In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, I channeled Saint Germain, and the ascended master came through with a process that will help you gain access to his energy and vibration so that you can verbally channel messages from him. This download contains a transmission of Saint Germain’s unique vibrational signature, and after feeling it, you will always be connected to him. Saint Germain is a beautiful being who is reaching out to us now more than ever to assist us in the ascension process. Love! <3

How to Channel Saint Germain ∞Saint Germain
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, I channeled Saint Germain, and the ascended master came through with a process that will help you gain access to his energy and vibration so that you can verbally channel messages from him. This download contains a transmission of Saint Germain’s unique vibrational signature, and after feeling it, you will always be connected to him. Saint Germain is a beautiful being who is reaching out to us now more than ever to assist us in the ascension process. Love! <3
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