Making Contact with Extra-Terrestrials ∞A Master Course
This Master Course includes 32 recordings, totaling over 8 hours of listening time. First, you’ll want to listen to the 4 one-hour-long recordings from my “Making Contact w/E.T.s 4-Week Course.” Next, you’ll be able to choose from the other 28 recordings, which include Meditations, Light Languages, Breathing Exercises, Mantras, Sound Healings, and Activations. There are also a few “How-To” recordings. All in all, it’s one of my biggest master courses yet! I recommend listening to the meditations daily, while choosing from the other recordings whichever ones jump out at you initially. Listen to them all several times to get the full effect, and then prepare for your contact experiences to manifest in your reality! ∞Love, Daniel
Making Contact with Extra-Terrestrials ∞Recordings from My 4-Week Course
In the four one-hour recordings from this FOUR WEEK COURSE, I teach you everything I know about connecting with our E.T. friends. I tell you all about my own experiences with connecting with e.t.s, and I explain how and why I believe they happened. I also teach you all the tricks I’ve developed over the years to connect directly with our galactic families, and of course, I teach you how to channel e.t.s. The recordings from this course are also be about connecting to the e.t.s all around us, the e.t. DNA within us, and eventually, making that physical contact with extra-terrestrials in the flesh that we are all so excited about! There were also plenty of questions asked and answered during the course of the four one-hour classes in this course, and those questions touched on a variety e.t.-related topics. Joy <3
What About All the E.T.s I Channel? How were they involved in this course? I also channeled The Zetas, Hathors, The Arcturian Council, and The Pleiadian High Council of Seven at the end of each hour of the recordings. I led everyone through some exercises and processes that I’ve used myself, and I enlisted the help of my E.T. friends to help guide all in attendance to their own E.T. experiences, both physical and non-physical in nature. The various extra-terrestrial groups I channel are very involved in the creation and teaching of this class, as they are forever connected to me and all that I said during the hour-long classes in each of the four weeks of this course came in part from them. I shared with everyone who attended the course my own experiences with E.T.s and UFOs and how I believe they came about. Also, there was, as always, an emphasis on how you can find the vibration within you to create these experiences for yourself. Love <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Your E.T. DNA
Our E.T. DNA. It holds the secret to unlocking our most prized spiritual gifts and abilities, because we have already existed in physical form in other parts of the galaxy…as e.t.s ourselves! And since those lifetimes were spent in higher dimensions, those abilities we seek so fervently in this lifetime are a part of our collective past. Our DNA contains all of the information, all of the past life memories, and all of the memories of our spiritual gifts and abilities attained in those lifetimes. Having our e.t. DNA activated will also help us light up to the e.t.s that are visiting our atmosphere in their ships. And as such, the e.t.s in those ships will be more likely to communicate with us if we have all of our E.T. DNA activated. That’s why I created this mp3 recording of me channeling tones and overtones while simultaneously playing one of my crystal bowls. I knew that I could generate sounds, along with the bowl, that would result in the listener’s e.t. DNA becoming activated. Just listen once and feel the difference way down in your body’s cells. Once that e.t. DNA is activated in the listener, the sky will be the limit for what we can do in this lifetime. Love! <3
Tones, Overtones & Sounds for Accessing E.T.s, DNA & Memories from Sirius
Sirius. The binary star system is of crucial importance to us, as we struggle as a human collective to find meaning in our lives and new, significant ways to be of service. The Sirius star system is all about service to others, and the representatives from Sirius – dolphins, whales, and canines – help inspire us to become our better selves and remind us of who we have been. This recording of 10 minutes in length is filled with the tones, overtones, and crystal bowl playing I channeled when I created it, and all of those sounds were infused with the intention of granting you access to extra-terrestrials from Sirius (star family/soul family members), your Sirian DNA, and the memories you have embedded deep in your cells of the lifetimes you spent in the Sirius star system, incarnating in humanoid, canine, and aquatic form. This recording will activate that which is Sirian inside of you, as well as sending out the right vibrational signal to attract e.t.s from Sirius to come visit you and give you even more of that high-frequency energy from their beautiful star system. Joy! <3
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Meeting with E.T.s Face to Face
Meeting up with e.t.s in the flesh is something we all want to experience. The reality of our situation here on Earth is that most people aren’t ready (even those of us who think we are!). The reason: blockages. Whether they’re psychological, energetic, or emotional, we’ve built up these blockages over our many thousands of lifetimes in the Milky Way galaxy. Suffice it to say, not all of our experiences with e.t.s have been pleasant! So even if the memories of those unpleasant memories have been blocked out by us, we still have the energetic blockages that prevent us from accessing those realities where we can meet up with an e.t. face to face because our higher selves know that if we did, all that trauma from all that stuck energy would come flooding forward, and we would probably go into shock, pass out, or something worse.
That’s why I created this downloadable mp3 file of a light language that’s six minutes in length. I intended for the light language to contain the vibrations, galactic light codes, and energies to melt away those blockages and bring you into the right vibration to open up to having those face-to-face e.t. encounters that we all desire. I believe that being able to meet up with our e.t. family is a big part of making the shift in consciousness to the 5th dimension, and I know this light language will help. Love <3
Light Language for Connecting You w/The Hathors, *s*s, Osiris, Horus, Thoth, Ra, Sekhmet & Other Egyptian gods
The Egyptian gods. Who were they? Where did they come from? We now know that they were in fact aliens, and that they gave the Egyptians so much wisdom, mated with them, helped build the pyramids, and so much more. I hear people asking about their connections with the Egyptian gods/E.T.s all the time, and that’s why I created this light language transmission. When I channeled this light language, I infused it with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for connecting us with the Egyptians in the here and now. Making those connections can mean that you will be able to channel them, retrieve past life memories of learning from them, and receive the wisdom and energies that they have to share with you in the present moment. Listening to this light language will open you up to the long-lost connections you have had with the Hathors, *s*s, Osiris, Ra, Sekhmet, Horus, Thoth and any other E.T.s from that era of the Egyptian Empire. Love! <3
Breathing Exercise for Activating Your E.T. DNA ∞The Arcturian Council
Our E.T. DNA. For most of our lives, we ‘ve been unaware that such DNA even existed within us. Now, thanks to all the contact we’ve had with higher-dimensional beings, we know we are made up of more than just Earthly human DNA…we are all part E.T. Now is also a time when it’s becoming easier and easier to activate that DNA within us. Just breathing with intention can do so much. That’s exactly what this download is all about. The Arcturian Council leads us through an exercise that will activate our E.T. DNA, giving us more access to our abilities, connections with E.T.s, and memories of our past lives AS E.T.s. This is a very simple breathing exercise that we can do over and over again to activate more and more of our E.T. DNA. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Opening Portals to Other Dimensions, Star Systems & Universes
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 47 seconds, I channeled a light language that will enable you to easily open portals to other dimensions, star systems, and even parallel universes. Once you listen to the light language transmission, all you’ll need to do is use your finger to draw a circle in the space around you, and with the intention to open a portal to anywhere at all, you’ll have the attunement you need to get it done! The portal doesn’t have to be in the same room as you’re sitting, or even in your home. You can open HUGE portals in the sky and access whatever energies you desire. And through the portals you open, you can receive downloads, upgrades, information, and direct transmissions from E.T.s, your Oversoul, Source, angels, or any other being you can imagine. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Remembering Your Past E.T. Encounters
In this transmission of just under 6 minutes, I channeled a light language that is infused with the energy, vibration, galactic light codes, and intention to unlock your forgotten memories from encounters you’ve had with E.T.s in this lifetime and in past lives as well. You may get the memories in the form of dreams, or you may have a knowing of an encounter you’ve had with an E.T. or multiple E.T.s that’s just undeniable. Remembering our past encounters with our friends from across the galaxy is important for our integration process, becoming our higher selves, and establishing humanity as members of the galactic community. Love! <3
Meditation for Making Physical Contact with Extra-Terrestrials ∞The Arcturian Council
In this 15 minute meditation from The Arcturian Council, they take us through a journey to help us connect in the physical with actual extra-terrestrial beings. First, they take us through a process of letting go of any fear we might feel around meeting an E.T. face-to-face. Next, they walk us through an exercise where we meet E.T.s in our mind’s eye, travel on their ship, and even land on their home world. This meditation is fun and will put you in the right vibration for physical contact with an E.T. (or E.T.s). Enjoy! <3
Mantras for Making Contact with E.T.s ∞The Creators
In this download of 12 minutes, The Creators walk us through a series of mantras that will help us in becoming ready for making physical contact with E.T.s. The C’s also help us to align with the vibration of each mantra in order to get us to resonate with them. Use these mantras every day until you feel that complete resonance with them, and then you will know you are ready for contact with our E.T. friends. Love! <3
Light Language for Making Contact with E.T.s
In this light language transmission of 5 and a half minutes, I bring forth a brand new light language that is infused with the intention of opening you up to making contact with extra-terrestrials. Lean back or lie down and listen to this transmission while holding that intention within your consciousness, and you may receive immediate contact. You can listen right before falling asleep. Intend to connect with E.T.s of the highest frequency who are here in service. Enjoy! <3
How to Co-Create with Physical E.T.s ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of just over 12 minutes, The Arcturian Council takes us through a process to help us connect with our physical Extra-Terrestrial friends who want to co-create with us here and now on planet Earth. According to the Arcturians, there are far more E.T.s out there than we have ever even heard of, and they definitely do want to co-create with us. This recording will help you find the keys to unlocking your connection with our E.T. friends, bringing about the collaborative galaxy we all want to occupy. Enjoy! <3
How to Channel Extra-Terrestrials ∞The Quarnthians
In this download of just under 12 minutes, The Quarnthians deliver several strategies for channeling extra-terrestrial races. The transmission was pretty powerful, and just by listening, you can certainly tune in to their frequency. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to bring them (and the Zetas) through recently. I hope you all have the opportunity to channel such lovely beings as well. Good luck <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Connecting You to Your Pleiadian Star Family
Pleiadians. They are the star beings that have connected with humankind most often and the beings who have had the greatest impact on our spiritual evolution throughout the history of life on planet Earth. They are the healers, teachers, channelers, and guides of the galaxy, and we can receive so much from them if we can make that initial connection. Before you channel your Pleiadian Star Family members, connect with them. And this 10-minute sound healing – a recording of channeled tones, overtones, and crystal bowl sounds – will put you in the right vibration to connect your Pleiadian Star Family members in any and all of the 12 dimensions. I held the intention for the tones, overtones, and sounds produced by my crystal bowl playing to put you in the right vibration to make connections with Pleiadians you’ve never even heard of before but somehow always knew were around. For example, as I was creating this downloadable mp3, I was connecting with a Pleiadian Master named Sylus and a beautiful female Nordic Pleiadian as well. I didn’t even know they were in my Pleiadian Star Family. Sound works so well at opening portals and altering vibration because sound is vibrational by nature. This one was a joy to create, and I know that after just one listen, you will feel more connected to your Pleiadian Star Family members. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Activating Your Pleiadian DNA & Past Lives
In this 10 minute sound healing, I channeled tones and overtones while also utilizing one of my crystal bowls to create sounds infused with the intention to bring your Pleiadian DNA online. This sound healing was also designed to activate memories from your Pleiadian past lives. In your Pleiadian past lives, you have definitely been a healer and a teacher. Those are the focal points of the Pleiadians, and the Pleiadian star system was created to explore those aspects of existence. So when you listen to this sound healing, you’re also integrating those past life aspects of yourselves, and your healing and leadership/teaching abilities will also get activated. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Pleiadian DNA, Lifetime Memories, & Current Connections
In this light language transmission of just under 5 and a half minutes, I channel Pleiadian energy and light through me, translating it into words and sounds that are meant to activate and stimulate your connections to the Pleiadian Star System. After listening to this light language transmission once, your Pleiadian DNA will be activated, and you will be more likely to remember your Pleiadian lifetimes. You’ll also have a more conscious connection to the Pleiadians who are currently reaching out to you. Do it once or several times. Speak your own light language when you get inspired to. And enjoy! <3
How to Channel the Nordic Pleiadians ∞The PHCo7
In this download of just over 12 minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven delivers a process that will result in you verbally channeling the Pleiadian Beings known as “The Nordic Pleiadians.” The Nordic Pleiadians have been around Earth for a very long time, and they are very invested in our evolution and ascension. More and more of them are reaching out at this time to humanity to create a better relationship between our species. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Arcturian DNA, Lifetime Memories & Current Connections
This light language transmission will activate your Arcturian DNA, memories of past lives you’ve lived in the Arcturian Star System, and will connect you more purely to the Arcturians that are present and available to you in this lifetime. This language is encoded with tones and those tones hold an intention to give you the experiences with Arcturians that you want to have. You’ll also gain access to the DNA within you that is Arcturian and the past life memories that contain information that will be useful to you in this lifetime. Love! <3
ET Contact Activation ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download from The Arcturian Council, they take us through a process to connect us with an extra-terrestrial being, and they encourage us to continue making contact after the recording is complete. The audio is just over 11 minutes in length, and in it, the Arcturians demystify the experience of connecting with these ET beings, making them not only accessible, but also very familiar. Exploring these connections in our consciousness can and probably will lead to physical contact in this lifetime. Enjoy! <3
Arcturian DNA Activation ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council take us through processes to activate that dormant DNA that exists within all of us and comes from the Arcturian Star System. Listen to this one once or as many times as you want. The codes, tones, and light transmissions are strong, however, so make sure you drink lots of water before and after the activation. The Arcturians say we will feel closer to them after doing this one, and we’ll be more of our whole selves as well. The original human had 12 strands of DNA, and we are getting closer and closer to that fully functional body and energy all the time. Enjoy! <3
Arcturian Energy Download & Activation ∞The Arcturian Council
This download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council represents my first channeling of these high-frequency beings. The Arcturians offer us an explanation of our relationship to them, why they are coming through now, and they offer this download of energy that we can ground in our physical bodies and mother Earth. They also state that the download will activate our Arcturian DNA and that the connection between us will never be lost. Enjoy! <3
Tones for Connecting to Your Star Family ∞The Hathors
I asked The Hathors to bring through some tones to help us connect to our star families. Whether you resonate with the Pleiadians, Orions, Sirians, Antarians, Arcturians, Lyrans, Andromedans, Cassopeians, or some other star family, these tones and chants can help connect you to your brothers and sisters in the galaxy. I infused the energy of each star system listed above into the tones and sounds. This recording is over 11 minutes in length and filled with a variety of vibrations to help stimulate the awareness of which star system resonates most with you. Ready, set, connect! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Lyran DNA, Lifetime Memories, & Current Connections
In this transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes, I channeled a light language, with tones, and at times sounding much like a song. At times it seemed like I was giving an oral history of the Lyran race, as humans did ages ago while sitting around a campfire. The intention and vibration of this transmission will activate your Lyran (Feline/Humanoid) DNA. The Lyrans have a long history with humanity and planet Earth and were very active in Lemuria. The transmission will also help you remember your Lyran lifetimes and any current connections you have to the Lyrans. Love <3
Light Language for Activating Your Sirius DNA, Lifetime Memories & Current Connections
This light language transmission will activate your Sirian DNA, bring you more memories from your lifetimes in the Sirius Star System, and enhance your current connections to beings in Sirius. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and listen to the light language (which is also infused with some tones), and the galactic light codes will do all the work. You may feel inspired to speak your own light language that will further enhance the process however, and if you do, I recommend tuning yourself to the frequency of the dolphins and whales (both are from Sirius). Enjoy! <3
Connecting with Your Galactic Family Meditation ∞The Andromedan Council Of Light
Our Galactic Families. The e.t. beings we want to connect with can seem so distant, so far away, so ‘out there’ in the stars, that connecting to them can feel like quite the daunting task. That’s why I channeled The Andromedan Council of Light for this 15-minute guided meditation. This powerful meditation is set to beautiful new age music from Anneda Char. This meditation from The Andromedan Council of Light takes you through a series of steps that will relax you into the state of being necessary to align you with this experience of meeting your galactic family and becoming one with them. It was truly a treat for me to channel this one, as I felt my way through the process as well, and now I feel more connected to my galactic family than ever before. Meditation is the most powerful tool that we have as awakened souls to raise our vibration and open up to new and exciting experiences like connecting with our extra-terrestrial family from throughout the galaxy. I’m excited for all of you to experience what I experienced in channeling this meditation – pure joy through connection to long lost galactic family members. Enjoy! <3
Starseed Lineage Activation ∞The Andromedan Council of Light
The Andromedan Council of Light offer tones, a light language, and other processes in this recording of over 11 and a half minutes. The sound infused in the tones and language of light open you up, activated your e.t. DNA and grant you access to the energies of your star systems of origin. This activation is not just for one star system…it’s for all of them! All of the lifetimes that we’ve led off-planet (and most of us have led over 20,000 lifetimes in other parts of the galaxy) are activated in this download. The Andromedans also lead us through a process of receiving those past life memories directly in our third eyes. This is a powerful download! I’ve only channeled the Andromedan Council of Light a handful of times, and I felt inspired to channel them for this activation because of how powerful they feel when I tune in to them. Enjoy!
Light Language for Activating Your Andromedan DNA, Lifetimes & Current Connections
The Andromedan Star System. It’s right on the edge of the Milky Way, bordering the Andromedan Galaxy. And most of us have been there, incarnating a whole bunch of times. And the experiences from those lifetimes are inside of us, waiting to be activated. That’s why I channeled this light language. This light language will activate that Andromedan DNA, bring forth memories of your Andromedan lifetimes, and give you more access to your current connections in the Andromedan system. Yes, we have soul family members spread all throughout the galaxy, and when we awaken to those connections, we feel more whole. Listen to this one before going to sleep at night, and you’ll increase the likelihood of having a dream about your Andromedan lifetimes. Enjoy! <3
Activation of Your Andromedan DNA ∞Andromedan Council of Light
In this download of 11 minutes and 15 seconds, The Andromedan Council of Light bring through a transmission that will activate your Andromedan DNA, lifetime memories, and current connections to beings from their star system. This is a powerful transmission, and The Andromedan experience is very different from any other star family I’ve ever encountered. You will feel their power and the power they activate within you after doing this one. Love! <3
Light Language for Unlocking the Power of Your Starseed Lineage
Starseeds. If you’re reading this, you are undoubtedly one. But what does that mean for your day-to-day life on Earth? How is that benefitting us to know, besides giving us a nice label to add to our collection of labels? Well, if you know you are a starseed, then you know you have a history incarnating in other parts of this galaxy. And when we incarnated in those other parts of the galaxy, we gained abilities, wisdom, powers, experiences, compassion, and immense spiritual growth from all that we lived. Now is the time to integrate all of that, and this is the light language to help you get there. When I channeled this 6-minute language of light, I held the intention for it to unlock the power of your starseed lineage, and as a result, this light language contains the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes that will unlock all the power, abilities, memories of experiences, and more that we have stored in our DNA from other parts of this galaxy. Joy!

Making Contact with Extra Terrestrials ∞A Master Course
This Master Course includes 32 recordings, totaling over 8 hours of listening time. First, you’ll want to listen to the 4 one-hour-long recordings from my “Making Contacts w/E.T.s 4-Week Course.” Next, you’ll be able to choose from the other 28 recordings, which include Meditations
Making Contact with Extra-Terrestrials ∞A Master Course
This Master Course includes 32 recordings, totaling over 8 hours of listening time. First, you’ll want to listen to the 4 one-hour-long recordings from my “Making Contact w/E.T.s 4-Week Course.” Next, you’ll be able to choose from the other 28 recordings, which include Meditations, Light Languages, Breathing Exercises, Mantras, Sound Healings, and Activations. There are also a few “How-To” recordings. All in all, it’s one of my biggest master courses yet! I recommend listening to the meditations daily, while choosing from the other recordings whichever ones jump out at you initially. Listen to them all several times to get the full effect, and then prepare for your contact experiences to manifest in your reality! ∞Love, Daniel
Making Contact with Extra-Terrestrials ∞Recordings from My 4-Week Course
In the four one-hour recordings from this FOUR WEEK COURSE, I teach you everything I know about connecting with our E.T. friends. I tell you all about my own experiences with connecting with e.t.s, and I explain how and why I believe they happened. I also teach you all the tricks I’ve developed over the years to connect directly with our galactic families, and of course, I teach you how to channel e.t.s. The recordings from this course are also be about connecting to the e.t.s all around us, the e.t. DNA within us, and eventually, making that physical contact with extra-terrestrials in the flesh that we are all so excited about! There were also plenty of questions asked and answered during the course of the four one-hour classes in this course, and those questions touched on a variety e.t.-related topics. Joy <3
What About All the E.T.s I Channel? How were they involved in this course? I also channeled The Zetas, Hathors, The Arcturian Council, and The Pleiadian High Council of Seven at the end of each hour of the recordings. I led everyone through some exercises and processes that I’ve used myself, and I enlisted the help of my E.T. friends to help guide all in attendance to their own E.T. experiences, both physical and non-physical in nature. The various extra-terrestrial groups I channel are very involved in the creation and teaching of this class, as they are forever connected to me and all that I said during the hour-long classes in each of the four weeks of this course came in part from them. I shared with everyone who attended the course my own experiences with E.T.s and UFOs and how I believe they came about. Also, there was, as always, an emphasis on how you can find the vibration within you to create these experiences for yourself. Love <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Your E.T. DNA
Our E.T. DNA. It holds the secret to unlocking our most prized spiritual gifts and abilities, because we have already existed in physical form in other parts of the galaxy…as e.t.s ourselves! And since those lifetimes were spent in higher dimensions, those abilities we seek so fervently in this lifetime are a part of our collective past. Our DNA contains all of the information, all of the past life memories, and all of the memories of our spiritual gifts and abilities attained in those lifetimes. Having our e.t. DNA activated will also help us light up to the e.t.s that are visiting our atmosphere in their ships. And as such, the e.t.s in those ships will be more likely to communicate with us if we have all of our E.T. DNA activated. That’s why I created this mp3 recording of me channeling tones and overtones while simultaneously playing one of my crystal bowls. I knew that I could generate sounds, along with the bowl, that would result in the listener’s e.t. DNA becoming activated. Just listen once and feel the difference way down in your body’s cells. Once that e.t. DNA is activated in the listener, the sky will be the limit for what we can do in this lifetime. Love! <3
Tones, Overtones & Sounds for Accessing E.T.s, DNA & Memories from Sirius
Sirius. The binary star system is of crucial importance to us, as we struggle as a human collective to find meaning in our lives and new, significant ways to be of service. The Sirius star system is all about service to others, and the representatives from Sirius – dolphins, whales, and canines – help inspire us to become our better selves and remind us of who we have been. This recording of 10 minutes in length is filled with the tones, overtones, and crystal bowl playing I channeled when I created it, and all of those sounds were infused with the intention of granting you access to extra-terrestrials from Sirius (star family/soul family members), your Sirian DNA, and the memories you have embedded deep in your cells of the lifetimes you spent in the Sirius star system, incarnating in humanoid, canine, and aquatic form. This recording will activate that which is Sirian inside of you, as well as sending out the right vibrational signal to attract e.t.s from Sirius to come visit you and give you even more of that high-frequency energy from their beautiful star system. Joy! <3
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Meeting with E.T.s Face to Face
Meeting up with e.t.s in the flesh is something we all want to experience. The reality of our situation here on Earth is that most people aren’t ready (even those of us who think we are!). The reason: blockages. Whether they’re psychological, energetic, or emotional, we’ve built up these blockages over our many thousands of lifetimes in the Milky Way galaxy. Suffice it to say, not all of our experiences with e.t.s have been pleasant! So even if the memories of those unpleasant memories have been blocked out by us, we still have the energetic blockages that prevent us from accessing those realities where we can meet up with an e.t. face to face because our higher selves know that if we did, all that trauma from all that stuck energy would come flooding forward, and we would probably go into shock, pass out, or something worse.
That’s why I created this downloadable mp3 file of a light language that’s six minutes in length. I intended for the light language to contain the vibrations, galactic light codes, and energies to melt away those blockages and bring you into the right vibration to open up to having those face-to-face e.t. encounters that we all desire. I believe that being able to meet up with our e.t. family is a big part of making the shift in consciousness to the 5th dimension, and I know this light language will help. Love <3
Light Language for Connecting You w/The Hathors, *s*s, Osiris, Horus, Thoth, Ra, Sekhmet & Other Egyptian gods
The Egyptian gods. Who were they? Where did they come from? We now know that they were in fact aliens, and that they gave the Egyptians so much wisdom, mated with them, helped build the pyramids, and so much more. I hear people asking about their connections with the Egyptian gods/E.T.s all the time, and that’s why I created this light language transmission. When I channeled this light language, I infused it with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for connecting us with the Egyptians in the here and now. Making those connections can mean that you will be able to channel them, retrieve past life memories of learning from them, and receive the wisdom and energies that they have to share with you in the present moment. Listening to this light language will open you up to the long-lost connections you have had with the Hathors, *s*s, Osiris, Ra, Sekhmet, Horus, Thoth and any other E.T.s from that era of the Egyptian Empire. Love! <3
Breathing Exercise for Activating Your E.T. DNA ∞The Arcturian Council
Our E.T. DNA. For most of our lives, we ‘ve been unaware that such DNA even existed within us. Now, thanks to all the contact we’ve had with higher-dimensional beings, we know we are made up of more than just Earthly human DNA…we are all part E.T. Now is also a time when it’s becoming easier and easier to activate that DNA within us. Just breathing with intention can do so much. That’s exactly what this download is all about. The Arcturian Council leads us through an exercise that will activate our E.T. DNA, giving us more access to our abilities, connections with E.T.s, and memories of our past lives AS E.T.s. This is a very simple breathing exercise that we can do over and over again to activate more and more of our E.T. DNA. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Opening Portals to Other Dimensions, Star Systems & Universes
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 47 seconds, I channeled a light language that will enable you to easily open portals to other dimensions, star systems, and even parallel universes. Once you listen to the light language transmission, all you’ll need to do is use your finger to draw a circle in the space around you, and with the intention to open a portal to anywhere at all, you’ll have the attunement you need to get it done! The portal doesn’t have to be in the same room as you’re sitting, or even in your home. You can open HUGE portals in the sky and access whatever energies you desire. And through the portals you open, you can receive downloads, upgrades, information, and direct transmissions from E.T.s, your Oversoul, Source, angels, or any other being you can imagine. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Remembering Your Past E.T. Encounters
In this transmission of just under 6 minutes, I channeled a light language that is infused with the energy, vibration, galactic light codes, and intention to unlock your forgotten memories from encounters you’ve had with E.T.s in this lifetime and in past lives as well. You may get the memories in the form of dreams, or you may have a knowing of an encounter you’ve had with an E.T. or multiple E.T.s that’s just undeniable. Remembering our past encounters with our friends from across the galaxy is important for our integration process, becoming our higher selves, and establishing humanity as members of the galactic community. Love! <3
Meditation for Making Physical Contact with Extra-Terrestrials ∞The Arcturian Council
In this 15 minute meditation from The Arcturian Council, they take us through a journey to help us connect in the physical with actual extra-terrestrial beings. First, they take us through a process of letting go of any fear we might feel around meeting an E.T. face-to-face. Next, they walk us through an exercise where we meet E.T.s in our mind’s eye, travel on their ship, and even land on their home world. This meditation is fun and will put you in the right vibration for physical contact with an E.T. (or E.T.s). Enjoy! <3
Mantras for Making Contact with E.T.s ∞The Creators
In this download of 12 minutes, The Creators walk us through a series of mantras that will help us in becoming ready for making physical contact with E.T.s. The C’s also help us to align with the vibration of each mantra in order to get us to resonate with them. Use these mantras every day until you feel that complete resonance with them, and then you will know you are ready for contact with our E.T. friends. Love! <3
Light Language for Making Contact with E.T.s
In this light language transmission of 5 and a half minutes, I bring forth a brand new light language that is infused with the intention of opening you up to making contact with extra-terrestrials. Lean back or lie down and listen to this transmission while holding that intention within your consciousness, and you may receive immediate contact. You can listen right before falling asleep. Intend to connect with E.T.s of the highest frequency who are here in service. Enjoy! <3
How to Co-Create with Physical E.T.s ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of just over 12 minutes, The Arcturian Council takes us through a process to help us connect with our physical Extra-Terrestrial friends who want to co-create with us here and now on planet Earth. According to the Arcturians, there are far more E.T.s out there than we have ever even heard of, and they definitely do want to co-create with us. This recording will help you find the keys to unlocking your connection with our E.T. friends, bringing about the collaborative galaxy we all want to occupy. Enjoy! <3
How to Channel Extra-Terrestrials ∞The Quarnthians
In this download of just under 12 minutes, The Quarnthians deliver several strategies for channeling extra-terrestrial races. The transmission was pretty powerful, and just by listening, you can certainly tune in to their frequency. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to bring them (and the Zetas) through recently. I hope you all have the opportunity to channel such lovely beings as well. Good luck <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Connecting You to Your Pleiadian Star Family
Pleiadians. They are the star beings that have connected with humankind most often and the beings who have had the greatest impact on our spiritual evolution throughout the history of life on planet Earth. They are the healers, teachers, channelers, and guides of the galaxy, and we can receive so much from them if we can make that initial connection. Before you channel your Pleiadian Star Family members, connect with them. And this 10-minute sound healing – a recording of channeled tones, overtones, and crystal bowl sounds – will put you in the right vibration to connect your Pleiadian Star Family members in any and all of the 12 dimensions. I held the intention for the tones, overtones, and sounds produced by my crystal bowl playing to put you in the right vibration to make connections with Pleiadians you’ve never even heard of before but somehow always knew were around. For example, as I was creating this downloadable mp3, I was connecting with a Pleiadian Master named Sylus and a beautiful female Nordic Pleiadian as well. I didn’t even know they were in my Pleiadian Star Family. Sound works so well at opening portals and altering vibration because sound is vibrational by nature. This one was a joy to create, and I know that after just one listen, you will feel more connected to your Pleiadian Star Family members. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Activating Your Pleiadian DNA & Past Lives
In this 10 minute sound healing, I channeled tones and overtones while also utilizing one of my crystal bowls to create sounds infused with the intention to bring your Pleiadian DNA online. This sound healing was also designed to activate memories from your Pleiadian past lives. In your Pleiadian past lives, you have definitely been a healer and a teacher. Those are the focal points of the Pleiadians, and the Pleiadian star system was created to explore those aspects of existence. So when you listen to this sound healing, you’re also integrating those past life aspects of yourselves, and your healing and leadership/teaching abilities will also get activated. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Pleiadian DNA, Lifetime Memories, & Current Connections
In this light language transmission of just under 5 and a half minutes, I channel Pleiadian energy and light through me, translating it into words and sounds that are meant to activate and stimulate your connections to the Pleiadian Star System. After listening to this light language transmission once, your Pleiadian DNA will be activated, and you will be more likely to remember your Pleiadian lifetimes. You’ll also have a more conscious connection to the Pleiadians who are currently reaching out to you. Do it once or several times. Speak your own light language when you get inspired to. And enjoy! <3
How to Channel the Nordic Pleiadians ∞The PHCo7
In this download of just over 12 minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven delivers a process that will result in you verbally channeling the Pleiadian Beings known as “The Nordic Pleiadians.” The Nordic Pleiadians have been around Earth for a very long time, and they are very invested in our evolution and ascension. More and more of them are reaching out at this time to humanity to create a better relationship between our species. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Arcturian DNA, Lifetime Memories & Current Connections
This light language transmission will activate your Arcturian DNA, memories of past lives you’ve lived in the Arcturian Star System, and will connect you more purely to the Arcturians that are present and available to you in this lifetime. This language is encoded with tones and those tones hold an intention to give you the experiences with Arcturians that you want to have. You’ll also gain access to the DNA within you that is Arcturian and the past life memories that contain information that will be useful to you in this lifetime. Love! <3
ET Contact Activation ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download from The Arcturian Council, they take us through a process to connect us with an extra-terrestrial being, and they encourage us to continue making contact after the recording is complete. The audio is just over 11 minutes in length, and in it, the Arcturians demystify the experience of connecting with these ET beings, making them not only accessible, but also very familiar. Exploring these connections in our consciousness can and probably will lead to physical contact in this lifetime. Enjoy! <3
Arcturian DNA Activation ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council take us through processes to activate that dormant DNA that exists within all of us and comes from the Arcturian Star System. Listen to this one once or as many times as you want. The codes, tones, and light transmissions are strong, however, so make sure you drink lots of water before and after the activation. The Arcturians say we will feel closer to them after doing this one, and we’ll be more of our whole selves as well. The original human had 12 strands of DNA, and we are getting closer and closer to that fully functional body and energy all the time. Enjoy! <3
Arcturian Energy Download & Activation ∞The Arcturian Council
This download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council represents my first channeling of these high-frequency beings. The Arcturians offer us an explanation of our relationship to them, why they are coming through now, and they offer this download of energy that we can ground in our physical bodies and mother Earth. They also state that the download will activate our Arcturian DNA and that the connection between us will never be lost. Enjoy! <3
Tones for Connecting to Your Star Family ∞The Hathors
I asked The Hathors to bring through some tones to help us connect to our star families. Whether you resonate with the Pleiadians, Orions, Sirians, Antarians, Arcturians, Lyrans, Andromedans, Cassopeians, or some other star family, these tones and chants can help connect you to your brothers and sisters in the galaxy. I infused the energy of each star system listed above into the tones and sounds. This recording is over 11 minutes in length and filled with a variety of vibrations to help stimulate the awareness of which star system resonates most with you. Ready, set, connect! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Lyran DNA, Lifetime Memories, & Current Connections
In this transmission of just over 5 and a half minutes, I channeled a light language, with tones, and at times sounding much like a song. At times it seemed like I was giving an oral history of the Lyran race, as humans did ages ago while sitting around a campfire. The intention and vibration of this transmission will activate your Lyran (Feline/Humanoid) DNA. The Lyrans have a long history with humanity and planet Earth and were very active in Lemuria. The transmission will also help you remember your Lyran lifetimes and any current connections you have to the Lyrans. Love <3
Light Language for Activating Your Sirius DNA, Lifetime Memories & Current Connections
This light language transmission will activate your Sirian DNA, bring you more memories from your lifetimes in the Sirius Star System, and enhance your current connections to beings in Sirius. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and listen to the light language (which is also infused with some tones), and the galactic light codes will do all the work. You may feel inspired to speak your own light language that will further enhance the process however, and if you do, I recommend tuning yourself to the frequency of the dolphins and whales (both are from Sirius). Enjoy! <3
Connecting with Your Galactic Family Meditation ∞The Andromedan Council Of Light
Our Galactic Families. The e.t. beings we want to connect with can seem so distant, so far away, so ‘out there’ in the stars, that connecting to them can feel like quite the daunting task. That’s why I channeled The Andromedan Council of Light for this 15-minute guided meditation. This powerful meditation is set to beautiful new age music from Anneda Char. This meditation from The Andromedan Council of Light takes you through a series of steps that will relax you into the state of being necessary to align you with this experience of meeting your galactic family and becoming one with them. It was truly a treat for me to channel this one, as I felt my way through the process as well, and now I feel more connected to my galactic family than ever before. Meditation is the most powerful tool that we have as awakened souls to raise our vibration and open up to new and exciting experiences like connecting with our extra-terrestrial family from throughout the galaxy. I’m excited for all of you to experience what I experienced in channeling this meditation – pure joy through connection to long lost galactic family members. Enjoy! <3
Starseed Lineage Activation ∞The Andromedan Council of Light
The Andromedan Council of Light offer tones, a light language, and other processes in this recording of over 11 and a half minutes. The sound infused in the tones and language of light open you up, activated your e.t. DNA and grant you access to the energies of your star systems of origin. This activation is not just for one star system…it’s for all of them! All of the lifetimes that we’ve led off-planet (and most of us have led over 20,000 lifetimes in other parts of the galaxy) are activated in this download. The Andromedans also lead us through a process of receiving those past life memories directly in our third eyes. This is a powerful download! I’ve only channeled the Andromedan Council of Light a handful of times, and I felt inspired to channel them for this activation because of how powerful they feel when I tune in to them. Enjoy!
Light Language for Activating Your Andromedan DNA, Lifetimes & Current Connections
The Andromedan Star System. It’s right on the edge of the Milky Way, bordering the Andromedan Galaxy. And most of us have been there, incarnating a whole bunch of times. And the experiences from those lifetimes are inside of us, waiting to be activated. That’s why I channeled this light language. This light language will activate that Andromedan DNA, bring forth memories of your Andromedan lifetimes, and give you more access to your current connections in the Andromedan system. Yes, we have soul family members spread all throughout the galaxy, and when we awaken to those connections, we feel more whole. Listen to this one before going to sleep at night, and you’ll increase the likelihood of having a dream about your Andromedan lifetimes. Enjoy! <3
Activation of Your Andromedan DNA ∞Andromedan Council of Light
In this download of 11 minutes and 15 seconds, The Andromedan Council of Light bring through a transmission that will activate your Andromedan DNA, lifetime memories, and current connections to beings from their star system. This is a powerful transmission, and The Andromedan experience is very different from any other star family I’ve ever encountered. You will feel their power and the power they activate within you after doing this one. Love! <3
Light Language for Unlocking the Power of Your Starseed Lineage
Starseeds. If you’re reading this, you are undoubtedly one. But what does that mean for your day-to-day life on Earth? How is that benefitting us to know, besides giving us a nice label to add to our collection of labels? Well, if you know you are a starseed, then you know you have a history incarnating in other parts of this galaxy. And when we incarnated in those other parts of the galaxy, we gained abilities, wisdom, powers, experiences, compassion, and immense spiritual growth from all that we lived. Now is the time to integrate all of that, and this is the light language to help you get there. When I channeled this 6-minute language of light, I held the intention for it to unlock the power of your starseed lineage, and as a result, this light language contains the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes that will unlock all the power, abilities, memories of experiences, and more that we have stored in our DNA from other parts of this galaxy. Joy!
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