archangel Michael was the perfect being/collective to channel forth this meditation, and the soothing, nurturing, loving presence of Michael can be felt viscerally as you listen and follow along with the visualizations and processes.
Meditation for Releasing Stress & Anxiety ∞Archangel Michael
Feeling Stressed? Use this guided meditation from Archangel Michael for releasing stress and anxiety. It seems like stress is unavoidable in our fast-paced, modern, technologically-advanced world. However, anxiety is quite avoidable. Not at first, of course. At first, we are going to feel anxious from time to time because it’s part of the human experience. It’s part of being here on Earth now to feel all the emotions in the vibrational spectrum. But once we awaken, we can begin to let go more consciously of the emotions we don’t want to feel anymore and replace them with the vibrations we want to offer. After all, offering a vibration is what it takes to create our reality.
Releasing Anxiety. That’s what this meditation with Archangel Michael is all about. Michael guides us through a process of accessing that anxiety, releasing it, replacing it with a peaceful and calm feeling, and the Archangel puts that feeling to the test. You’ll see if the anxiety comes back or if you have more processing to do. Michael is very gentle and surrounds you with their warm, heartfelt healing energy throughout the entire 15-minute guided meditation.
Meditation for Releasing All Blockages ∞Archangel Michael
Use this Meditation for Releasing All Blockages by Archangel Michael. Blockages. We all know we have them. We have put them there to protect ourselves, sometimes because of traumatic events in our past and sometimes because of unquestioned familial or societal beliefs. Perhaps you’re blocking abundance from flowing to you, or you’re blocking your gifts from coming online. Maybe you’re blocking your soulmate from appearing in your life experience. That’s why I channeled Archangel Michael for this meditation.
Archangel Michael leads us through a simple process to release all the blockages in our chakras, energetic body, emotional body, physical body, and mental body. He encourages us to use our breath combined with our intention to clear the blockages keeping us from receiving higher frequency downloads. Archangel Michael uses his soothingtone to take us through a step-by-step process of clearing ourselves of what is unwanted and filling ourselves with the light of source.
This meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and it runs for over 16 minutes in length. Do this meditation whenever you feel blocked in any area of life, and you will feel the blockages melting away. Joy! <3
Breathing Exercise for Clearing Your Energy Field of Negative Energies, Entities, Thought Forms, Beliefs & Emotions ∞Archangel Michael
Use this Breathing Exercise for Clearing Your Energy Field of Negative Energies, Entities, Thought Forms, Beliefs & Emotions. Our energy fields. They’re a lot like sponges, picking up thought forms, beliefs, entities, emotions, and other energies as we move through our day. That’s why I called upon Archangel Michael to give us this breathing exercise. Let Archangel Michael take you through a series of heart-cleansing breaths and then fill your physical and energetic body with the energy of source. This process not only clears your energy field, but turns you into a beacon of positive energy.
Michael is known as the archangel of protection, and Michael came through with a powerful exercise in this recording. It’s just over 10 minutes in length, and it is so simple that you can easily do it every day – in fact, Michael suggests that we do so to prevent energies from coming in and to clear them at the end of each day. As the world gets more and more complex, and with so many energies coming at us from TVs, phones, computers, radios, and satellites, (not to mention all the devices we can’t even see or don’t even know about), this recording is especially relevant in the digital age.Clear! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing Fear and Anxiety and Activating Self-Confidence
Use this sound healing for releasing fear and anxiety and activating self-assurance. Fear & Anxiety can be crippling. Some of us who have felt these emotions for most of our lives can attest to the fact that sometimes it feels like there’s a bottomless pit of fear and anxiety inside of us. Processing these emotions is the key to moving past them and stepping into higher frequency vibrations like self-confidence. That is why I created this recording.
This sound healing is infused with the intention to release those emotions from inside of us, while also activating the vibration of self-confidence. My channeledtones and overtones, along with the hypnoticsounds from the crystal bowl I played, will assist you in moving beyond crippling anxiety and abject fear.
Sound Healing for Releasing Emotional & Physical Trauma from this Lifetime & All Past Lives
Clearing emotional and physical trauma from this lifetime and all past lives is a tall, tall order, and it’s the one we took on when we incarnated during this time of ascension. So anything we can do to help that journey move forward is well worth the effort. That’s why I channeled the tones and overtones for this sound healing. I also infused the intention of releasing those traumas in my playing of one of my crystal bowls.
Together, the sounds of my toning combined with the ringing of my crystal bowl will powerfully move you forward on your voyage of releasing all the traumas from all of your past lives…and the traumas you’ve endured in this one as well. We all have trauma to release. It is a pre-requisite for our ascension. Now is the time to go within and releaseeverything that needs to be healed from this and all our previousincarnations.
Light Language for Aligning Your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Energetic Bodies
When you think about your body, you probably think about just one…the physical body. But you also have an emotional body, a mental body, and of course, an energetic body. Having all four of these bodies in alignment is a great feeling. But how often do we take the time to even check in on our different bodies to see if they’re all on the same wavelength? Not often enough. That’s why I channeled this light language. This light language transmission is infused with the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to bring your four bodies into alignment. And having those four bodies in alignment will put you in the best possible position to create the reality you desire. Do this one whenever you’re feeling a bit off…but don’t know why. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Clearing & Upgrading Your Energy Field
Our energy fields. Some of us are more aware of them than others. But we would all benefit from being more aware of them and tending to them like we do our physical bodies. Our energy fields not only pick up the energies from the higher realms, but they also absorb the energies of our fellow humans, their thoughts, beliefs, and even their emotions. They can also have entity attachments, holes, and store traumas from past lives. This is why I created this sound healing. I used one of my crystal bowls and channeled tones and overtones infused with the intention of clearing and upgrading our energy fields. The clearing aspect removes all that is unwanted from our fields and the upgrade aspect makes our fields more compatible with the incoming higher frequency energies.Blessings <3
Sound Healing for Clearing, Healing, Opening, Activating & Upgrading Your Emotional Body
Our emotions. Sometimes they feel good, and other times…not so much. And we don’t often consider the fact that we have an emotional body that’s like a filter for all emotions to move through. And like any filter, the emotional body sometimes needs a good cleansing and healing. Also, we’re evolving, and all of our bodies are evolving with us, including our emotional one. I created this sound healing with one of my crystal bowls and the tones and sounds I channel so that you can experience the cleansing, healing, opening, activating, and upgrading to your emotional body that you need and deserve. I feel so clear after creating this, and you will after listening to it. I recommend listening to this one whenever you have some emotional processing to do. Love! <3
Light Language for Assisting You in Processing Your Negative Emotions
Negative emotions. For most of our lives, we’ve been told to suppress them for a variety of reasons, including that they make others uncomfortable. In this lifetime, we are here to break that cycle and actually feel those unwelcome negative emotions, such as: fear, anxiety, sadness, anger, frustration, and despair. But it’s hard and very unpleasant. That’s why I created this light language transmission. I infused it with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to make the process of feeling those negative emotions a lot smoother, faster, and easier. You can listen to this one before you sit to process your negative emotions, and/or you can listen while in the midst of processing those negative emotions. Either way, you will feel the difference. Relief! <3
Light Language For Releasing Anger & Resentment And Embracing Forgiveness
In this transmission of just under six minutes, I channeled a light language that will release anger and resentment from your field, your chakras, and even on a cellular level and open you up to embracing forgiveness. All you need to do is sit back, relax, and let the energy, sounds, and galactic light codes work on you. If you feel like you need a booster shot, so to speak, you can always go back to this one and do it as needed. We usually release lower frequency emotions like anger and resentment over time, layer by layer. And life is always triggering us with something new! So this one is a good one to have ready to go whenever you need it. Love! <3
Light Language for Alleviating Depression
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 48 seconds, I channeled a light language that will work on your energy field and emotional body to release the depression you’re holding within you and around you. This light language transmission can be used whenever you feel you need a boost energetically, whenever you’re feeling down, and certainly when you’ve reached the point of feeling despair – like you cannot continue on in this lifetime. You can ween yourself off of anti-depressants (and other meds) and once again feel like you want to be a part of life again. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Daily Clearing & Maintenance of Your Energy Field
In this transmission of just over 6 minutes in length, I channeleda light language that is encoded with the intention, tones, and galactic light codes to perform a daily clearing and maintenance of your energy field. Every day we pick up lower frequency thought forms, energies, emotions, and even entities in our fields. Do this one at the end of the day, just before you fall asleep, and feel everything that you picked up that’s of a lower vibration melting away. It’s like brushing your teeth, except that it’s your energy field you’re brushing 🙂. Love! <3
For Empaths: How to Release Other People’s Energy & Emotions ∞Yeshua
This download from Yeshua is 11 minutes and 11 seconds in length. Yeshua provides detailed information on why awakened individuals are so sensitive to other people’s energy, what to do about it, and how to return our focus to what WE are feeling in the moment. The process given in this download is an effective strategy for all of us who feel overwhelmed by the energy and emotions of other people. You will definitely benefit, as an awakened person and an empath, from receiving Yeshua’s perspective and processes. Enjoy <3
Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Body Alignment ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through a process of aligning our physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies. This is a good process to do before getting out of bed in the morning, as being in alignment at the start of our day will help to ensure that we stay in alignment. Yeshua’s guidance through this process is loving and nurturing, as only Yeshua can be. Aligning these bodies is a big part of the ascension experience, as important as integrating our past life selves. Enjoy! <3
Emotional Body Healing & Upgrade ∞Yeshua
In this download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds, Yeshua helps us to tune in to our emotional bodies, offers us a healing, and then facilitates an upgrade. This transmission is designed to fill in the gaps and holes in our emotional bodies, release the blockages and numbness, and after receiving it, you’ll be able to feel the energies of the fifth dimension. Yeshua works with our Oversouls to bring this powerful healing and upgrade through, and he also encourages us to celebrate our progress and readiness for this transmission. Enjoy! <3
Negative Entity Removal from Your Energy Field & Physical Body ∞The PHCo7
The negative entities that attach to us when we are at our lowest points in life often stick around, even after the drama and trauma is over. They feed off of the energy of the emotions and pain we experience.Removing them is easier than you might think! The Pleiadians demonstrate that in this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds. They’ll walk you through the process and you’ll get your sovereign space back! Enjoy <3
How to Clear Negative Emotions ∞Archangel Michael
In a download of just over 11 minutes, Archangel Michael delivers a monologue on what we call “negative emotion” and takes us through an exercise designed to neutralize and integrate that energy. This is a powerful process and one I wish I had about 10 years ago! Enjoy 🙂
Overtones for Clearing Negative Emotions ∞The Hathors & The Creators
Have you ever woken up from a good (or bad) night’s sleep and just felt yucky? Sometimes we’re processing negative emotions for the collective, past life selves, or even this lifetime’s self, but we have no idea where the emotions are coming from. Other times, it’s all too clear where they’re coming from. Either way, tones and overtones are a great way to clear them out of our fields. In this 10.5 minute download, The Hathors and The Creators collaborated to deliver us these overtones infused with that intention. When you listen, intend that these overtones will do just that for you and either tone along or just listen in. Toning is always transformative for me. Enjoy! <3
Energy Field Clearing & 5D Upgrade ∞Archangel Michael
In this download of over 12 minutes, Archangel Michael offers a clearing of the energy, trauma, emotions, and attachments from our energetic field (also known as the auric field). After assisting us in clearing out the old, Michael offers a frequency upgrade for our fields so that we can receive the downloads we already have waiting for us. This upgrade will also help us hold more of that Fifth-Dimensional Love and Light in our fields. Enjoy <3
Light Language for Healing & Clearing Your Emotional Body
In this transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes, I channel a light language that will heal and clear your emotional body. Our emotional bodies are filled with lower frequencies that we pick up from others, including our own past life selves. When you experience this light language transmission, you will allow the healing you’ve been asking for to occur, leaving your emotional body clear and open for receiving the higher frequency energies that are now upon us. Love! <3
For Starseeds: Sound Healing for Releasing Your Sadness, Loneliness & Feelings of Isolation
Starseeds. Most of us who are awake know that we are in factstarseeds, and once we know that we’ve had lifetimes in other parts of the galaxy, and in higher-dimensional planes of existence, we all will at one time or another most certainly feel that desire to go home, returning to a life that was better and easier than the trials and tribulations of life on planet Earth. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing with one of my crystal bowls. In addition to infusing the intention into the playing of my crystal bowl for the sounds created to release that sadness, loneliness and those feelings of isolation in the listener, I also channeled tones and overtones that are infused with the vibration, energy we starseeds need in order to alleviate those symptoms of being so far from the worlds, moons, stars, and other celestial bodies in our home star systems.
Releasing Depression & Activating Joy ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
In this download of just over 11 minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven takes us through a process for releasing depression and activating the joy that is always within us. After doing this process, you will feel lighter, happier, and more integrated. Do this one whenever you feel even a little down, and you will avoid falling into a deeper depressive state. Or if you know you have sadness inside of you, even if it’s not active, this process will help. Enjoy! <3
Pleiadian Light Language for Completing Your Shadow Work ∞PHCo7
Shadow work. Some of us have spent our entire adult lives doing it. It’s the clearing, the releasing, the resolving of past life karma and trauma, the coming to terms with our anger, rage, and other emotions we are uncomfortable feeling. I have heard from many clients who feel that their shadow work is like a bottomless pit, and that’s why I’ve created this 6-minute light language from the Pleiadian High Council of 7. Before I channeled this one, I called in the Pleiadians I work with so that they would include their energetic signature in the light language, and I could feel their healing presence as I brought the light language through. As a result, this light language contains the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to help you complete your shadow work with very little effort and with the comforting, nurturing Pleiadian energy to surround you during the time spent releasing all the shadow elements of your being-ness. Joy! <3
Energetic & Physical Implant Removal ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council takes us through a process of declaring ourselves as sovereign beings. And as sovereign beings, we can choose whether we want to release the energetic and physical implants that we agreed to receive (prior to incarnating) from our ET counterparts. The Arcturians give us a shower of high frequency energy to make our energetic fields and bodies incompatible with these devices. Enjoy your way to being implant free! <3
Light Language for a Full Energy Reset
A full energy reset. What does that mean? Well, everything is comprised of energy. Our bodies are energy. Our emotions are energy. Our thoughts are also energy. Our chakras are our energy centers. Energy field? You better believe that’s comprised of energy. So a full energy reset is a clearing and cleansing of all that is no longer serving us in those energetic bodies, beings, and centers. Any negative thoughts, beliefs, attachments, emotions, traumas, and so on will all be cleansed, released, and cleared by this full energy reset. How is that possible, you might wonder. A light language is a powerful energetic transmission. It’s not words in a galactic language that we’re supposed to interpret into our own. Each light language is an upgrade, cleansing, clearing and activation of what is intended for the light language. Love <3
Before I channeled this 6-minute language of light, I set the intention that it would be a light language for a full energy reset, and as such, it contains the vibration, intention, energies, and galactic light codes to give you that full energy reset you want and need. Listen to this one whenever you feel you need an energy boost, an energetic cleanse, or you just feel weighed down by everything you have picked up along your path…or throughout the day you’re living in. This one can be used over and over again, and each time you’ll feel the difference in your body, mind, emotions, thoughts, and overall outlook on life. Joy!
Sound Healing for Removing Other People’s Energies from Your Energy Field
You are awake. And as an awakened soul, you’re sensitive, empathic, and it’s easy for you to pick up on whatever is in the energetic fields of others around you and the human collective at large. Then there are those individuals who are intentionally projecting their thoughts, beliefs, and judgments onto you, either hoping to convert you to their belief system, or trying to influence you into doing something that you don’t necessarily want to do. There are countless ways in which we get caught up in the not-so-positive (and sometimes downright negative) offerings of other people, and whether their intentions are positive or not, their energies can linger in your field because of that built-in sensitivity you were born with. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing with one of my crystal bowls and the tones and overtones that I channel with my voice.
How to Love Unconditionally ∞Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael delivers a 12-minute download on Unconditional Love and how to be it. Being the Unconditional Love that you are will change your life, your relationships, and especially how you interact with the world. This is a powerful message and process. I am always so blown away by Michael’s energetic transmission, and I know you will be as well. <3
Light Language for Releasing Social Anxiety
I channeled a 60 minute light language healing today for a client, and the feedback was very positive. She mentioned how she loved the way that light languages went right past the mind’s ability to conceive of their meaning. That’s exactly what I’ve been saying for years now. These light languages are activations, and they’re meant to take us to the next level of our evolution. If you’ve ever suffered from social anxiety, or if you just feel like you don’t fit in, this language of light will give you the ability to face and release that anxiety before going out into the world to run errands, to work, or to a party. This light language transmission of six minutes in length is filled with the galactic light codes, vibration, and intention to clear that anxiety out of your chakras and energy field so that you can life a fuller life. Joy! <3
Light Language for Releasing Thoughts, Feelings & Beliefs of Not Being Good Enough
The feeling of not being good enough can get started at a very young age. For me, it began with being raised Catholic and always fearing that I was not be good enough to get into Heaven. And then there’s not feeling good enough to receive love, not feeling good enough to receive your full value monetarily. I’m sure there are lots of awakened individuals who are also feeling not good enough to ascend, or to access their spiritual gifts. This feeling of not being good enough is perpetuated by a society that is extremely judgmental. And that’s why I created this light language transmission. I channeled this language of light while holding the intention that it will activate your vibration of feeling that you’re more than enough, just as you are. The light language is also infused with galactic light codes that will elevate your consciousness so that you can allow in all that you have asked for and deserve. Love! <3
Enjoy This Emotional & Energetic Healing Mega Bundle!
Emotional & Energetic Healing ∞Mega Bundle
This Emotional & Energetic Healing Mega Bundle includes 45 of the recordings on the topics of our emotions (positive and negative ones) and our energy fields. Included in the bundle are sound healings, light languages, meditations, processes, breathing exercises & more.
This Emotional & Energetic Healing Mega Bundle includes 45 of the recordings on the topics of our emotions (positive and negative ones) and our energy fields. Included in the bundle are sound healings, light languages, meditations, processes, breathing exercises & more. You can listen to these recordings in any order you want, and you can listen to the ones you really like as often as you like. <3
Sound Healing for Healing from All Physical, Mental & Emotional Abuse
Abuse. It comes in many different forms. We’ve all probably endured abuse of all kinds at one point or another in our lives. Healing from all the Physical, Mental & Emotional Abuse we receive in this lifetime can take decades. I think we could all use a little help healing from these traumatic abusive events, people, and circumstances in our lives. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. Before channeling the tones and overtones, I set the intention that they would carry the vibration to bring you into the healing state. I also played one of my crystal bowls, holding the intention that the sounds created by it would hold that same healing vibration for all forms of abuse a person could endure. When you listen to this sound healing, hold the intention that you release, process, and cleanse yourself of all the trauma from the abuse you’ve suffered. Love <3
Light Language for a Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Detox
Detoxification. We all need it, no matter how healthy we are. There are so many toxins everywhere, and I am not just referring to the physical/environmental ones! Imagine how much mental programming we are exposed to in a single day. And our emotional bodies, especially for empaths, can absorb so much of the toxic energies that others are putting out into the field of energy we all share. Toxic energies are another matter entirely. How much do we not even know about that our energy bodies are absorbing in every single moment of every day? That’s why I created this 6-minute language of light. For this light language, I intended to access and channel the energies, vibration, and galactic light codes that would give us all the detoxification of all of the aforementioned toxins, resulting in a purer experience of all of our bodies – the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic. Joy! <3
Yeshua’s 40-Minute Daily Vibrational Upgrade, Emotional Clearing & Energy Reset
In this 40-minute recording, you’ll find everything you need to give yourself a vibrational upgrade, negative emotional clearing, and a full energy reset. Yeshua’s soothing words and tone of voice will allow you to slip into a higher-vibrational state, just by immersing yourself in his energy. This is a four-part process beginning with a light language healing transmission of energy through the crown chakra, which will result in the releasing of all negative emotions, trauma & lower vibrational thought forms. Next, you’ll be taken through a process for deep breathwork using high-frequency thought forms that Yeshua places in your field. Then you’ll receive 10 minutes of toning, while Yeshua indicates the intentions behind each tone, and you’ll be able to match the tones that Yeshua transmits. Finally, you will be lulled into a peaceful, deep state of bliss through a guided meditation. This is a wonderful way to start your day. Joy! <3
Light Language for Clearing All of Your Childhood Trauma
Childhood trauma. Some of these traumatic events we are very aware of, and others are buried deep in our subconscious. No matter whether we know of the trauma or not, it’s there, and it affects us in the now moment. Childhood trauma affect our relationships, health, finances, thoughts and beliefs and so much more, and all are affected much more than we realize. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. I know that light languages can help activate what we need activated and clear what needs clearing. I channeled this light language while holding the intention that it carry the vibration, energy and galactic light codes that will clear all of the childhood trauma and the energies associated with it from your chakras, energy field and mental and emotional bodies. I could feel the sincerity in the light language and the power it holds. Love <3
Arcturian Light Language for a Full Soul Healing & Cleansing
Our souls. They go through a lot in a singular lifetime – a lot of pain, suffering, trauma, and negative thoughts, actions, words, and emotions. When we die in a physical lifetime, our souls go to the seventh dimension, where they receive a healing and a cleansing to release all that was not serving the soul from the previous lifetime. We are doing so much work in this one lifetime – healing, releasing, forgiving, and integrating – and as such, our souls could use a little help from time to time. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language from The Arcturian Council.
First, I tuned in to the Arcturian Council so that I could bring the light language through the prism of their 9th-dimensional energy. Then I held the intention that the light language include the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes for cleansing and healing us at a soul level. And then I just got out of the way and let the tones, words, and sounds flow through me. The result is a light language that is quite powerful in its intensity, as well as its ability to give your soul a full cleansing and healing experience, much like the one it receives in between lifetimes. Joy! <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Divinity in Your Cells, DNA, Mind, Emotional Body & Energy Field
As an awakened soul, you undoubtedly know that you ARE Source Energy. Source Energy is within you, It’s all around you, and It’s in everyone and everything. Truly, all is Source. But how much are you being programmed to think and feel otherwise? Need a reminder every now and again of these eternal truths? I know I do! That’s why I spent 10-minutes playing one of my crystal bowls and channeling the tones and overtones for this downloadable mp3 recording. The energy, intention, and vibration infused into the sounds created are for activating the Divinity in your cells, DNA, mind, emotional body, and energy field so that you have those reminders built into your body, mind, emotions, and field.
We need to be reminded of this ultimate truth, because so much of life is about making us feel small and disempowered…but always with the opportunity to rise up and know ourselves as our true selves – Source Energy Beings! The way that sound healings work is, they send a vibration to every ounce of your being-ness so that the vibration and the intention contained in the vibration overtakes any and all programming that we’ve received throughout the day…and throughout our entire lives. This mp3 download will also work on the subconscious mind and past life selves to remind all of them of who we really are – Source! Love <3
Pleiadian Sound Healing for Healing Your Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Bodies
Pleiadians are known throughout the galaxy as the master healers that they truly are. I’ve been channeling The Pleiadian High Council of 7 since 2016, and very recently, I made contact with a Pleiadian named Sylus while channeling a light language. I channeled both Sylus and The Pleiadian High Council of 7 as I brought this sound healing through me. I played one of my brand new crystal bowls (thanks, wifey!) while channeling tones and overtones, and I held the intention for the sound healing to heal you on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic planes of your existence.
The result is this 10-minute recording of that channeled healing session from the Pleiadians, and I know that it will be an effective tool in helping you with whatever life challenges you’ve been struggling with at this time. How do I know that? Sound is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal as healers on Earth, and I’ve known that for quite some time. I’ve benefited from sound healings, performed sound healings, and I love feeling the power of tones and sounds moving through me. Listen to this downloadable file, and heal yourself on all levels of your being-ness. Love! <3
Light Language for Purging Negative Energies from Your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Energetic Bodies
Negative Energies. They can manifest in your reality as thoughts, thought forms, beliefs, blockages, emotions, entities, toxins, and even diseases. You can clear these energies in a variety of ways, and light language is one of them. In my opinion, light languages are an extremely powerful tool for purging anything and everything that’s of a lower vibration. You have several bodies, and each of them hold on to these negative energies in different, unique ways. This 6-minute light language I channeled is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for disrupting, dislodging, and purging all lower-vibrational, or what we commonly refer to as negative energies from all of our bodies. A healthy body, healthy mind, peaceful emotions, and a powerful force of an energy field are what you can expect from letting this language of light do what it does so naturally. It’s effortless. All you have to do is listen and let the power of this channeled light language wash over you. Love <3
Light Language for Releasing Blocked Emotions & Stuck Energy
Emotions. They’re so important. But we’ve been programmed away from valuing them and even feeling them. What happens when our powerful emotions are blocked? We get sick. We explode at our loved ones. We prevent positive emotions that we actually want to feel from being felt. That’s why I created this 6-minute light language. When I channeled this light language, I infused it with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to release those blocked emotions and the stuck energy that goes along with not letting that emotional energy flow through us. Light languages are one of the most effective healing modalities that we have on Earth, as they work on our subconscious minds, cells, and energy fields. This light language will likely have you running a lot of energy through your body, so make sure to drink lots of water before and after listening to it, and get ready to feel again. Joy! <3
Tones, Overtones, Crystal Bowl Sounds & Reiki Energy for Releasing All Lower Vibrational Emotions & Energies
Lower vibrational emotions and energies. We never really want to encounter them, never really feel up to feeling them. That’s why I created this 10 minute recording that you can listen to at any time. The use of sound for healing has been around for thousands of years, and we who are on the leading edge are just starting to re-discover this potent healing modality. I channeled the tones and overtones while playing a crystal bowl and sending out reiki energy from my heart so that you would feel the support you have in releasing that which is of a lower vibration and no longer serves you. This 10-minute sound healing will release energies from your energy field, chakras, and cells so that you can live the fullest life possible. Once you listen to this recording, you’ll also want to fill your body up with high-vibrational energy. So I recommend breathing right into your heart center after you finish listening to this one. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Feelings of Abandonment & Loss And Fear of Rejection
Abandonment. Loss. Rejection. We’ve all experienced crippling life circumstances that have led to us feeling like someone has left us behind, and we’ve also felt the emptiness inside when in those moments of despair. How can we heal from something like being left behind by the person we felt was the love of our lives? How can we get past the death of a loved one? And how do we get over the fear that we will be rejected and that it will happen again and again? Sound. Vibration. Energy. These are the healing tools of the 21st Century, of the era The Arcturian Council has just labeled “The Age of Vibration.” I channeled tones and overtones for 10 minutes, as I played one of my crystal bowls, infusing my playing and my toning with the intention, energy, vibration, and compassion to release those feelings of abandonment, loss, and the fear of rejection from the listener’s chakras, body, energy field, and mind. When you listen to this one, you might get emotional, but just realize that as you feel those emotions, you’re releasing them. Love! <3
Breathing Exercise to Release Lack of Self-Worth & Activate Self-Love ∞Yeshua
Lack of self-worth. We all feel it to some extent. It’s what makes us feel small, limited, and keeps us from knowing our true selves, our higher selves. Self-love can also be so elusive, often conditional, and hard to access when the heart is surrounded by those unwanted thoughts, beliefs, and negative emotions that come with the vibration of lack of self-worth. That’s why I channeled Yeshua to guide us through this beautiful, powerful breathing exercise. Once we feel self-love, the world opens up for us, giving us access to love from others and the ability to create our reality. Joy! <3
Yeshua leads us through this 14-minute breathing exercise to release our feelings of lack of self-worth and activate that innate feeling self-love. The 12-dimensional ascended master does so by guiding us through a series of inhales and exhales, getting us to feel what we need to release first…and then activating that eternal and infinite self-love we have in our hearts. Yeshua’s powerful transmission of energy can be felt throughout the breathing exercise. He knows exactly how to guide us through the breaths, and you will feel better after following along. Love! <3
Light Language for Healing Your Shadow Self
The shadow self. We don’t like talking about it. We certainly don’t like admitting we have one, even to ourselves. But it’s there, representing all aspects of self that we don’t feel comfortable with. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. This light language is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to offer love, healing energy, compassion, and forgiveness to that shadow self that occupies our inner realm. Often these shadow selves are comprised of fragmented pieces of our souls, created during times of inner turmoil, guilt, and regrettable actions. The shadow self has been formed over all lifetimes and wants and needs our attention to be integrated into the whole of who we are. This light language transmission will do just that for you, allowing you to live more fully and joyously. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing Anxiety & Depression
When I created this sound healing, I played one of my crystal bowls and channeled tones and overtones. I infused tones, overtones and crystal bowl playing with the intention to alleviate all forms of anxiety and depression. Those intentions, along with the vibration of the sounds, work on your energy field, chakras, and overall vibration to elevate your mood and put you into a frequency that is incompatible with those worrisome thoughts and negative emotions that accompany anxiety and depression. This is a sound healing that will have immediate and lasting effects on your vibration. Once you are free from all of that anxiety and depression that’s been holding you back, you’ll be able to live a fuller and happier life. Joy! <3
Meditation for Clearing, Releasing & Processing Fear ∞Yeshua
Fear. It can be so, so crippling. I’ve felt it myself, more than any other negative emotion in this lifetime, and I’ve seen it affect those around me throughout the course of this lifetime. That’s why I created this guided meditation with the help of Yeshua (also know as Jesus Christ). Yeshua guides us through a process of releasing that fear within us, and he also helps us to gain access to the Love that we want to replace that fear with. This 15-minute meditation is set to beautiful new age music that will also help you to access the state of being you need to be in so that you can let go of this heavy negative emotion that no longer serves you. Release your fear and step into Love <3
Meditation for Healing Your Inner Child ∞Archangel Michael
This guided meditation on healing your inner child is about 15 and a half minutes and comes to us from the beautiful angelic collective known as Archangel Michael. In this meditation, Michael guides us through the process of accessing the moment of our inner child’s loss of innocence, and then the Archangel brings us to a place where we (the adult version of ourselves) are the ones actually healing that inner child. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music that will help soothe you into the healing process. I knew Archangel Michael was the perfect being/collective to channel forth this meditation, and the soothing, nurturing, loving presence of Michael can be felt viscerally as you listen and follow along with the visualizations and processes.
Meditation for Releasing Stress & Anxiety ∞Archangel Michael
Feeling Stressed? Use this guided meditation from Archangel Michael for releasing stress and anxiety. It seems like stress is unavoidable in our fast-paced, modern, technologically-advanced world. However, anxiety is quite avoidable. Not at first, of course. At first, we are going to feel anxious from time to time because it’s part of the human experience. It’s part of being here on Earth now to feel all the emotions in the vibrational spectrum. But once we awaken, we can begin to let go more consciously of the emotions we don’t want to feel anymore and replace them with the vibrations we want to offer. After all, offering a vibration is what it takes to create our reality.
Releasing Anxiety. That’s what this meditation with Archangel Michael is all about. Michael guides us through a process of accessing that anxiety, releasing it, replacing it with a peaceful and calm feeling, and the Archangel puts that feeling to the test. You’ll see if the anxiety comes back or if you have more processing to do. Michael is very gentle and surrounds you with their warm, heartfelt healing energy throughout the entire 15-minute guided meditation.
Meditation for Releasing All Blockages ∞Archangel Michael
Use this Meditation for Releasing All Blockages by Archangel Michael. Blockages. We all know we have them. We have put them there to protect ourselves, sometimes because of traumatic events in our past and sometimes because of unquestioned familial or societal beliefs. Perhaps you’re blocking abundance from flowing to you, or you’re blocking your gifts from coming online. Maybe you’re blocking your soulmate from appearing in your life experience. That’s why I channeled Archangel Michael for this meditation.
Archangel Michael leads us through a simple process to release all the blockages in our chakras, energetic body, emotional body, physical body, and mental body. He encourages us to use our breath combined with our intention to clear the blockages keeping us from receiving higher frequency downloads. Archangel Michael uses his soothing tone to take us through a step-by-step process of clearing ourselves of what is unwanted and filling ourselves with the light of source.
This meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and it runs for over 16 minutes in length. Do this meditation whenever you feel blocked in any area of life, and you will feel the blockages melting away. Joy! <3
Breathing Exercise for Clearing Your Energy Field of Negative Energies, Entities, Thought Forms, Beliefs & Emotions ∞Archangel Michael
Use this Breathing Exercise for Clearing Your Energy Field of Negative Energies, Entities, Thought Forms, Beliefs & Emotions. Our energy fields. They’re a lot like sponges, picking up thought forms, beliefs, entities, emotions, and other energies as we move through our day. That’s why I called upon Archangel Michael to give us this breathing exercise. Let Archangel Michael take you through a series of heart-cleansing breaths and then fill your physical and energetic body with the energy of source. This process not only clears your energy field, but turns you into a beacon of positive energy.
Michael is known as the archangel of protection, and Michael came through with a powerful exercise in this recording. It’s just over 10 minutes in length, and it is so simple that you can easily do it every day – in fact, Michael suggests that we do so to prevent energies from coming in and to clear them at the end of each day. As the world gets more and more complex, and with so many energies coming at us from TVs, phones, computers, radios, and satellites, (not to mention all the devices we can’t even see or don’t even know about), this recording is especially relevant in the digital age. Clear! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing Fear and Anxiety and Activating Self-Confidence
Use this sound healing for releasing fear and anxiety and activating self-assurance. Fear & Anxiety can be crippling. Some of us who have felt these emotions for most of our lives can attest to the fact that sometimes it feels like there’s a bottomless pit of fear and anxiety inside of us. Processing these emotions is the key to moving past them and stepping into higher frequency vibrations like self-confidence. That is why I created this recording.
This sound healing is infused with the intention to release those emotions from inside of us, while also activating the vibration of self-confidence. My channeled tones and overtones, along with the hypnotic sounds from the crystal bowl I played, will assist you in moving beyond crippling anxiety and abject fear.
Sound Healing for Releasing Emotional & Physical Trauma from this Lifetime & All Past Lives
Clearing emotional and physical trauma from this lifetime and all past lives is a tall, tall order, and it’s the one we took on when we incarnated during this time of ascension. So anything we can do to help that journey move forward is well worth the effort. That’s why I channeled the tones and overtones for this sound healing. I also infused the intention of releasing those traumas in my playing of one of my crystal bowls.
Together, the sounds of my toning combined with the ringing of my crystal bowl will powerfully move you forward on your voyage of releasing all the traumas from all of your past lives…and the traumas you’ve endured in this one as well. We all have trauma to release. It is a pre-requisite for our ascension. Now is the time to go within and release everything that needs to be healed from this and all our previous incarnations.
Light Language for Aligning Your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Energetic Bodies
When you think about your body, you probably think about just one…the physical body. But you also have an emotional body, a mental body, and of course, an energetic body. Having all four of these bodies in alignment is a great feeling. But how often do we take the time to even check in on our different bodies to see if they’re all on the same wavelength? Not often enough. That’s why I channeled this light language. This light language transmission is infused with the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to bring your four bodies into alignment. And having those four bodies in alignment will put you in the best possible position to create the reality you desire. Do this one whenever you’re feeling a bit off…but don’t know why. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Clearing & Upgrading Your Energy Field
Our energy fields. Some of us are more aware of them than others. But we would all benefit from being more aware of them and tending to them like we do our physical bodies. Our energy fields not only pick up the energies from the higher realms, but they also absorb the energies of our fellow humans, their thoughts, beliefs, and even their emotions. They can also have entity attachments, holes, and store traumas from past lives. This is why I created this sound healing. I used one of my crystal bowls and channeled tones and overtones infused with the intention of clearing and upgrading our energy fields. The clearing aspect removes all that is unwanted from our fields and the upgrade aspect makes our fields more compatible with the incoming higher frequency energies. Blessings <3
Sound Healing for Clearing, Healing, Opening, Activating & Upgrading Your Emotional Body
Our emotions. Sometimes they feel good, and other times…not so much. And we don’t often consider the fact that we have an emotional body that’s like a filter for all emotions to move through. And like any filter, the emotional body sometimes needs a good cleansing and healing. Also, we’re evolving, and all of our bodies are evolving with us, including our emotional one. I created this sound healing with one of my crystal bowls and the tones and sounds I channel so that you can experience the cleansing, healing, opening, activating, and upgrading to your emotional body that you need and deserve. I feel so clear after creating this, and you will after listening to it. I recommend listening to this one whenever you have some emotional processing to do. Love! <3
Light Language for Assisting You in Processing Your Negative Emotions
Negative emotions. For most of our lives, we’ve been told to suppress them for a variety of reasons, including that they make others uncomfortable. In this lifetime, we are here to break that cycle and actually feel those unwelcome negative emotions, such as: fear, anxiety, sadness, anger, frustration, and despair. But it’s hard and very unpleasant. That’s why I created this light language transmission. I infused it with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to make the process of feeling those negative emotions a lot smoother, faster, and easier. You can listen to this one before you sit to process your negative emotions, and/or you can listen while in the midst of processing those negative emotions. Either way, you will feel the difference. Relief! <3
Light Language For Releasing Anger & Resentment And Embracing Forgiveness
In this transmission of just under six minutes, I channeled a light language that will release anger and resentment from your field, your chakras, and even on a cellular level and open you up to embracing forgiveness. All you need to do is sit back, relax, and let the energy, sounds, and galactic light codes work on you. If you feel like you need a booster shot, so to speak, you can always go back to this one and do it as needed. We usually release lower frequency emotions like anger and resentment over time, layer by layer. And life is always triggering us with something new! So this one is a good one to have ready to go whenever you need it. Love! <3
Light Language for Alleviating Depression
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 48 seconds, I channeled a light language that will work on your energy field and emotional body to release the depression you’re holding within you and around you. This light language transmission can be used whenever you feel you need a boost energetically, whenever you’re feeling down, and certainly when you’ve reached the point of feeling despair – like you cannot continue on in this lifetime. You can ween yourself off of anti-depressants (and other meds) and once again feel like you want to be a part of life again. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Daily Clearing & Maintenance of Your Energy Field
In this transmission of just over 6 minutes in length, I channeled a light language that is encoded with the intention, tones, and galactic light codes to perform a daily clearing and maintenance of your energy field. Every day we pick up lower frequency thought forms, energies, emotions, and even entities in our fields. Do this one at the end of the day, just before you fall asleep, and feel everything that you picked up that’s of a lower vibration melting away. It’s like brushing your teeth, except that it’s your energy field you’re brushing 🙂. Love! <3
For Empaths: How to Release Other People’s Energy & Emotions ∞Yeshua
This download from Yeshua is 11 minutes and 11 seconds in length. Yeshua provides detailed information on why awakened individuals are so sensitive to other people’s energy, what to do about it, and how to return our focus to what WE are feeling in the moment. The process given in this download is an effective strategy for all of us who feel overwhelmed by the energy and emotions of other people. You will definitely benefit, as an awakened person and an empath, from receiving Yeshua’s perspective and processes. Enjoy <3
Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Body Alignment ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through a process of aligning our physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies. This is a good process to do before getting out of bed in the morning, as being in alignment at the start of our day will help to ensure that we stay in alignment. Yeshua’s guidance through this process is loving and nurturing, as only Yeshua can be. Aligning these bodies is a big part of the ascension experience, as important as integrating our past life selves. Enjoy! <3
Emotional Body Healing & Upgrade ∞Yeshua
In this download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds, Yeshua helps us to tune in to our emotional bodies, offers us a healing, and then facilitates an upgrade. This transmission is designed to fill in the gaps and holes in our emotional bodies, release the blockages and numbness, and after receiving it, you’ll be able to feel the energies of the fifth dimension. Yeshua works with our Oversouls to bring this powerful healing and upgrade through, and he also encourages us to celebrate our progress and readiness for this transmission. Enjoy! <3
Negative Entity Removal from Your Energy Field & Physical Body ∞The PHCo7
The negative entities that attach to us when we are at our lowest points in life often stick around, even after the drama and trauma is over. They feed off of the energy of the emotions and pain we experience. Removing them is easier than you might think! The Pleiadians demonstrate that in this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds. They’ll walk you through the process and you’ll get your sovereign space back! Enjoy <3
How to Clear Negative Emotions ∞Archangel Michael
In a download of just over 11 minutes, Archangel Michael delivers a monologue on what we call “negative emotion” and takes us through an exercise designed to neutralize and integrate that energy. This is a powerful process and one I wish I had about 10 years ago! Enjoy 🙂
Overtones for Clearing Negative Emotions ∞The Hathors & The Creators
Have you ever woken up from a good (or bad) night’s sleep and just felt yucky? Sometimes we’re processing negative emotions for the collective, past life selves, or even this lifetime’s self, but we have no idea where the emotions are coming from. Other times, it’s all too clear where they’re coming from. Either way, tones and overtones are a great way to clear them out of our fields. In this 10.5 minute download, The Hathors and The Creators collaborated to deliver us these overtones infused with that intention. When you listen, intend that these overtones will do just that for you and either tone along or just listen in. Toning is always transformative for me. Enjoy! <3
Energy Field Clearing & 5D Upgrade ∞Archangel Michael
In this download of over 12 minutes, Archangel Michael offers a clearing of the energy, trauma, emotions, and attachments from our energetic field (also known as the auric field). After assisting us in clearing out the old, Michael offers a frequency upgrade for our fields so that we can receive the downloads we already have waiting for us. This upgrade will also help us hold more of that Fifth-Dimensional Love and Light in our fields. Enjoy <3
Light Language for Healing & Clearing Your Emotional Body
In this transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes, I channel a light language that will heal and clear your emotional body. Our emotional bodies are filled with lower frequencies that we pick up from others, including our own past life selves. When you experience this light language transmission, you will allow the healing you’ve been asking for to occur, leaving your emotional body clear and open for receiving the higher frequency energies that are now upon us. Love! <3
For Starseeds: Sound Healing for Releasing Your Sadness, Loneliness & Feelings of Isolation
Starseeds. Most of us who are awake know that we are in fact starseeds, and once we know that we’ve had lifetimes in other parts of the galaxy, and in higher-dimensional planes of existence, we all will at one time or another most certainly feel that desire to go home, returning to a life that was better and easier than the trials and tribulations of life on planet Earth. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing with one of my crystal bowls. In addition to infusing the intention into the playing of my crystal bowl for the sounds created to release that sadness, loneliness and those feelings of isolation in the listener, I also channeled tones and overtones that are infused with the vibration, energy we starseeds need in order to alleviate those symptoms of being so far from the worlds, moons, stars, and other celestial bodies in our home star systems.
Releasing Depression & Activating Joy ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
In this download of just over 11 minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven takes us through a process for releasing depression and activating the joy that is always within us. After doing this process, you will feel lighter, happier, and more integrated. Do this one whenever you feel even a little down, and you will avoid falling into a deeper depressive state. Or if you know you have sadness inside of you, even if it’s not active, this process will help. Enjoy! <3
Pleiadian Light Language for Completing Your Shadow Work ∞PHCo7
Shadow work. Some of us have spent our entire adult lives doing it. It’s the clearing, the releasing, the resolving of past life karma and trauma, the coming to terms with our anger, rage, and other emotions we are uncomfortable feeling. I have heard from many clients who feel that their shadow work is like a bottomless pit, and that’s why I’ve created this 6-minute light language from the Pleiadian High Council of 7. Before I channeled this one, I called in the Pleiadians I work with so that they would include their energetic signature in the light language, and I could feel their healing presence as I brought the light language through. As a result, this light language contains the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to help you complete your shadow work with very little effort and with the comforting, nurturing Pleiadian energy to surround you during the time spent releasing all the shadow elements of your being-ness. Joy! <3
Energetic & Physical Implant Removal ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council takes us through a process of declaring ourselves as sovereign beings. And as sovereign beings, we can choose whether we want to release the energetic and physical implants that we agreed to receive (prior to incarnating) from our ET counterparts. The Arcturians give us a shower of high frequency energy to make our energetic fields and bodies incompatible with these devices. Enjoy your way to being implant free! <3
Light Language for a Full Energy Reset
A full energy reset. What does that mean? Well, everything is comprised of energy. Our bodies are energy. Our emotions are energy. Our thoughts are also energy. Our chakras are our energy centers. Energy field? You better believe that’s comprised of energy. So a full energy reset is a clearing and cleansing of all that is no longer serving us in those energetic bodies, beings, and centers. Any negative thoughts, beliefs, attachments, emotions, traumas, and so on will all be cleansed, released, and cleared by this full energy reset. How is that possible, you might wonder. A light language is a powerful energetic transmission. It’s not words in a galactic language that we’re supposed to interpret into our own. Each light language is an upgrade, cleansing, clearing and activation of what is intended for the light language. Love <3
Before I channeled this 6-minute language of light, I set the intention that it would be a light language for a full energy reset, and as such, it contains the vibration, intention, energies, and galactic light codes to give you that full energy reset you want and need. Listen to this one whenever you feel you need an energy boost, an energetic cleanse, or you just feel weighed down by everything you have picked up along your path…or throughout the day you’re living in. This one can be used over and over again, and each time you’ll feel the difference in your body, mind, emotions, thoughts, and overall outlook on life. Joy!
Sound Healing for Removing Other People’s Energies from Your Energy Field
You are awake. And as an awakened soul, you’re sensitive, empathic, and it’s easy for you to pick up on whatever is in the energetic fields of others around you and the human collective at large. Then there are those individuals who are intentionally projecting their thoughts, beliefs, and judgments onto you, either hoping to convert you to their belief system, or trying to influence you into doing something that you don’t necessarily want to do. There are countless ways in which we get caught up in the not-so-positive (and sometimes downright negative) offerings of other people, and whether their intentions are positive or not, their energies can linger in your field because of that built-in sensitivity you were born with. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing with one of my crystal bowls and the tones and overtones that I channel with my voice.
How to Love Unconditionally ∞Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael delivers a 12-minute download on Unconditional Love and how to be it. Being the Unconditional Love that you are will change your life, your relationships, and especially how you interact with the world. This is a powerful message and process. I am always so blown away by Michael’s energetic transmission, and I know you will be as well. <3
Light Language for Releasing Social Anxiety
I channeled a 60 minute light language healing today for a client, and the feedback was very positive. She mentioned how she loved the way that light languages went right past the mind’s ability to conceive of their meaning. That’s exactly what I’ve been saying for years now. These light languages are activations, and they’re meant to take us to the next level of our evolution. If you’ve ever suffered from social anxiety, or if you just feel like you don’t fit in, this language of light will give you the ability to face and release that anxiety before going out into the world to run errands, to work, or to a party. This light language transmission of six minutes in length is filled with the galactic light codes, vibration, and intention to clear that anxiety out of your chakras and energy field so that you can life a fuller life. Joy! <3
Light Language for Releasing Thoughts, Feelings & Beliefs of Not Being Good Enough
The feeling of not being good enough can get started at a very young age. For me, it began with being raised Catholic and always fearing that I was not be good enough to get into Heaven. And then there’s not feeling good enough to receive love, not feeling good enough to receive your full value monetarily. I’m sure there are lots of awakened individuals who are also feeling not good enough to ascend, or to access their spiritual gifts. This feeling of not being good enough is perpetuated by a society that is extremely judgmental. And that’s why I created this light language transmission. I channeled this language of light while holding the intention that it will activate your vibration of feeling that you’re more than enough, just as you are. The light language is also infused with galactic light codes that will elevate your consciousness so that you can allow in all that you have asked for and deserve. Love! <3
Enjoy This Emotional & Energetic Healing Mega Bundle!
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