This Mega Bundle of 46 Recordings for Healing Your Physical Body has a Full Value of Over $672. What’s Included? Here Is the Full List…
Gong Sounds & Throat Singing for Giving You the Full MedBed Healing Experience
MedBeds. If you haven’t heard about them, you most certainly will. A lot of people are talking about these miraculous devices, and some are even creating their own and using them to heal all sorts of ailments. I’m certain that medbed technology exists and that it is being used by those who have been given the e.t. technology to create them and utilize them for healing the human body. I, on the other hand, have my trusty gong and throat singing, which I can and have used to create sounds that will carry the vibration to mimic that medbed experience, and so that’s what I did. Holding an intention before creating sounds, whether with an instrument or your own voice (or in my case both) allows you to infuse that intention into the sounds and tones created, which is highly effective in the creation of the desired effect. So for 10 minutes I played my gong and sang my throat singing songs to carry the intention that the listener would experience the same miraculous healing that one gets from lying in a medbed. Joy!
Gong Sound Healing for Healing All Physical Ailments ∞With Throat Singing
The gong. It’s a powerful instrument for healing. It gives off such strong vibrations, and I got one for Christmas! I made my first of hopefully many sound healings with it, and for this sound healing I sat right in front of it, facing the gong so I could let the vibrations hit me in just the right way to inspire the sounds that I would then channel. The sounds that the gonginspired to come through me were more along the lines of throat singing than my traditional tones and overtones that I employ in a sound healing. I definitely felt that I was channeling a past life shamanic version of myself, and possibly a Tibetanmonk as well. If you’ve never attended a sound healing with a gong before, know that it’s much different than the soft, tender sounds produced by crystal bowls. It’s a bit jarring at times, as some of the gong sounds will be louder than others on the recording, but if you hang in there, you will discover that the power of the vibrations created are going to have have quite the therapeutic effect on you and your physical body. Love <3
Sound Healing for Healing Damaged Brain Cells & Resurrecting Dead Ones
Brain Cells. We know that more brain cells is better, but so many things that we’ve done over the years (both intentionally and unintentionally) has resulted in our damaging of and even killing of our own brain cells. You’ve undoubtedly heard that alcohol kills brain cells, but did you know that dehydration can kill them too? Eating junk food, stress, pesticides and chemicals in our foods and elsewhere, smoking cigarettes, and sleep loss will also kill our brain cells. And all of the aforementioned are of course damaging our brain cells as well, but that damage can be reversed! And in my opinion, anything that dies can be brought back to life, especially a brain cell. So that’s why I made this sound healing. I know that it contains the right vibration to bring those brain cells back to life that have passed on and that it will also heal any damage you’ve done to the brain cells that are still alive and kicking. Love <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Perfect Physical Health
Perfect Health. When we don’t have it, it can feel so elusive. We can do everything in our power physically to bring it about: pray for it, chant, OM, meditate, tone, and do other sound & energy healings on ourselves, and the illness, virus, disease, or condition can still persist in us. So what if we’re blocked for some reason (like a belief, past life trauma, energy attachment, etc.) from being in perfect health? What do we do then? That’s why I created this sound healing of 10 and a half minutes. I channeled the tones and overtones while holding the intention that they remove those blocks we can be subconsciously (or otherwise) holding onto for perfect health and well-being to be a part of our physical body and reality. I also played one of my crystal bowls while channeling the tones and overtones, and I held the intention for the sounds created to also release those blocks from your body, mind, chakras, and energetic field. Love <3
Light Language for Removing All Energy Drains From Your Body, Chakras & Energy Field
Energy Drains. They can come from so many sources these days – people, EMFs, the collective consciousness, collective anxiety and fear, negative entities, negative energies, and the list goes on and on. I decided to create a light language that would remove all of them from your body, chakras and energy field all at once. This is a very efficient recording! Before I channeled this language of light, I set the intention for it to hold the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to remove all energy drains from your body, chakras, and energy field, and as I was channeling it, I could feel the shaman in me from previous lifetimes coming up to assist with the transmission. It felt very powerful coming through me, and I’m sure you will agree that it is when you give it a listen. After listening to this one, you might also want to visualize replacing those energy drains with some white light or higher-frequency energies. And make sure you drink lots of water. Love <3
Sound Healing for Repairing Your Cells & DNA
Our cells and DNA. They all have been negatively affected by past life traumas, toxins, EMFs, e.t. manipulation, and so many other factors that interfere with their normal function. All humans once had 12 strands of DNA, and now we are down to just two, but this sound healing will help reconnect those disconnected strands as well. It seems like our physical bodies are under attack, and the only way for us to rise up and be sovereign beings is to take better care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. This downloadable mp3 recording is a sound healing to aid in that self-care that is so necessary at this time of GMOs, myriad pesticides, plastic in everything (and everyone), and that’s just me naming a few of the physical toxins out there in the world today.
Arcturian Light Language For Releasing All Pain in the Physical Body
Physical pain in our bodies. It’s something we’ve all experienced at one time or another, and some of us experience that pain chronically. The traditional approach to dealing with that pain is to take some sort of pain-blocking medication or herbs. However, the best way to address physical pain in the body is to get to the root of it, which is always energetic. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language transmission with The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council. This light language is infused with the energy, vibration, intention, and galactic light codes for releasing that chronic or acute physical pain in your body. This light language will work on you energetically, releasing the source of the pain so that you can start living your life pain-free.
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Having Your Ideal Body
Our physical bodies. We often feel like we are just lugging them around, and it can also seem like they are betraying us for one reason or another. And if you’re like me, you’ve been dieting and exercising in hopes of attaining your ideal body for most of your adult life. That’s why I created this light language transmission. I know we all carry blocks within us to experiencing our ideal bodies, and whether we’re aware of them or not, they affect us and our ability to be happy and comfortable in our own skin.
When I channeled this light language for releasing all of your blocks to having your ideal body, I infused the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes into the light language for clearing away those blocks to having our ideal bodies that we’re carrying around with us, so that we can easily and effortlessly access and maintain the physical body of our dreams. This means we can have the health and well-being, as well as the muscle tone, bone density, flexibility, appearance, and fitness levels without having to go to extremes of dieting and exercising. Just listen to this light language whenever you’re feeling yourself getting out of shape or just not loving your body as unconditionally as you could be. Love! <3
Pleiadian Sound Healing for Healing Your Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Bodies
Pleiadians are known throughout the galaxy as the master healers that they truly are. I’ve been channeling The Pleiadian High Council of 7 since 2016, and very recently, I made contact with a Pleiadian named Sylus while channeling a light language. I channeled both Sylus and The Pleiadian High Council of 7 as I brought this sound healing through me. I played one of my brand new crystal bowls (thanks, wifey!) while channelingtones and overtones, and I held the intention for the sound healing to heal you on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic planes of your existence. The result is this 10-minute recording of that channeled healing session from the Pleiadians, and I know that it will be an effective tool in helping you with whatever life challenges you’ve been struggling with at this time. How do I know that? Sound is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal as healers on Earth, and I’ve known that for quite some time. I’ve benefited from sound healings, performed sound healings, and I love feeling the power of tones and sounds moving through me. Listen to this downloadable file, and heal yourself on all levels of your being-ness. Love! <3
Mantras for Purging Negative Energies & Entities from Your Body, Chakras & Energy Field
Mantras. They can be powerful when we speak them with conviction, when they really resonate with our being-ness. When you’re aligned with a mantra, it is a force to be reckoned with. Negative energies and entities can also be powerful forces in our lives, often taking over and not allowing us to function. Even thought forms can take over a room and keep us in a thought loop about something we’d rather not be thinking about. That’s why I channeled these mantras from the 12th-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings known as The Creators.
As The Creators offer each spoken mantra, they also coach us through the process of feeling into the mantra to see if it actually resonates and therefore has the positive intended effect on our vibration. There are several mantras offered in this recording of just over 11 minutes in length, and The C’s recommend that you choose your favorite(s) to repeat (out loud or in your head) over and over again, even when you’re not listening to this recording. Removing the negative energies and/or entities will open you up to new possibilities, and The Creators definitely included some mantras in the mix that are all about getting into the positive energy flow, which will of course put us in a high enough vibrational state that the negative energies cannot come in to our awareness or our energy fields. Love! <3
Light Language for Releasing Your Blocks to Healing Your Physical Body
Our physical bodies. When they’re healthy, we tend to take them for granted, but as soon as we get sick or have a chronic physical condition, we yearn for our bodies to be healed and healed quickly. So what happens? How come we don’t just heal up right away, like a scratch does on our arm? Blocks to healing. They come from a variety of sources, and in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes they even come from past lives. So how can we remove something when we don’t even know how it got started in the first place?
Light languages can remove blockages in our bodies, minds, chakras, and energyfields because they work with vibration, energy, and galacticlightcodes to go beyond the third-dimensional healing modalities. Light languages are a fifth-dimensional healing modality because they employ sound, codes, vibration and activations to bring us back into alignment. This light language of 6 minutes that I channeled will result in an alignment of energies, a releasing of blockages, and in opening you up to receiving the healing energies you’ve been summoning since you contracted your illness/disease/condition in your physical body. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Boosting Your Immunity to All Viruses & Infectious Diseases
We are existing at a strange time in our world. To deny that a virus exists at this point would be silly, and instead, it makes perfect sense to do everything in our power to raise our vibrations up above it so that we can live comfortably and socialize with confidence again. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. For this sound healing, I played one of my crystal bowls, while channeling tones and overtones, and I infused the playing and toning with the intention of activating your body’s immune system and raising your vibration to such an extent that your immune system will be able to keep you safe and healthy from the covid-19 virus and all other viruses and infectious diseases.
Flu season is also upon us in the United States, and this sound healing will put you in a state of being to keep you in that higher-vibrational energy that makes you incompatible with getting sick. We can rise above the vibrational frequency of covid-19 and all other viruses and infectious diseases, and sound is the perfect tool for keeping us happy and healthy. It works with vibration to alter our physical, emotional, mental, and energetic bodies.Love! <3
Light Language for Purging Negative Energies from Your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Energetic Bodies
Negative Energies. They can manifest in your reality as thoughts, thought forms, beliefs, blockages, emotions, entities, toxins, and even diseases. You can clear these energies in a variety of ways, and light language is one of them. In my opinion, light languages are an extremely powerful tool for purging anything and everything that’s of a lower vibration. You have several bodies, and each of them hold on to these negative energies in different, unique ways. This 6-minute light language I channeled is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for disrupting, dislodging, and purging all lower-vibrational, or what we commonly refer to as negative energies from all of our bodies. A healthy body, healthy mind, peaceful emotions, and a powerful force of an energy field are what you can expect from letting this language of light do what it does so naturally. It’s effortless. All you have to do is listen and let the power of this channeled light language wash over you.Love <3
Sound Healing For Pain Relief in Your Physical Body ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Physical pain. Sometimes it’s fleeting, and other times it’s chronic. This much I know is true – we all feel pain in our bodies from time to time. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing with the tones and overtones I channel and one of the crystal bowls I play. I infused this sound healing with the intention, vibration, and energy to disrupt the vibration that got the pain in your physical body started to begin with. Pain doesn’t have to be something we just learn to live with…it can be something we eliminate from our experience, for good. Pain is a vibration. And when we offer the vibration that counters it, it must disappear. It’s a cosmic law. Two vibrations that are completely incompatible cannot exist in the same space at the same time. Therefore, you get to be pain free.Joy! <3
Breathing Exercises for Reversing the Aging Process ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Aging. While everyone does it, certainly some do it better and more gracefully than others. How can our spirituality help? Focus, conscious breathing, visualizing, receiving love and light, and opening up to higher frequency energies are all a part of a great self-care program that will change your mind, vibration, and ultimately your physical body…for the better. This downloadable mp3 recording of 11 minutes and 11 seconds contains three separate breathing exercises from the 12-dimensional collective known as The Creators, channeled by me, and these breathing exercises will bring you back into a state of youthful vitality, appearance, and exuberance for life. I know that conscious breathing is one of the most powerful actions any of us can take to improve our vibration, emotional state, and physical well-being, and I know these breathing exercises will work for you. Love <3
Sound Healing For Releasing Inflammation in Your Body
Inflammation. It’s a rather big buzz word in the world of health, well-being, and fitness these days. Taken from a google search I did: “Experts believe inflammation may contribute to a wide range of chronic diseases. Examples of these are metabolic syndrome, which includes type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.” On another website I found: “Inflammatory diseases include a vast array of disorders and conditions that are characterized by inflammation. Examples include allergy, asthma, autoimmune diseases, coeliac disease, glomerulonephritis, hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, preperfusion injury and transplant rejection.” So it’s pretty extensive in the different ways inflammation can affect us. That’s why I created this sound healing. I channeled tones & overtones, while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I infused my playing and channeling with the intention of offering sounds that would put you in a vibration to counter the effects and causes of inflammation in your bodies. Sound is such a powerful healing modality, and that’s why I’m sure this sound healing can release the inflammation you’ve got in your physical body. Joy! <3
Breathing Exercises for Manifesting Your Ideal Physical Body ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Our physical bodies. Oftentimes, they’re not the size, shape, and feeling state we would prefer them to be. That’s why I channeled The Creators for this downloadable mp3 of an 11 minute and 11 second recording of breathing exercises that are designed to manifest that perfect physical form that you’ve either always wanted to be in or want to get back into. The Creators take us through three separate breathing exercises that are designed to put us into the body of our dreams. Breathing is the only action we absolutely need to take in order to stay alive, and so it makes logical sense that breathing would be the ultimate tool in transforming our physical bodies. Your physical body responds so well to conscious breathwork techniques, and the three breathing exercises brought forth by The Creators in this recording are certain to bring you into a state of transformation, granting you access to the body that fits more harmoniously with the consciousness that you have developed in this lifetime.Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Hormonal Imbalances, Deficiencies & Changes
Hormones. We all have them. Sometimes we feel like they have us. Especially as we age, it seems like we have too much of some and not enough of others, and that can throw our minds, bodies, and emotions out of whack. If you have ever felt that way, this sound healing is what you’ve been waiting for. How does a sound healing work? First, I set the intention for the sound healing. Then, I channel tones and overtones that carry the intention out, vibrationally, to the listener. Additionally, I play a crystal bowl while channeling, and the sounds produced by my crystal bowl playing also carry the intention and vibration to put your body into emotional, physical and mental balance, and that includes your hormone levels. As you listen to this recording of the 10-minute sound healing that I’m offering here, stay open and receptive to letting the tones, overtones and sounds wash over you, as you let the healing power of sound take over. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Cleansing All Parasites, Physical, Non-Physical & Energetic
Parasites. Most of us have them in our bodies and/or energy fields, but we don’t even realize that we do. That goes for physical, non-physical, and energetic parasites, all of which we can pick up at any time, whether they’re seeking us out, sent to us by someone else’s intention, or they attach to us because we went down a very bad-feeling rabbit hole on the Internet. That’s why I created this 10-minute downloadable mp3 of a sound healing to cleanse them all from your body and energy field. I channeled the tones and overtones with the intention, vibration, and energy to counteract the vibration of the parasites that you have in your body and energy field. The vibration created by the channeled tones and crystal bowl playing will make the environment of your body and field inhospitable to the parasites. In other words, they won’t be able to stay because the sounds generated carry a vibration that is too high frequency for them to maintain their residency. Joy! <3
Light Language Blessing for Achieving Perfect Physical Health
Physical health. At times, it can be quite elusive, especially when you factor in the ascension symptoms we all experience. I’ve struggled with achieving perfect health from time to time in my life, and that’s one of the reasons I decided to channel this light language blessing. By listening to the recording of this light language, you will be altered physically and energetically. Light languages hold a vibration, intention, and galactic light codes, and in this light language, all three are for re-creating your perfectly healthy physical body. The quickest and fastest way to achieving that perfect bodily health is by working with vibration and sound, and both of those key elements are included in any light language transmission. This blessing will re-create your physical form in the perfection that you’ve always imagined you could attain. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Dissolving Cancer Cells, Tumors & the Energies that Create Them
Cancer. It seems like it’s affecting more and more people all the time, and in this toxic world we live in, it’s no wonder so many are being afflicted by it. The human body is created by our energetic body, which is affected by our vibration. Our vibration is a powerful force of creation that we are offering all day, every day, and it can be altered quite easily. We can vibrate faster (positive energy) or slower (negative energy), depending on the energies around us and our point of focus. Sound has proven to be an effective healing modality, even accepted as such by Western Medicine. Sound vibrates. That’s something we can feel in our bodies. Walk into a room where there’s death metal music playing, and you’ll probably want to turn around and run! And walk into a room with new age music or classical, and chances are, you’ll feel more calm and at ease right away. Soothed <3
Light Language for Boosting Your Immunity to All Communicative Viruses & Illnesses
I channeled this light language while holding the intention to bring through the vibration, galactic light codes, and energy to support and boost our immune systems for keeping all viruses and illnesses at bay. Now is a time when a lot of people are thinking about their immunity to the coronavirus, but it’s just one in a long line of new viruses that we’ve had on the planet in recent years. Taking echinacea, other herbal immune boosters, visiting your naturopath or acupuncturist, and taking lots of Vitamin C can also be used in conjunction with this light language transmission, as it works on the energetic level, but it’s always a good idea to help your body on the physical level as well. The energetic body creates the physical body, but the body can always use the help of the consciousness inhabiting that body. So take good care of yourself and know that your vibration is always the ultimate tool for enhancing your health and well-being and maintaining a healthy body.Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Healing All Skin Conditions & Accessing Youthful, Glowing, Healthy Skin
Our skin reveals what’s going on inside of us, and when there’s something on our skin that we don’t like seeing or feeling, that usually only happens after a lot of experiences of a lower vibration. Vibration is where it all begins – health and illness – and that’s how this sound healing works. Sound is vibration, and as such, it’s the easiest way for someone to improve their vibration. Once you have the higher vibration coming from inside of you, your skin will begin to reflect that higher frequency vibration you’ve been accessing. I channeled the tones and overtones for this one while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I held the intention for the sound to work on your core vibration, raising it high enough to see immediate results on your skin. Whether you have an actual skin condition, or you just want to have youthful, radiant, glowing skin with no wrinkles and lines, this is the sound healing for you! Joy <3
These various afflictions are related by their symptoms – feeling rundown, fatigued, sore muscles, chronic pain, achy joints, lethargic, etc. Getting into a higher-vibrational state seems to be the only way for people afflicted with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the Epstein-Barr virus, and/or Lyme Disease to get any sense of relief. I channeled tones and overtones while infusing the intention for healing in my crystal bowl playing to produce this 10 and a half minute recording that you can play on a computer, phone, tablet, ipod, or any other device that plays MP3s. The sound created carries the vibration that counters the vibratory state of the physical body that is exhibiting the symptoms of these conditions, and the result will be that you’ll feel better, more energized, and in less (or no) pain after listening.Joy! <3
Andromedan Light Language for Healing All Health Challenges
A light language goes beyond the limitations of the mind to activate you on a vibrational level in the precise ways that you need to get activated, and with light languages, it’s all about intention. That’s why I held the intention to channel the Andromedan Council of Light for this light language transmission, and I brought through a language of light that would offer a vibration that would cancel out any illnesses you had in your physical body. This one is for healing all health conditions, which means the energy and galactic light codes infused into the light language will raise your overall vibration to such an extent that the virus, bacteria, ascension symptom, genetic marker, or whatever is causing you to feel ill will not be able to coexist with the vibration. It will simply melt away. Healing <3
Angelic Sound Healing for Mind, Body & Soul ∞Archangel Michael
A sound healing works with vibration to heal you on the quantum level. I channeled Archangel Michael for this 10-Minute sound healing, and I did so with the intention that the tones and overtones coming through me would be infused with not only the angelic love and light of Michael, but also with the frequency in the sound that will counteract any negatively-oriented frequencies that you have in your mind, body and soul that are preventing you from being in the healthy physical body of your dreams. Sound waves carry the vibration infused in them, and when I’m in the channeling state, I’m able to access those higher frequency vibrations that match a healthy mind (which means healthier thoughts), a healthy body (which means healthier cells and organs), and a healthy soul (which means less trauma from past lives). This one is a gamechanger! Love <3
Light Language for Releasing Fatigue & Accessing Infinite Lifeforce Energy
Languages of light are infused with the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to activate within us what has been lying dormant, while they simultaneously release any old, stuck, negative energy we have within us. The feeling of fatigue is an ascension symptom that so many of us experience on a daily basis, and it’s related to all of the work we’ve been doing on ourselves since awakening. Some of the work started even before our awakening experiences. And as such, some of us have been experiencing this fatigue for decades. Light languages work through the healing power of sound, combined with intention and galactic light codes to move past the limitations of the mind and body. This is an energetic upgrade and healing on a multidimensional level.Joy!
Meditation for Creating Your Ideal Physical Body ∞Quan Yin
Our ideal physical bodies. They’re right here, right now, waiting to be accessed by us. That’s why I channeled Quan Yin for this 15-minute guided meditation. I knew she was the perfect choice to create this topic. Being in the physical bodies that we desire is our birthright, but we pick up these beliefs about ourselves and our bodies…beliefs like, “You are what you eat” and “Genetics are our destiny.” Now is the time to let go of those types of beliefs and to step into our roles as the creators of our reality. Our state of being is our primary creation, and our bodies are the next creation we manifest, and we manifest them instantaneously.
If you’ve ever struggled with your bodily health or your feelings of self-worth because of your size, height, or any other defining physical characteristic, then this is the meditation for you. Quan Yin takes us through a process of loving our bodies just as they are, processing our feelings about our physical selves, and then creating the body we have always wanted. Spending 15 minutes a day on this meditation is a huge time saver if you’re accustomed to dealing with your physical issues by hitting the treadmill or going to doctor’s appointment after doctor’s appointment. The time, money, and energy spent on this meditation pales in comparison to what you’d put towards the traditional ways of approaching being in the body of your dreams.
Pleiadian Light Language Healing ∞The Pleiadian High Council of 7
The Pleiadians really are the experts on healing, and so, I figured they would be the best choice for bringing through a light language for a universal healing of the physical, emotional, energetic, and mental bodies. The light language was channeled by me, but I partnered with the Pleiadian High Council of 7 to bring this one through, as I knew that there was much more to be accessed if I pulled the light language through the Pleiadian Star System. The languages of light I channel come from the entire universe, unless I specify a particular star system to pull it through.
A Light Language contains galactic light codes, information, energy, vibration, and the intention infused into it, all working together to give you an experience of being activated, healed, grounded, and upgraded. These light language transmissions are powerful! The recording is about 6 minutes in length, but it packs such a powerful punch that you will want to listen to it over and over again. The language of light will transform your physical body, organs, and cells to operate at a higher frequency, leaving you in a state of health and well-being after you listen.
Sound Healing for Activating Your Vitality & Physical Energy ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Use this sound healing for activating your vitality, lifting your energy, and overcoming chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue. It’s so common amongst the awakened that I would say it’s the most frequently experienced ascension symptom. We live in a world that often runs counter to the natural rhythms of love that define our higher selves, our true selves. That’s why I created this sound healing.
I channeled tones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I infused the sounds with the intention of activating the vitality and physical energy within your body. This is one that I’ve struggled with for over two decades, but lucky for me, I channel for a living! So that helps me get through the fatigue I feel on a daily basis. But if you don’t have a job that prompts you to tune in to higher frequencies, then you need something increase the flow of that vital energy.
Do this one whenever you feel zonked out and need to re-energize. Lie down and close your eyes and let the tones and sounds do the rest! Joy <3
Sound Healing for Stopping & Reversing the Aging Process
In this 10 minute sound healing, I channeledtones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, and all the sounds created are infused with the intention and vibrations necessary to stop and reverse the aging process. We are evolving, and one of the ways we’re evolving is to move from a carbon based body to a crystalline based vehicle. That means we DO have more control over the bodies we inhabit. We don’t have to give in to the societal programming that says we will grow old, deteriorate, and die. I have heard the guides I channel say over and over again that through the ascension process, there is no need to die in this lifetime. And since there’s no need to die, there certainly isn’t a need to age. Listen to this one whenever you feel yourself giving in to the belief that you are deteriorating because of your age. Enjoy! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Influence & Implants from Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence. We used to just think of it as something in sci-fi movies and TV shows. But now it’s becoming more and more a part of our everyday lives, with smartphones, smart-everything else, and Alexa (amazon’s A.I. dealie). The influence of A.I. on the human being is becoming harder and harder to ignore. This sound healing that I created with one of my crystal bowls and the tones and overtones I channel is infused with the intention of removing the influence of the A.I. from your body, mind, and energy field. It’s also going to remove any physical implants from your body and field.Now that might not happen while you’re listening to the recording the very first time. It may just jostle the implant loose so that it can be more easily removed while you’re sleeping or released when you’re eliminating waste from your body. Freedom! <3
Sound Healing for Upgrading, Regenerating & Clearing Your Cells
The cells in our bodies. They respond to our thoughts, and they respond to sound. Their health and well-being determine how much light we can hold on the energetic level and how many nutrients we can absorb on the physical level. So I created this sound healing to upgrade, regenerate, and clear the cells in our physical bodies with my crystal bowl and some channeled tones. This sound healing will help you download more light, information from your guides, and high frequency energies from the higher realms. Having happy cells will also make them more responsive to your desires for your physical body. Want to lose weight? Gain muscle? Have more energy? It all starts with the trillions of cells in your body. Listen to this one whenever you feel the need to give your cells a boost, like when you’re feeling sick or just lacking vitality. Energize! <3
Sound Healing for Detoxifying Your Organs ∞Daniel & Maricris Dominique
In this download of just over 10 minutes, I teamed up with my lovely wife Maricris Dominique, and we created this sound healing for the purpose of detoxifying the physical organs of your body. Maricris is a shamanic priestess, as well as a medical intuitive. She offers the shamanic drumming on the track, while I channel tones, overtones, and healing sounds, all infused with the intention of releasing the toxins from your organs. Remember, the heart is also an organ, and so while this recording will eliminate physical toxins from organs like the liver, it will also release energetic blockages and other stuck energy in your heart. Listen to this one whenever you feel sick or after indulging in some food, beverages, or other substances that you want to clear from your body as quickly as possible. And you can also use it for regular maintenance of your physical body. Love! <3
Light Language for Reversing the Aging Process
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 46 seconds, I channeled a light language that is designed to reverse the aging process in your body, making you look and feel younger. The light language is encoded to affect your genes, your DNA, and your cells to bring about the process of reversing the somewhat unnatural aging process. Our bodies were created to last us for as long as we want to inhabit them, but due to societal programming, coupled with the toxins we’ve been exposed to throughout our lives, the process of aging/deteriorating has become ingrained in our consciousness. Through listening to this light language transmission, you can undo all of that and bring yourself into a new phase of your life – one where you choose the body you want to inhabit. Freedom! <3
Light Language for Deactivating Nanites, Nanobots & All Nanotech from Your Physical Body
In this transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes, I channeled a light language that will deactivate any nanites, nanobots, or other nanotechnology that’s in your physical body. As some of you probably already know, artificial intelligence has a presence in this galaxy, and an agenda. There are also humans who use nanotech to try to control the majority of the population. This download will deactivate that nanotech so that it can naturally pass through your body and be eliminated, giving you full control of your body and mind.Love! <3
Light Language for Regenerating, Revitalizing & Upgrading Your Cells
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 50 seconds, I channeled a light language that contains the intention, vibration, and light codes to regenerate, revitalize, and upgrade the cells in your physical body. Our bodies and our cells are in need of as much support as we are emotionally. This light language came through me like no other has, and I was blown away by the rapid-fire energy that came through me. Do this one right after you download it, and then again whenever you feel a cold or the flu coming on, or just feel run-down. Revitalize! <3
Light Language for Dissolving Cancerous Tumors & Cancer Cells
In this transmission of 6 minutes in length, I channeled a light language that is infused with the galactic light codes, vibration, and intention to shrink, break up, and dissolve cancerous tumors and cells in the human body. The transmission felt and sounded to me like a shaman was coming through to channel this light language with me. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, or have been battling cancer for years, please give this alternative treatment for cancer a listen and let me know what the results are for you. I would love to know that my work is having that kind of impact on people’s lives. Even if you’re already receiving chemo and radiation, or any other standard medical treatment for cancer, I recommend using this as well. Tones, sounds, light languages, and vibration are the healing modality of the future. Love! <3
Light Language for Achieving Perfect Health & Well-Being
In this light language transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes, I channel a light language that is infused with the intention of bringing your physical body into perfect health and well-being. There are also tones that come through with the light language transmission, and those also carry the intention. Sit back and listen to this one a few times in a row, and then you might even feel inspired to speak your own light language. There’s no right or wrong way to speak one, and any time you are using your voice to heal, you’re doing something positive for your well-being. Love! <3
Light Language for Releasing Toxins in the Physical Body
In this light language transmission of 5 and a half minutes, I bring through a language that is infused with the intention of removing and releasing toxins from our physical bodies. This powerful transmission can be used daily, in addition to a cleanse you’re doing on a physical level, or it can be used all by itself. You may get inspired to speak a light language of your own and/or tone to further the cleansing. Have fun with it. Just because you’re detoxing, doesn’t mean it has to be hard or serious 🙂. Love! <3
Breathing Exercises for Healing Your Physical Body ∞The Creators
In this download of 12 minutes, The Creators take us through two breathing exercises that we can do every day to improve our physical well-being, bringing our bodies back to perfect health. These exercises will move energy on a physical and non-physical level, working on your emotional, energetic, physical, and even mental bodies. The Creators recommend building your stamina from 5 to 20 minutes per day. With just these two breathing techniques, you can create for yourself a long, healthy life. Enjoy! <3
Healing Meditation ∞Yeshua
Our physical health and well-being. It’s so important, and yet, we hardly think about it unless we’re already sick. That can all change, of course, as we pay more attention to our energy and emotions, which are the places where health and well-being really begin. In this 15 minute meditation from Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ), he takes us through a process of healing ourselves that will leave you with a brand new body and a brand new energy field. The meditation is set to beautiful new age music and can be done any time you’re feeling ascension symptoms, have an illness, pain, or even just discomfort in your physical body. The energy transmission is strong in this one. Yeshua always brings such a gigantic energetic force with his presence. Enjoy! <3
Tones & Overtones for Detoxing Your Cells & Organs ∞Various Guides
In this download of just over 10 and a half minutes, various guides of mine (The Creators, The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, Quan Yin, and possibly more) collaborated to produce these healing tones and overtones that are designed to detoxify our cells and organs. The intention infused into the tones and overtones, the high frequency they carry, and the literal pushing out of the toxins by the sound waves will all help to create the desired effect in the physical body. Tone along, or simply lay back and let the tones do what they do. Be sure to drink lots of water after listening to this one. Enjoy! <3
Negative Entity Removal from Your Energy Field & Physical Body ∞The PHCo7
The negative entities that attach to us when we are at our lowest points in life often stick around, even after the drama and trauma is over. They feed off of the energy of the emotions and pain we experience.Removing them is easier than you might think! The Pleiadians demonstrate that in this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds. They’ll walk you through the process and you’ll get your sovereign space back! Enjoy <3
Cellular Upgrade ∞Archangel Michael
In this download of just under 12 and a half minutes, Archangel Michael takes us through a process that assists us in receiving a cellular upgrade – for every cell in our bodies! I felt it as I was channeling the download. You’ll be able to hold more light in your physical body and a higher frequency as you go about your day. Enjoy! <3
Manifesting the Physical Body You Want ∞Archangel Gabriel
Spirituality and healthy bodies. They are so wonderfully intertwined. The Archangel Gabriel was the perfect fit for providing this download/meditation. Our bodies – we definitely are manifesting them in every moment. At times, they feel like an anchor, holding us back from being who we really are…keeping us feeling dense when we want to soar into the higher realms with our light bodies. But our physical bodies here in the fourth dimension can also be sources of great pain, and at times we’ll even see ourselves as less lovable because of our bodies…or some aspect of them.
Heal Your Physical Body ∞A Mega Bundle
This Mega Bundle of 46 Recordings for Healing Your Physical Body has a Full Value of Over $672. What’s Included? Here Is the Full List…
Gong Sounds & Throat Singing for Giving You the Full MedBed Healing Experience
MedBeds. If you haven’t heard about them, you most certainly will. A lot of people are talking about these miraculous devices, and some are even creating their own and using them to heal all sorts of ailments. I’m certain that medbed technology exists and that it is being used by those who have been given the e.t. technology to create them and utilize them for healing the human body. I, on the other hand, have my trusty gong and throat singing, which I can and have used to create sounds that will carry the vibration to mimic that medbed experience, and so that’s what I did. Holding an intention before creating sounds, whether with an instrument or your own voice (or in my case both) allows you to infuse that intention into the sounds and tones created, which is highly effective in the creation of the desired effect. So for 10 minutes I played my gong and sang my throat singing songs to carry the intention that the listener would experience the same miraculous healing that one gets from lying in a medbed. Joy!
Gong Sound Healing for Healing All Physical Ailments ∞With Throat Singing
The gong. It’s a powerful instrument for healing. It gives off such strong vibrations, and I got one for Christmas! I made my first of hopefully many sound healings with it, and for this sound healing I sat right in front of it, facing the gong so I could let the vibrations hit me in just the right way to inspire the sounds that I would then channel. The sounds that the gong inspired to come through me were more along the lines of throat singing than my traditional tones and overtones that I employ in a sound healing. I definitely felt that I was channeling a past life shamanic version of myself, and possibly a Tibetan monk as well. If you’ve never attended a sound healing with a gong before, know that it’s much different than the soft, tender sounds produced by crystal bowls. It’s a bit jarring at times, as some of the gong sounds will be louder than others on the recording, but if you hang in there, you will discover that the power of the vibrations created are going to have have quite the therapeutic effect on you and your physical body. Love <3
Sound Healing for Healing Damaged Brain Cells & Resurrecting Dead Ones
Brain Cells. We know that more brain cells is better, but so many things that we’ve done over the years (both intentionally and unintentionally) has resulted in our damaging of and even killing of our own brain cells. You’ve undoubtedly heard that alcohol kills brain cells, but did you know that dehydration can kill them too? Eating junk food, stress, pesticides and chemicals in our foods and elsewhere, smoking cigarettes, and sleep loss will also kill our brain cells. And all of the aforementioned are of course damaging our brain cells as well, but that damage can be reversed! And in my opinion, anything that dies can be brought back to life, especially a brain cell. So that’s why I made this sound healing. I know that it contains the right vibration to bring those brain cells back to life that have passed on and that it will also heal any damage you’ve done to the brain cells that are still alive and kicking. Love <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Perfect Physical Health
Perfect Health. When we don’t have it, it can feel so elusive. We can do everything in our power physically to bring it about: pray for it, chant, OM, meditate, tone, and do other sound & energy healings on ourselves, and the illness, virus, disease, or condition can still persist in us. So what if we’re blocked for some reason (like a belief, past life trauma, energy attachment, etc.) from being in perfect health? What do we do then? That’s why I created this sound healing of 10 and a half minutes. I channeled the tones and overtones while holding the intention that they remove those blocks we can be subconsciously (or otherwise) holding onto for perfect health and well-being to be a part of our physical body and reality. I also played one of my crystal bowls while channeling the tones and overtones, and I held the intention for the sounds created to also release those blocks from your body, mind, chakras, and energetic field. Love <3
Light Language for Removing All Energy Drains From Your Body, Chakras & Energy Field
Energy Drains. They can come from so many sources these days – people, EMFs, the collective consciousness, collective anxiety and fear, negative entities, negative energies, and the list goes on and on. I decided to create a light language that would remove all of them from your body, chakras and energy field all at once. This is a very efficient recording! Before I channeled this language of light, I set the intention for it to hold the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to remove all energy drains from your body, chakras, and energy field, and as I was channeling it, I could feel the shaman in me from previous lifetimes coming up to assist with the transmission. It felt very powerful coming through me, and I’m sure you will agree that it is when you give it a listen. After listening to this one, you might also want to visualize replacing those energy drains with some white light or higher-frequency energies. And make sure you drink lots of water. Love <3
Sound Healing for Repairing Your Cells & DNA
Our cells and DNA. They all have been negatively affected by past life traumas, toxins, EMFs, e.t. manipulation, and so many other factors that interfere with their normal function. All humans once had 12 strands of DNA, and now we are down to just two, but this sound healing will help reconnect those disconnected strands as well. It seems like our physical bodies are under attack, and the only way for us to rise up and be sovereign beings is to take better care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. This downloadable mp3 recording is a sound healing to aid in that self-care that is so necessary at this time of GMOs, myriad pesticides, plastic in everything (and everyone), and that’s just me naming a few of the physical toxins out there in the world today.
Arcturian Light Language For Releasing All Pain in the Physical Body
Physical pain in our bodies. It’s something we’ve all experienced at one time or another, and some of us experience that pain chronically. The traditional approach to dealing with that pain is to take some sort of pain-blocking medication or herbs. However, the best way to address physical pain in the body is to get to the root of it, which is always energetic. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language transmission with The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council. This light language is infused with the energy, vibration, intention, and galactic light codes for releasing that chronic or acute physical pain in your body. This light language will work on you energetically, releasing the source of the pain so that you can start living your life pain-free.
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Having Your Ideal Body
Our physical bodies. We often feel like we are just lugging them around, and it can also seem like they are betraying us for one reason or another. And if you’re like me, you’ve been dieting and exercising in hopes of attaining your ideal body for most of your adult life. That’s why I created this light language transmission. I know we all carry blocks within us to experiencing our ideal bodies, and whether we’re aware of them or not, they affect us and our ability to be happy and comfortable in our own skin.
When I channeled this light language for releasing all of your blocks to having your ideal body, I infused the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes into the light language for clearing away those blocks to having our ideal bodies that we’re carrying around with us, so that we can easily and effortlessly access and maintain the physical body of our dreams. This means we can have the health and well-being, as well as the muscle tone, bone density, flexibility, appearance, and fitness levels without having to go to extremes of dieting and exercising. Just listen to this light language whenever you’re feeling yourself getting out of shape or just not loving your body as unconditionally as you could be. Love! <3
Pleiadian Sound Healing for Healing Your Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Bodies
Pleiadians are known throughout the galaxy as the master healers that they truly are. I’ve been channeling The Pleiadian High Council of 7 since 2016, and very recently, I made contact with a Pleiadian named Sylus while channeling a light language. I channeled both Sylus and The Pleiadian High Council of 7 as I brought this sound healing through me. I played one of my brand new crystal bowls (thanks, wifey!) while channeling tones and overtones, and I held the intention for the sound healing to heal you on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic planes of your existence. The result is this 10-minute recording of that channeled healing session from the Pleiadians, and I know that it will be an effective tool in helping you with whatever life challenges you’ve been struggling with at this time. How do I know that? Sound is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal as healers on Earth, and I’ve known that for quite some time. I’ve benefited from sound healings, performed sound healings, and I love feeling the power of tones and sounds moving through me. Listen to this downloadable file, and heal yourself on all levels of your being-ness. Love! <3
Mantras for Purging Negative Energies & Entities from Your Body, Chakras & Energy Field
Mantras. They can be powerful when we speak them with conviction, when they really resonate with our being-ness. When you’re aligned with a mantra, it is a force to be reckoned with. Negative energies and entities can also be powerful forces in our lives, often taking over and not allowing us to function. Even thought forms can take over a room and keep us in a thought loop about something we’d rather not be thinking about. That’s why I channeled these mantras from the 12th-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings known as The Creators.
As The Creators offer each spoken mantra, they also coach us through the process of feeling into the mantra to see if it actually resonates and therefore has the positive intended effect on our vibration. There are several mantras offered in this recording of just over 11 minutes in length, and The C’s recommend that you choose your favorite(s) to repeat (out loud or in your head) over and over again, even when you’re not listening to this recording. Removing the negative energies and/or entities will open you up to new possibilities, and The Creators definitely included some mantras in the mix that are all about getting into the positive energy flow, which will of course put us in a high enough vibrational state that the negative energies cannot come in to our awareness or our energy fields. Love! <3
Light Language for Releasing Your Blocks to Healing Your Physical Body
Our physical bodies. When they’re healthy, we tend to take them for granted, but as soon as we get sick or have a chronic physical condition, we yearn for our bodies to be healed and healed quickly. So what happens? How come we don’t just heal up right away, like a scratch does on our arm? Blocks to healing. They come from a variety of sources, and in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes they even come from past lives. So how can we remove something when we don’t even know how it got started in the first place?
Light languages can remove blockages in our bodies, minds, chakras, and energy fields because they work with vibration, energy, and galactic light codes to go beyond the third-dimensional healing modalities. Light languages are a fifth-dimensional healing modality because they employ sound, codes, vibration and activations to bring us back into alignment. This light language of 6 minutes that I channeled will result in an alignment of energies, a releasing of blockages, and in opening you up to receiving the healing energies you’ve been summoning since you contracted your illness/disease/condition in your physical body. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Boosting Your Immunity to All Viruses & Infectious Diseases
We are existing at a strange time in our world. To deny that a virus exists at this point would be silly, and instead, it makes perfect sense to do everything in our power to raise our vibrations up above it so that we can live comfortably and socialize with confidence again. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. For this sound healing, I played one of my crystal bowls, while channeling tones and overtones, and I infused the playing and toning with the intention of activating your body’s immune system and raising your vibration to such an extent that your immune system will be able to keep you safe and healthy from the covid-19 virus and all other viruses and infectious diseases.
Flu season is also upon us in the United States, and this sound healing will put you in a state of being to keep you in that higher-vibrational energy that makes you incompatible with getting sick. We can rise above the vibrational frequency of covid-19 and all other viruses and infectious diseases, and sound is the perfect tool for keeping us happy and healthy. It works with vibration to alter our physical, emotional, mental, and energetic bodies. Love! <3
Light Language for Purging Negative Energies from Your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Energetic Bodies
Negative Energies. They can manifest in your reality as thoughts, thought forms, beliefs, blockages, emotions, entities, toxins, and even diseases. You can clear these energies in a variety of ways, and light language is one of them. In my opinion, light languages are an extremely powerful tool for purging anything and everything that’s of a lower vibration. You have several bodies, and each of them hold on to these negative energies in different, unique ways. This 6-minute light language I channeled is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for disrupting, dislodging, and purging all lower-vibrational, or what we commonly refer to as negative energies from all of our bodies. A healthy body, healthy mind, peaceful emotions, and a powerful force of an energy field are what you can expect from letting this language of light do what it does so naturally. It’s effortless. All you have to do is listen and let the power of this channeled light language wash over you. Love <3
Sound Healing For Pain Relief in Your Physical Body ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Physical pain. Sometimes it’s fleeting, and other times it’s chronic. This much I know is true – we all feel pain in our bodies from time to time. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing with the tones and overtones I channel and one of the crystal bowls I play. I infused this sound healing with the intention, vibration, and energy to disrupt the vibration that got the pain in your physical body started to begin with. Pain doesn’t have to be something we just learn to live with…it can be something we eliminate from our experience, for good. Pain is a vibration. And when we offer the vibration that counters it, it must disappear. It’s a cosmic law. Two vibrations that are completely incompatible cannot exist in the same space at the same time. Therefore, you get to be pain free. Joy! <3
Breathing Exercises for Reversing the Aging Process ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Aging. While everyone does it, certainly some do it better and more gracefully than others. How can our spirituality help? Focus, conscious breathing, visualizing, receiving love and light, and opening up to higher frequency energies are all a part of a great self-care program that will change your mind, vibration, and ultimately your physical body…for the better. This downloadable mp3 recording of 11 minutes and 11 seconds contains three separate breathing exercises from the 12-dimensional collective known as The Creators, channeled by me, and these breathing exercises will bring you back into a state of youthful vitality, appearance, and exuberance for life. I know that conscious breathing is one of the most powerful actions any of us can take to improve our vibration, emotional state, and physical well-being, and I know these breathing exercises will work for you. Love <3
Sound Healing For Releasing Inflammation in Your Body
Inflammation. It’s a rather big buzz word in the world of health, well-being, and fitness these days. Taken from a google search I did: “Experts believe inflammation may contribute to a wide range of chronic diseases. Examples of these are metabolic syndrome, which includes type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.” On another website I found: “Inflammatory diseases include a vast array of disorders and conditions that are characterized by inflammation. Examples include allergy, asthma, autoimmune diseases, coeliac disease, glomerulonephritis, hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, preperfusion injury and transplant rejection.” So it’s pretty extensive in the different ways inflammation can affect us. That’s why I created this sound healing. I channeled tones & overtones, while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I infused my playing and channeling with the intention of offering sounds that would put you in a vibration to counter the effects and causes of inflammation in your bodies. Sound is such a powerful healing modality, and that’s why I’m sure this sound healing can release the inflammation you’ve got in your physical body. Joy! <3
Breathing Exercises for Manifesting Your Ideal Physical Body ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Our physical bodies. Oftentimes, they’re not the size, shape, and feeling state we would prefer them to be. That’s why I channeled The Creators for this downloadable mp3 of an 11 minute and 11 second recording of breathing exercises that are designed to manifest that perfect physical form that you’ve either always wanted to be in or want to get back into. The Creators take us through three separate breathing exercises that are designed to put us into the body of our dreams. Breathing is the only action we absolutely need to take in order to stay alive, and so it makes logical sense that breathing would be the ultimate tool in transforming our physical bodies. Your physical body responds so well to conscious breathwork techniques, and the three breathing exercises brought forth by The Creators in this recording are certain to bring you into a state of transformation, granting you access to the body that fits more harmoniously with the consciousness that you have developed in this lifetime. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Hormonal Imbalances, Deficiencies & Changes
Hormones. We all have them. Sometimes we feel like they have us. Especially as we age, it seems like we have too much of some and not enough of others, and that can throw our minds, bodies, and emotions out of whack. If you have ever felt that way, this sound healing is what you’ve been waiting for. How does a sound healing work? First, I set the intention for the sound healing. Then, I channel tones and overtones that carry the intention out, vibrationally, to the listener. Additionally, I play a crystal bowl while channeling, and the sounds produced by my crystal bowl playing also carry the intention and vibration to put your body into emotional, physical and mental balance, and that includes your hormone levels. As you listen to this recording of the 10-minute sound healing that I’m offering here, stay open and receptive to letting the tones, overtones and sounds wash over you, as you let the healing power of sound take over. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Cleansing All Parasites, Physical, Non-Physical & Energetic
Parasites. Most of us have them in our bodies and/or energy fields, but we don’t even realize that we do. That goes for physical, non-physical, and energetic parasites, all of which we can pick up at any time, whether they’re seeking us out, sent to us by someone else’s intention, or they attach to us because we went down a very bad-feeling rabbit hole on the Internet. That’s why I created this 10-minute downloadable mp3 of a sound healing to cleanse them all from your body and energy field. I channeled the tones and overtones with the intention, vibration, and energy to counteract the vibration of the parasites that you have in your body and energy field. The vibration created by the channeled tones and crystal bowl playing will make the environment of your body and field inhospitable to the parasites. In other words, they won’t be able to stay because the sounds generated carry a vibration that is too high frequency for them to maintain their residency. Joy! <3
Light Language Blessing for Achieving Perfect Physical Health
Physical health. At times, it can be quite elusive, especially when you factor in the ascension symptoms we all experience. I’ve struggled with achieving perfect health from time to time in my life, and that’s one of the reasons I decided to channel this light language blessing. By listening to the recording of this light language, you will be altered physically and energetically. Light languages hold a vibration, intention, and galactic light codes, and in this light language, all three are for re-creating your perfectly healthy physical body. The quickest and fastest way to achieving that perfect bodily health is by working with vibration and sound, and both of those key elements are included in any light language transmission. This blessing will re-create your physical form in the perfection that you’ve always imagined you could attain. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Dissolving Cancer Cells, Tumors & the Energies that Create Them
Cancer. It seems like it’s affecting more and more people all the time, and in this toxic world we live in, it’s no wonder so many are being afflicted by it. The human body is created by our energetic body, which is affected by our vibration. Our vibration is a powerful force of creation that we are offering all day, every day, and it can be altered quite easily. We can vibrate faster (positive energy) or slower (negative energy), depending on the energies around us and our point of focus. Sound has proven to be an effective healing modality, even accepted as such by Western Medicine. Sound vibrates. That’s something we can feel in our bodies. Walk into a room where there’s death metal music playing, and you’ll probably want to turn around and run! And walk into a room with new age music or classical, and chances are, you’ll feel more calm and at ease right away. Soothed <3
Light Language for Boosting Your Immunity to All Communicative Viruses & Illnesses
I channeled this light language while holding the intention to bring through the vibration, galactic light codes, and energy to support and boost our immune systems for keeping all viruses and illnesses at bay. Now is a time when a lot of people are thinking about their immunity to the coronavirus, but it’s just one in a long line of new viruses that we’ve had on the planet in recent years. Taking echinacea, other herbal immune boosters, visiting your naturopath or acupuncturist, and taking lots of Vitamin C can also be used in conjunction with this light language transmission, as it works on the energetic level, but it’s always a good idea to help your body on the physical level as well. The energetic body creates the physical body, but the body can always use the help of the consciousness inhabiting that body. So take good care of yourself and know that your vibration is always the ultimate tool for enhancing your health and well-being and maintaining a healthy body. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Healing All Skin Conditions & Accessing Youthful, Glowing, Healthy Skin
Our skin reveals what’s going on inside of us, and when there’s something on our skin that we don’t like seeing or feeling, that usually only happens after a lot of experiences of a lower vibration. Vibration is where it all begins – health and illness – and that’s how this sound healing works. Sound is vibration, and as such, it’s the easiest way for someone to improve their vibration. Once you have the higher vibration coming from inside of you, your skin will begin to reflect that higher frequency vibration you’ve been accessing. I channeled the tones and overtones for this one while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I held the intention for the sound to work on your core vibration, raising it high enough to see immediate results on your skin. Whether you have an actual skin condition, or you just want to have youthful, radiant, glowing skin with no wrinkles and lines, this is the sound healing for you! Joy <3
Sound Healing for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease & Epstein-Barr Virus
These various afflictions are related by their symptoms – feeling rundown, fatigued, sore muscles, chronic pain, achy joints, lethargic, etc. Getting into a higher-vibrational state seems to be the only way for people afflicted with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the Epstein-Barr virus, and/or Lyme Disease to get any sense of relief. I channeled tones and overtones while infusing the intention for healing in my crystal bowl playing to produce this 10 and a half minute recording that you can play on a computer, phone, tablet, ipod, or any other device that plays MP3s. The sound created carries the vibration that counters the vibratory state of the physical body that is exhibiting the symptoms of these conditions, and the result will be that you’ll feel better, more energized, and in less (or no) pain after listening. Joy! <3
Andromedan Light Language for Healing All Health Challenges
A light language goes beyond the limitations of the mind to activate you on a vibrational level in the precise ways that you need to get activated, and with light languages, it’s all about intention. That’s why I held the intention to channel the Andromedan Council of Light for this light language transmission, and I brought through a language of light that would offer a vibration that would cancel out any illnesses you had in your physical body. This one is for healing all health conditions, which means the energy and galactic light codes infused into the light language will raise your overall vibration to such an extent that the virus, bacteria, ascension symptom, genetic marker, or whatever is causing you to feel ill will not be able to coexist with the vibration. It will simply melt away. Healing <3
Angelic Sound Healing for Mind, Body & Soul ∞Archangel Michael
A sound healing works with vibration to heal you on the quantum level. I channeled Archangel Michael for this 10-Minute sound healing, and I did so with the intention that the tones and overtones coming through me would be infused with not only the angelic love and light of Michael, but also with the frequency in the sound that will counteract any negatively-oriented frequencies that you have in your mind, body and soul that are preventing you from being in the healthy physical body of your dreams. Sound waves carry the vibration infused in them, and when I’m in the channeling state, I’m able to access those higher frequency vibrations that match a healthy mind (which means healthier thoughts), a healthy body (which means healthier cells and organs), and a healthy soul (which means less trauma from past lives). This one is a gamechanger! Love <3
Light Language for Releasing Fatigue & Accessing Infinite Lifeforce Energy
Languages of light are infused with the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to activate within us what has been lying dormant, while they simultaneously release any old, stuck, negative energy we have within us. The feeling of fatigue is an ascension symptom that so many of us experience on a daily basis, and it’s related to all of the work we’ve been doing on ourselves since awakening. Some of the work started even before our awakening experiences. And as such, some of us have been experiencing this fatigue for decades. Light languages work through the healing power of sound, combined with intention and galactic light codes to move past the limitations of the mind and body. This is an energetic upgrade and healing on a multidimensional level. Joy!
Meditation for Creating Your Ideal Physical Body ∞Quan Yin
Our ideal physical bodies. They’re right here, right now, waiting to be accessed by us. That’s why I channeled Quan Yin for this 15-minute guided meditation. I knew she was the perfect choice to create this topic. Being in the physical bodies that we desire is our birthright, but we pick up these beliefs about ourselves and our bodies…beliefs like, “You are what you eat” and “Genetics are our destiny.” Now is the time to let go of those types of beliefs and to step into our roles as the creators of our reality. Our state of being is our primary creation, and our bodies are the next creation we manifest, and we manifest them instantaneously.
If you’ve ever struggled with your bodily health or your feelings of self-worth because of your size, height, or any other defining physical characteristic, then this is the meditation for you. Quan Yin takes us through a process of loving our bodies just as they are, processing our feelings about our physical selves, and then creating the body we have always wanted. Spending 15 minutes a day on this meditation is a huge time saver if you’re accustomed to dealing with your physical issues by hitting the treadmill or going to doctor’s appointment after doctor’s appointment. The time, money, and energy spent on this meditation pales in comparison to what you’d put towards the traditional ways of approaching being in the body of your dreams.
Pleiadian Light Language Healing ∞The Pleiadian High Council of 7
The Pleiadians really are the experts on healing, and so, I figured they would be the best choice for bringing through a light language for a universal healing of the physical, emotional, energetic, and mental bodies. The light language was channeled by me, but I partnered with the Pleiadian High Council of 7 to bring this one through, as I knew that there was much more to be accessed if I pulled the light language through the Pleiadian Star System. The languages of light I channel come from the entire universe, unless I specify a particular star system to pull it through.
A Light Language contains galactic light codes, information, energy, vibration, and the intention infused into it, all working together to give you an experience of being activated, healed, grounded, and upgraded. These light language transmissions are powerful! The recording is about 6 minutes in length, but it packs such a powerful punch that you will want to listen to it over and over again. The language of light will transform your physical body, organs, and cells to operate at a higher frequency, leaving you in a state of health and well-being after you listen.
Sound Healing for Activating Your Vitality & Physical Energy ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Use this sound healing for activating your vitality, lifting your energy, and overcoming chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue. It’s so common amongst the awakened that I would say it’s the most frequently experienced ascension symptom. We live in a world that often runs counter to the natural rhythms of love that define our higher selves, our true selves. That’s why I created this sound healing.
I channeled tones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I infused the sounds with the intention of activating the vitality and physical energy within your body. This is one that I’ve struggled with for over two decades, but lucky for me, I channel for a living! So that helps me get through the fatigue I feel on a daily basis. But if you don’t have a job that prompts you to tune in to higher frequencies, then you need something increase the flow of that vital energy.
Do this one whenever you feel zonked out and need to re-energize. Lie down and close your eyes and let the tones and sounds do the rest! Joy <3
Sound Healing for Stopping & Reversing the Aging Process
In this 10 minute sound healing, I channeled tones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, and all the sounds created are infused with the intention and vibrations necessary to stop and reverse the aging process. We are evolving, and one of the ways we’re evolving is to move from a carbon based body to a crystalline based vehicle. That means we DO have more control over the bodies we inhabit. We don’t have to give in to the societal programming that says we will grow old, deteriorate, and die. I have heard the guides I channel say over and over again that through the ascension process, there is no need to die in this lifetime. And since there’s no need to die, there certainly isn’t a need to age. Listen to this one whenever you feel yourself giving in to the belief that you are deteriorating because of your age. Enjoy! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Influence & Implants from Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence. We used to just think of it as something in sci-fi movies and TV shows. But now it’s becoming more and more a part of our everyday lives, with smartphones, smart-everything else, and Alexa (amazon’s A.I. dealie). The influence of A.I. on the human being is becoming harder and harder to ignore. This sound healing that I created with one of my crystal bowls and the tones and overtones I channel is infused with the intention of removing the influence of the A.I. from your body, mind, and energy field. It’s also going to remove any physical implants from your body and field.Now that might not happen while you’re listening to the recording the very first time. It may just jostle the implant loose so that it can be more easily removed while you’re sleeping or released when you’re eliminating waste from your body. Freedom! <3
Sound Healing for Upgrading, Regenerating & Clearing Your Cells
The cells in our bodies. They respond to our thoughts, and they respond to sound. Their health and well-being determine how much light we can hold on the energetic level and how many nutrients we can absorb on the physical level. So I created this sound healing to upgrade, regenerate, and clear the cells in our physical bodies with my crystal bowl and some channeled tones. This sound healing will help you download more light, information from your guides, and high frequency energies from the higher realms. Having happy cells will also make them more responsive to your desires for your physical body. Want to lose weight? Gain muscle? Have more energy? It all starts with the trillions of cells in your body. Listen to this one whenever you feel the need to give your cells a boost, like when you’re feeling sick or just lacking vitality. Energize! <3
Sound Healing for Detoxifying Your Organs ∞Daniel & Maricris Dominique
In this download of just over 10 minutes, I teamed up with my lovely wife Maricris Dominique, and we created this sound healing for the purpose of detoxifying the physical organs of your body. Maricris is a shamanic priestess, as well as a medical intuitive. She offers the shamanic drumming on the track, while I channel tones, overtones, and healing sounds, all infused with the intention of releasing the toxins from your organs. Remember, the heart is also an organ, and so while this recording will eliminate physical toxins from organs like the liver, it will also release energetic blockages and other stuck energy in your heart. Listen to this one whenever you feel sick or after indulging in some food, beverages, or other substances that you want to clear from your body as quickly as possible. And you can also use it for regular maintenance of your physical body. Love! <3
Light Language for Reversing the Aging Process
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 46 seconds, I channeled a light language that is designed to reverse the aging process in your body, making you look and feel younger. The light language is encoded to affect your genes, your DNA, and your cells to bring about the process of reversing the somewhat unnatural aging process. Our bodies were created to last us for as long as we want to inhabit them, but due to societal programming, coupled with the toxins we’ve been exposed to throughout our lives, the process of aging/deteriorating has become ingrained in our consciousness. Through listening to this light language transmission, you can undo all of that and bring yourself into a new phase of your life – one where you choose the body you want to inhabit. Freedom! <3
Light Language for Deactivating Nanites, Nanobots & All Nanotech from Your Physical Body
In this transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes, I channeled a light language that will deactivate any nanites, nanobots, or other nanotechnology that’s in your physical body. As some of you probably already know, artificial intelligence has a presence in this galaxy, and an agenda. There are also humans who use nanotech to try to control the majority of the population. This download will deactivate that nanotech so that it can naturally pass through your body and be eliminated, giving you full control of your body and mind. Love! <3
Light Language for Regenerating, Revitalizing & Upgrading Your Cells
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 50 seconds, I channeled a light language that contains the intention, vibration, and light codes to regenerate, revitalize, and upgrade the cells in your physical body. Our bodies and our cells are in need of as much support as we are emotionally. This light language came through me like no other has, and I was blown away by the rapid-fire energy that came through me. Do this one right after you download it, and then again whenever you feel a cold or the flu coming on, or just feel run-down. Revitalize! <3
Light Language for Dissolving Cancerous Tumors & Cancer Cells
In this transmission of 6 minutes in length, I channeled a light language that is infused with the galactic light codes, vibration, and intention to shrink, break up, and dissolve cancerous tumors and cells in the human body. The transmission felt and sounded to me like a shaman was coming through to channel this light language with me. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, or have been battling cancer for years, please give this alternative treatment for cancer a listen and let me know what the results are for you. I would love to know that my work is having that kind of impact on people’s lives. Even if you’re already receiving chemo and radiation, or any other standard medical treatment for cancer, I recommend using this as well. Tones, sounds, light languages, and vibration are the healing modality of the future. Love! <3
Light Language for Achieving Perfect Health & Well-Being
In this light language transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes, I channel a light language that is infused with the intention of bringing your physical body into perfect health and well-being. There are also tones that come through with the light language transmission, and those also carry the intention. Sit back and listen to this one a few times in a row, and then you might even feel inspired to speak your own light language. There’s no right or wrong way to speak one, and any time you are using your voice to heal, you’re doing something positive for your well-being. Love! <3
Light Language for Releasing Toxins in the Physical Body
In this light language transmission of 5 and a half minutes, I bring through a language that is infused with the intention of removing and releasing toxins from our physical bodies. This powerful transmission can be used daily, in addition to a cleanse you’re doing on a physical level, or it can be used all by itself. You may get inspired to speak a light language of your own and/or tone to further the cleansing. Have fun with it. Just because you’re detoxing, doesn’t mean it has to be hard or serious 🙂. Love! <3
Breathing Exercises for Healing Your Physical Body ∞The Creators
In this download of 12 minutes, The Creators take us through two breathing exercises that we can do every day to improve our physical well-being, bringing our bodies back to perfect health. These exercises will move energy on a physical and non-physical level, working on your emotional, energetic, physical, and even mental bodies. The Creators recommend building your stamina from 5 to 20 minutes per day. With just these two breathing techniques, you can create for yourself a long, healthy life. Enjoy! <3
Healing Meditation ∞Yeshua
Our physical health and well-being. It’s so important, and yet, we hardly think about it unless we’re already sick. That can all change, of course, as we pay more attention to our energy and emotions, which are the places where health and well-being really begin. In this 15 minute meditation from Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ), he takes us through a process of healing ourselves that will leave you with a brand new body and a brand new energy field. The meditation is set to beautiful new age music and can be done any time you’re feeling ascension symptoms, have an illness, pain, or even just discomfort in your physical body. The energy transmission is strong in this one. Yeshua always brings such a gigantic energetic force with his presence. Enjoy! <3
Tones & Overtones for Detoxing Your Cells & Organs ∞Various Guides
In this download of just over 10 and a half minutes, various guides of mine (The Creators, The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, Quan Yin, and possibly more) collaborated to produce these healing tones and overtones that are designed to detoxify our cells and organs. The intention infused into the tones and overtones, the high frequency they carry, and the literal pushing out of the toxins by the sound waves will all help to create the desired effect in the physical body. Tone along, or simply lay back and let the tones do what they do. Be sure to drink lots of water after listening to this one. Enjoy! <3
Negative Entity Removal from Your Energy Field & Physical Body ∞The PHCo7
The negative entities that attach to us when we are at our lowest points in life often stick around, even after the drama and trauma is over. They feed off of the energy of the emotions and pain we experience. Removing them is easier than you might think! The Pleiadians demonstrate that in this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds. They’ll walk you through the process and you’ll get your sovereign space back! Enjoy <3
Cellular Upgrade ∞Archangel Michael
In this download of just under 12 and a half minutes, Archangel Michael takes us through a process that assists us in receiving a cellular upgrade – for every cell in our bodies! I felt it as I was channeling the download. You’ll be able to hold more light in your physical body and a higher frequency as you go about your day. Enjoy! <3
Manifesting the Physical Body You Want ∞Archangel Gabriel
Spirituality and healthy bodies. They are so wonderfully intertwined. The Archangel Gabriel was the perfect fit for providing this download/meditation. Our bodies – we definitely are manifesting them in every moment. At times, they feel like an anchor, holding us back from being who we really are…keeping us feeling dense when we want to soar into the higher realms with our light bodies. But our physical bodies here in the fourth dimension can also be sources of great pain, and at times we’ll even see ourselves as less lovable because of our bodies…or some aspect of them.
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