In this download of 12 and a half minutes, The Arcturian Council take us through the steps necessary to make the healthiest food choices for our bodies in any given moment. This download is filled with practical insights that you can start using right away to ensure you’re giving your body the nutrients it needs to operate at maximum efficiency and hold the highest possible vibration. The Arcturians provide you with a roadmap for putting yourself in the best possible position for making the healthiest food choices as well. Bon Apetit! <3
How to Make Healthy Food Choices ∞ Pay What You Want
In this download of 12 and a half minutes, The Arcturian Council take us through the steps necessary to make the healthiest food choices for our bodies in any given moment. This download is filled with practical insights that you can start using right away to ensure you’re giving your body the nutrients it needs to operate at maximum efficiency and hold the highest possible vibration. The Arcturians provide you with a roadmap for putting yourself in the best possible position for making the healthiest food choices as well. Bon Apetit! <3
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