In this transmission of 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that will ground you in your physical body. Why is grounding important? If you’re not grounded in your body, you’re unable to feel the vibration you are giving off. If you’re unaware of the vibration you’re giving off, you’re not consciously creating your reality. So grounding is the first and one of the most important steps in creating the reality you prefer. It will also make you present and heart-centered. Being grounded is also important when you’re accessing higher frequency energies. Make sure you ground at least once a day. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Grounding You in Your Physical Body ∞Pay What You Want
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that will ground you in your physical body. Why is grounding important? If you’re not grounded in your body, you’re unable to feel the vibration you are giving off. If you’re unaware of the vibration you’re giving off, you’re not consciously creating your reality. So grounding is the first and one of the most important steps in creating the reality you prefer. It will also make you present and heart-centered. Being grounded is also important when you’re accessing higher frequency energies. Make sure you ground at least once a day. Enjoy! <3
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