In this download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds, The Zetas offer a process for tuning in to and channeling human/zeta hybrid children. Bashar’s race (Sassani) and Ishuwa’s race (Yahyel) were both created by the hybridization program, initiated by The Zetas. Channeling these joyous little beings will be a delight for you, whether you’ve ever channeled previously or not. Enjoy! <3
How to Channel Hybrid Children ∞The Zetas
In this download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds, The Zetas offer a process for tuning in to and channeling human/zeta hybrid children. Bashar’s race (Sassani) and Ishuwa’s race (Yahyel) were both created by the hybridization program, initiated by The Zetas. Channeling these joyous little beings will be a delight for you, whether you’ve ever channeled previously or not. Enjoy! <3
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