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Money & Abundance Flow ∞Mega Bundle
This Mega Bundle of 30 Recordings is for Increasing the Flow of Money & Abundance into Your Life! The Bundle Includes Recordings of: Past Workshops, Light Languages, Meditations, Mantras, Breathing Exercises, Sound Healings & Activations. Listen to the Recordings in Any Order
This Mega Bundle of 30 Recordings is for Increasing the Flow of Money & Abundance into Your Life! The Bundle Includes Recordings of: Past Workshops, Light Languages, Meditations, Mantras, Breathing Exercises, Sound Healings & Activations. Listen to the Recordings in Any Order, Any Frequency, and at Any Time to Increase the Flow of Wealth & Prosperity into Your Experience. Here is the Full List of the 30 Recordings Included. Total Value is Over $450…
Light Language for Releasing You from All Vows of Poverty ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Poverty. It seems to be the path for the enlightened seeker of communion with All That Is. However, the idea that we have to give up everything in the physical/material world in order to be more spiritual is one whose time has passed. Certainly it is possible to live in a nice house, have plenty of money for food, clothing, and travel, and still be a spiritual seeker who wants to be of service to humanity. And yet, perhaps in a past life, or perhaps without even knowing we were doing it in this life, we’ve all taken on a vow of poverty at some point in order to ensure that we would stick to the straight and narrow path of our spiritual and/or religious dogma. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. Before sitting to channel it, I set the intention that it hold the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to bring the listener into a state of releasing those vows and all ties to the belief that one has to be poor in order to be spiritual.Love <3
Light Language for Activating Success with Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency. Also known as “crypto.” It includes Etherium, Bitcoin, and a slew of other crypto coins. We’ve all heard about them for years, and now it seems as though there’s as many ways to invest in this new currency as there are to play the stock market. The future is here, and if you’re like a lot of people in the new age/spiritual community, you want in on this potentially lucrative marketplace. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. Before channeling it, I held the intention that the light language would contain the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to activate success in the listener, specifically success in the realm of cryptocurrencies. Of course, if you’re going to delve into this burgeoning marketplace, you’ll also need to educate yourself, get one of those wallet thingies, and watch lots of videos and read lots of articles on the topic. But after you’re done with all of that, do the energetic/vibrational work, and listen to this light language. Joy!
Light Language for Releasing Poverty & Lack Consciousness ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Lack consciousness and a belief in living in poverty as a way of life. The lack-oriented programming that we took on when we were little, like being told “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” These are the beliefs and the level of consciousness we’d really like to release, and I’m sure we could all use some help from above, from the higher planes of existence. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. This light language contains the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to dissolve those thought forms, beliefs, and that level of consciousness in the listener. Before I went into the channeling state to bring this light language through, I held the intention that it would help so many with their financial difficulties. I know it can work for you, as I could feel the essence and power of it as it came through me. Love <3
I am often asked how often it’s necessary to listen to one of these light languages in order to get the full benefit from it. I know that this one has the power to change everything you’re carrying around with you in regards to money, wealth, prosperity, abundance, and all of their opposites. And so if you want to give it one listen and then see what happens, that would be a good strategy. If you don’t feel a shift within yourself after one listen, give it a few more listens. There is no set rule about how often to listen or how many times in a row one should listen. But instead, I recommend that you let your inner guidance determine that number and frequency for you, and let the universe do the rest. Joy! <3
Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Opening All Portals Thru Which Money Can Flow to You
Portals. Revenue streams. Unexpected avenues through which money, abundance, wealth & prosperity can flow to us. These are what we’re looking for in order to live a life of freedom and one where we can do the most good/service to others. Freeing us up from the 9 to 5 grind and allowing ourselves to focus on what’s truly important in life is perhaps one of the most precious gifts we can receive from the universe…and/or give to ourselves. That’s why I created this 10.5 minute recording of me channeling tones & overtones while playing a crystal bowl with the intention of infusing all of the sounds created with the energy and intention to open up those portals, those streams, those avenues, those sources of income that we hadn’t ever dared to dream existed. And the result is a powerful sound healing that contains all of that energy, the purest vibrations, and more!Joy <3
How often do you need to listen to this Portals Thru Which Money Can Flow sound healing to get the full effect? Do you need to give it 100% of your attention at every listen to get the best results? These are two of the most common questions I get asked about my recordings, and what I can say for certain is that I believe listening with your fullest attention once a day would be best, and then once the abundance really starts flowing to you, you could ease off the accelerator for a bit and just listen to it whenever you feel the impulse/inspiration to do so. Love! <3
Light Language for Bringing You Passive Income from Unexpected Sources
Passive Income. That’s what most of us dream of receiving. Abundance from the universe. Money that actually does grow on trees. When it comes from an expected source, like my books on amazon.com for instance, that’s great. When it comes from out of the blue, like the notice I just received from the IRS that was actually about money coming to us, that’s the best! And that was what inspired me to create this 6-minute light language. I channeled this light language with the intention that it hold the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to bring you (the listener) the passive income from any and all unexpected sources that will be enough to alter your life in a positive and long-lasting way.Joy! <3
I often get asked how often a person needs to listen to a light language of mine, and whether listening too much could somehow be detrimental to the positive impact of it. That question is an easy one to answer in this case…listen as often as you want! Listen until the passive income does start pouring in from unexpected sources, and know that there is no end to how many unexpected sources exist out there in the universe, so you can just keep listening and keep listening until you have so much passive income that you will only be doing what you want to be doing for the rest of our time in the fourth dimension. Love <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating the Flow of an Abundance of Money in Your Life
Abundance. Money. Prosperity. There never seems to be enough of it to go around. But we’ve all been doing more than just earning it in our many lifetimes here on Earth. We’ve also asked for it. We’ve summoned it from the universe. And so, how to we let in what we’ve asked for? The key is now, has always been, and will always be one thing: our vibration. If we offer a vibration that allows us to be in the flow of abundance, then it must come to us. And how does sound work to put us in that vibration? Sound is the key to creating reality, raising our vibration, and even healing incurable diseases…if it’s used properly because sound is vibration.
I channeled the tones, overtones, and was channeling during the playing of my crystal bowl for this 10-minute downloadable recording, and while I was channeling, I was also holding the intention that all the sounds being produced would put the listener in the right vibration to be in the flow of an abundance of money. Now, all you have to do is sit back, close your eyes, and let the sounds produced alter your vibration so that you can receive all that money you’ve been summoning – in this and every other lifetime put together. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Healing Your Relationship with, Traumas from & Beliefs About Money
Money. Financial Abundance. Wealth. What do you feel as you read those words written on the screen in front of you? They’re bound to stir up some traumas, some emotions, and some stuck energies that need moving in order for you to live the life of freedom, creativity, joy, and purpose that you want to be living. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. Before I began channeling the tones and overtones for this sound healing, I set the intention to bring through sounds that would heal wounds, release stuck energies, and then open you up to receiving the abundance you’ve always wanted. In addition to the tones and overtones I created with my channeling, I also played one of my crystal bowls while holding that intention. And I know sound is the most powerful and most underutilized tool we have at our disposal for healing, transforming ourselves, and then creating a better reality for ourselves, our families, and all beings in creation. Let the tones, overtones, and sounds wash over you as you transform yourself from the inside out. Love! <3
Light Language Blessing for Financial Freedom
Financial Freedom. We all want it. It translates into so much freedom in our lives. The freedom to do what we want, go where we want, and have whatever experiences we want to have. There are people on our world who have this feeling of financial freedom within them all the time…so much so that they hardly even recognize it as a feeling. But then there’s the rest of us. We have money, and then we don’t. We have abundance, and then we have debt. And a lot of our lives are spent taking actions to pay off that mortgage, car, student loan, etc., so that we never really feel free to just live. That’s why I channeled this light language blessing. I want to experience financial freedom so I can spend more time with my wife and daughter and to be able to go on vacation without worrying about money. I’m sure you all have those types of desires as well. So let’s do it! Let’s activate those vibrations of financial freedom. I know that this light language can do so, as I felt the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes that came through me as I channeled it. Love! <3
How to Receive More Abundance, Prosperity & Wealth ∞St. Germain
I channeled St. Germain for this Process for Receiving More Abundance, Prosperity & Wealth in your life. It’s 11 minutes and 11 seconds in length, and throughout the course of the recording, you will open up to receive all of the money you’ve requested in this and every other lifetime. St. Germain’s soothing, high-vibrational energy will put you in harmony with all the wealth you deserve, as you relax deeper and deeper into the knowing that if you’ve asked for it, then it’s most certainly coming your way. St. Germain is known for his relationship to the violet flame, and he’s also known as the keeper of the vibration of abundance, and so, he was the perfect choice to bring through for this process.Love! <3
A Process for Manifesting More Abundance ∞The Arcturian Council
I channeledThe Arcturian Council to bring forth this process because I know how challenging it can be to be out there in the world trying to manifest more money and abundance of all the other things I want more of in my life (time, ideas, joy, excitement, freedom, etc.). I’m sure most of you feel that way too, at least about something in your lives! To have a process like this one that is so easy to do and only takes a few minutes of our time is something that I feel has a lot of value for all of us. The Arcturian Council has made it very easy to complete this process, and you’ll notice that you feel the energy of abundance moving through you right away. Get in the flow! <3
Manifesting Abundance w/Ease & Joy – A Workshop with Daniel & Wifey MariCrís ∞Audio Recording
In the just over two and a half houraudio recording from this online event that I did with Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton, you’ll experience my channeling of The Creators, as well as the guidance from Maricris, who is a Psychic Priestess and Shamanic Soul Activator.
To start the event, Maricris led a beautiful guided meditation that aligned us all with the Earth’s energies, Source, and our chakra system. This meditation is one you can do every day to align you with the truth of who you are.
Next, The Creators brought through their perspective on the topic of Manifesting Abundance with Ease & Joy. Following their opening transmission, Maricris discussed her own journey with the topic and offered insights and support to the group.
Finally, we had the questionandanswerportion of the event. Everyone got to ask a question of The Creators and Maricris, and the topics included: removing blockages to abundance, balancing one’s chakras, how to deal with debt and guilt after a vacation, how to receive money for doing spiritual work. Many more questions were also asked and answered. It was a truly uplifting event! Enjoy <3
Shift Your Relationship to Time & Money ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of just over 12 and a half minutes, The Arcturian Council provide several methods to free us from the limiting thoughts and beliefs we often hold about time and money. The transmission itself is so full of high frequency energy, you will be soothed just by listening to it. And the tools they offer in shifting our relationship to time and money are simple and easy to enact. There is some profound wisdom in this one! Enjoy <3
Overtones for Increasing Abundance ∞The Hathors & The Creators
These overtones, provided by The Hathors and The Creators are infused with codes designed to help tap in to the abundance frequency that lies dormant within most of us. Remember to offer your intention that the overtones increase abundance in your life – whether you seek more money, love, recognition, joy, or opportunities. And you can sit back and focus on where that frequency of abundance exists within you, or you can tone along. Either way, enjoy the overtones! <3
Manifesting Abundance ∞Archangel Michael
Abundance. It’s everywhere, but at the same time, we can limit our experience of it in the physical realm, and at some point, almost all of us have. But we don’t limit our access to abundance intentionally. But rather, that habit of limitation is something we pick up from our parents, teachers, friends, society, etc. That’s why I channeled this recording with Archangel Michael on how to manifest wealth and abundance. Now that we’re aware of how we create our reality with our vibration, and that we can allow in (manifest) what we create consciously by intending to do so, we can shift our experience with abundance…in all areas of life!
In this 13 and a half minutedownload, Archangel Michael teaches us about the concept of money, abundance, and energy flow. Michael is known for providing protection, but the archangel offers so much more than that in this recording. Michael takes us through a step-by-step process to open ourselves to more of the abundance that we truly are. Michael helps us to tap into the infinite abundance of energy that flows from within us. The Archangel will guide you to that flow, open that channel, and put you in a state of positive expectation for the energy of abundance to flow to you. You will start to see the results in your bank account almost immediately.
Mantras for Receiving Passive Income from All Potential Revenue Streams ∞The Creators
Passive income. It’s something we would all like more of so that we can pursue our spiritual growth and practices, spend more time with our families, spend more time doing the things we love to do, have the time to write a book, meditate, and so on. Many of us believe that we first have to do something in order to create and receive from those passive income revenue streams, but the truth is that there are people who are receiving passive income all over the world right now, and they took no actions at all to create that set of circumstances in their lives…and all of that abundance that flows to them. That’s why I channeled The Creators to give us these mantras that will open us up to receive the passive income we all want and deserve. Love <3
Light Language for Receiving Financial Guidance from the Higher Realms & Higher-Dimensional Beings & Collectives
Receiving financial guidance from the higher realms. This concept/idea is one that really struck me today, as I was considering which light language offering to do next. Wouldn’t it be nice to be guided to buy and/or sell the right cryptocurrency at the right time? Or the right stock? And wouldn’t it be nice to also know when to take a loan out, refinance a mortgage, invest in silver, gold, platinum, and so on? That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. This light language contains the intention, vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to open you up to that financial guidance that’s coming from our spirit guides, higher self, oversoul, Source, Ascended Masters, Galactic Family Members, angelics, faeries, and any other beings/collectives that want to help us on our financial path to abundance. Joy!
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Receiving Abundance
Abundance. It sure makes our liveseasier when we are in the flow of it. And why aren’t we in the flow of all of the abundance we have summoned in this lifetime, all the time? There’s more than enough abundance on this beautiful planet of ours for everyone to have more than what they need to survive, and even thrive, without toiling away at work that is unfulfilling or even mind-numbing. The answer is simple. We pick up these energetic blockages through past life experiences and through the programming we were exposed to in the early stages of our lives.
Removing those blocks and that programming is easier said than done. Sure. You can use your mind and your will power, but why not let a language of light do all the heavy lifting for you, as you just sit back and receive what is so natural to flow to you? When I channeled this light language, I was focusing on the removal of all of the blocks we all have to receiving abundance we want and need to make our lives more fun and exciting! Those intentions I set prior to channeling this light language is the reason why it is so powerful and why it will release your blocks to being in the flow of abundance in this lifetime. Joy! <3
Meditation for Opening, Clearing, Activating & Aligning Your Root Chakra for Healing Energy & Abundance to Flow ∞Archangel Michael
Our root chakras. They are perhaps the least talked about and focused upon of all the seven main chakras, and they’re the chakras that we carry the most trauma, blockages, and stuck energies in. That’s why I created this 15-minute, guided meditation with Archangel Michael. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music from world-renowned musician Anneda Char. Archangel Michael’s soothing tone, energy, and vibration will open, align, activate, and clear your root chakra, as the archangel leads you through a guided process of connecting to Mother Earth and shining high frequency light on the often forgotten about chakra at the base of our spines. Once your chakra has received the beautiful love and light offered by Michael in this meditation, you will be more open to receiving the healing energy for your physical being-ness and the financial abundance you’ve been asking for, and you’ll know yourself more fully as an eternal and infinite being. Love! <3
Light Language for Allowing More Abundance into Your Life
Light Languages work by bypassing the conscious mind and activating a vibration within you that matches the overall intention of the light language being spoken. For this light language, I tuned into the vibration of receiving abundance and opened myself up to it before allowing the light language to be channeled through me. A light language not only carries the intention of the speaker, but it also contains the galactic light codes, the vibration, and the sounds necessary to activate in the listen that which he or she desires. Therefore, I recommend holding that intention within you as you listen. That will increase the power of the activation and speed with which you can receive the abundance you’ve been asking for in this lifetime, as well as all previous lifetimes. That’s a lot of abundance!Love <3
Sound Healing for Releasing Your Blocks to Abundance ∞Daniel & Maricris
In this 10 minute sound healing, Maricris and I collaborated to help you release your blocks to receiving all the abundance you’ve asked for…in all of your lifetimes put together. Whether those blocks came from your parents, society, or past life versions of you, they influence your ability to open up to the abundance that is all around us. My recommendation for listening to this one is that you lie down and open your arms up to feel the abundance coming in. The tones, sounds, overtones, and drumming will chip away at any of those negative beliefs and limitations you’ve placed on yourself regarding abundance – like that it can only come from work that you do – or that the only way to have a huge amount come all at once is from the lottery. Listen to it any time you’re feeling a lack of abundance in your awareness. Let it in! <3
How to Leverage Your Debt to Receive All the Abundance You’ve Asked For ∞The Creators
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Creators take us through a process for accessing all of the abundance that we’ve summoned as a result of the debt we currently hold. They also widen the scope of the process to include all of the asking of the entire human collective. After doing this process, you will feel the abundance inside of you and all around you, and you’ll be free of the programming that tells you there are only a few possible ways to get out of your debt. Freedom! <3
Mantras for Manifesting Abundance ∞The Creators
In this download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds, The Creators take us through a series of mantras that you will either resonate with, or you won’t, on the topic of manifesting abundance in your life. The difference between this download and other mantras you may have encountered in the past is that The Creators won’t let you just speak the mantras…they want to make sure that you actually feel the vibration of them. And when you do, when you align with them, you will change your financial situation for the better. Love! <3
Breathing Exercises for Manifesting Abundance ∞The Creators
In this download of just over 11 minutes, The Creators walk us through a series of breathing exercises that are designed to remove limitations, beliefs, and blockages around receiving abundance. These are breathing exercises that are easy to do, and you can employ them several times throughout the day to bring in that abundance that all of us desire. You’ll feel more open and ready to receive after doing even just one of these exercises. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating the Abundance Frequency
In this download, I bring forth a light language that you can just sit back and absorb. This light language is infused with the frequency of abundance and the codes that will help to reprogram your relationship to abundance in your life. You can listen as many times as you like, whenever you feel you want to get into that abundance frequency, and eventually, you may feel inspired to speak your own light language to express that abundance frequency through you. Enjoy! <3
Abundance Vibration Activation ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council guide us into the feeling of abundance, activating that vibration within our chakras, bodies, and energy fields. They also explain how to find this vibration that we all have it within us, whether we’ve ever felt wealthy or not. This download will leave you feeling in the flow and ready to receive all the abundance that’s coming your way. Enjoy! <3
Tones & Overtones for Removing Blockages to Abundance ∞Various
This download is 11 minutes and 11 seconds of channeled tones and overtones that are infused with two intentions: to remove any blockages that we may have picked up to receiving the abundance to naturally flow and to activate the receptors in our physical bodies for the energies of abundance. Sit back, listen, and know that some tones are going to activate you…they may feel uncomfortable to listen to at first. But let that happen. It means that particular tone/overtone is working! Enjoy <3
Creating a Life of Abundance w/The Creators & Quan Yin (Channeled by Wifey, MariCrís) ∞Workshop Audio Recording
In this online event I did with my wife, Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton, I channeled The Creators and she channeled Quan Yin. The event lasted just over 2 and a half hours, and besides the topic of Creating a Life of Abundance, there were many other areas covered. Some of those topics included: getting a book published, feeling boredom, feeling social anxiety, and starting a new business. Maricris also led us through a wonderful and powerful opening meditation. It was a lovely event, and the energies that The Creators & Quan Yin transmitted with stay with you for a while after hearing the recording… Enjoy! <3
Root Chakra Clearing & Abundance Frequency Activation ∞The PHCo7
The root chakra is likely the last one to come along to the fifth dimensional frequency range. We tend to hold so much fear, trauma, and judgment in that often forgotten about chakra that it can hold us back from living the life we ultimately want to live.The Pleiadian High Council of Seven is here to help. They offer a process for clearing that stuck energy out of the root chakra and then assist in activating our abundance frequency in this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds. Enjoy! <3
Abundance Meditation ∞Archangel Michael
In this guided Abundance Meditation, I channeled Archangel Michael. The Archangel Michael collective uses their soft and soothing angelic energy to give us a new perspective on accessing the flow of abundance into our lives. This captivating meditation is set to beautiful new age music, is 15 and a half minutes in length, and it’s filled with high-frequency vibrations that are sure to shift your abundance set-point. I recommend listening to this meditation every day until you start to see the evidence of the vibrational work you’ve been doing with Michael. Then you can taper off to once a week, and when you’re really in the flow with this abundant universe, you might recognize that you only have to do it once a month. Enjoy! <3
Money & Abundance Flow ∞Mega Bundle
This Mega Bundle of 30 Recordings is for Increasing the Flow of Money & Abundance into Your Life! The Bundle Includes Recordings of: Past Workshops, Light Languages, Meditations, Mantras, Breathing Exercises, Sound Healings & Activations. Listen to the Recordings in Any Order
This Mega Bundle of 30 Recordings is for Increasing the Flow of Money & Abundance into Your Life! The Bundle Includes Recordings of: Past Workshops, Light Languages, Meditations, Mantras, Breathing Exercises, Sound Healings & Activations. Listen to the Recordings in Any Order, Any Frequency, and at Any Time to Increase the Flow of Wealth & Prosperity into Your Experience. Here is the Full List of the 30 Recordings Included. Total Value is Over $450…
Light Language for Releasing You from All Vows of Poverty ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Poverty. It seems to be the path for the enlightened seeker of communion with All That Is. However, the idea that we have to give up everything in the physical/material world in order to be more spiritual is one whose time has passed. Certainly it is possible to live in a nice house, have plenty of money for food, clothing, and travel, and still be a spiritual seeker who wants to be of service to humanity. And yet, perhaps in a past life, or perhaps without even knowing we were doing it in this life, we’ve all taken on a vow of poverty at some point in order to ensure that we would stick to the straight and narrow path of our spiritual and/or religious dogma. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. Before sitting to channel it, I set the intention that it hold the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to bring the listener into a state of releasing those vows and all ties to the belief that one has to be poor in order to be spiritual. Love <3
Light Language for Activating Success with Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency. Also known as “crypto.” It includes Etherium, Bitcoin, and a slew of other crypto coins. We’ve all heard about them for years, and now it seems as though there’s as many ways to invest in this new currency as there are to play the stock market. The future is here, and if you’re like a lot of people in the new age/spiritual community, you want in on this potentially lucrative marketplace. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. Before channeling it, I held the intention that the light language would contain the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to activate success in the listener, specifically success in the realm of cryptocurrencies. Of course, if you’re going to delve into this burgeoning marketplace, you’ll also need to educate yourself, get one of those wallet thingies, and watch lots of videos and read lots of articles on the topic. But after you’re done with all of that, do the energetic/vibrational work, and listen to this light language. Joy!
Light Language for Releasing Poverty & Lack Consciousness ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Lack consciousness and a belief in living in poverty as a way of life. The lack-oriented programming that we took on when we were little, like being told “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” These are the beliefs and the level of consciousness we’d really like to release, and I’m sure we could all use some help from above, from the higher planes of existence. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. This light language contains the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to dissolve those thought forms, beliefs, and that level of consciousness in the listener. Before I went into the channeling state to bring this light language through, I held the intention that it would help so many with their financial difficulties. I know it can work for you, as I could feel the essence and power of it as it came through me. Love <3
I am often asked how often it’s necessary to listen to one of these light languages in order to get the full benefit from it. I know that this one has the power to change everything you’re carrying around with you in regards to money, wealth, prosperity, abundance, and all of their opposites. And so if you want to give it one listen and then see what happens, that would be a good strategy. If you don’t feel a shift within yourself after one listen, give it a few more listens. There is no set rule about how often to listen or how many times in a row one should listen. But instead, I recommend that you let your inner guidance determine that number and frequency for you, and let the universe do the rest. Joy! <3
Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Opening All Portals Thru Which Money Can Flow to You
Portals. Revenue streams. Unexpected avenues through which money, abundance, wealth & prosperity can flow to us. These are what we’re looking for in order to live a life of freedom and one where we can do the most good/service to others. Freeing us up from the 9 to 5 grind and allowing ourselves to focus on what’s truly important in life is perhaps one of the most precious gifts we can receive from the universe…and/or give to ourselves. That’s why I created this 10.5 minute recording of me channeling tones & overtones while playing a crystal bowl with the intention of infusing all of the sounds created with the energy and intention to open up those portals, those streams, those avenues, those sources of income that we hadn’t ever dared to dream existed. And the result is a powerful sound healing that contains all of that energy, the purest vibrations, and more! Joy <3
How often do you need to listen to this Portals Thru Which Money Can Flow sound healing to get the full effect? Do you need to give it 100% of your attention at every listen to get the best results? These are two of the most common questions I get asked about my recordings, and what I can say for certain is that I believe listening with your fullest attention once a day would be best, and then once the abundance really starts flowing to you, you could ease off the accelerator for a bit and just listen to it whenever you feel the impulse/inspiration to do so. Love! <3
Light Language for Bringing You Passive Income from Unexpected Sources
Passive Income. That’s what most of us dream of receiving. Abundance from the universe. Money that actually does grow on trees. When it comes from an expected source, like my books on amazon.com for instance, that’s great. When it comes from out of the blue, like the notice I just received from the IRS that was actually about money coming to us, that’s the best! And that was what inspired me to create this 6-minute light language. I channeled this light language with the intention that it hold the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to bring you (the listener) the passive income from any and all unexpected sources that will be enough to alter your life in a positive and long-lasting way. Joy! <3
I often get asked how often a person needs to listen to a light language of mine, and whether listening too much could somehow be detrimental to the positive impact of it. That question is an easy one to answer in this case…listen as often as you want! Listen until the passive income does start pouring in from unexpected sources, and know that there is no end to how many unexpected sources exist out there in the universe, so you can just keep listening and keep listening until you have so much passive income that you will only be doing what you want to be doing for the rest of our time in the fourth dimension. Love <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating the Flow of an Abundance of Money in Your Life
Abundance. Money. Prosperity. There never seems to be enough of it to go around. But we’ve all been doing more than just earning it in our many lifetimes here on Earth. We’ve also asked for it. We’ve summoned it from the universe. And so, how to we let in what we’ve asked for? The key is now, has always been, and will always be one thing: our vibration. If we offer a vibration that allows us to be in the flow of abundance, then it must come to us. And how does sound work to put us in that vibration? Sound is the key to creating reality, raising our vibration, and even healing incurable diseases…if it’s used properly because sound is vibration.
I channeled the tones, overtones, and was channeling during the playing of my crystal bowl for this 10-minute downloadable recording, and while I was channeling, I was also holding the intention that all the sounds being produced would put the listener in the right vibration to be in the flow of an abundance of money. Now, all you have to do is sit back, close your eyes, and let the sounds produced alter your vibration so that you can receive all that money you’ve been summoning – in this and every other lifetime put together. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Healing Your Relationship with, Traumas from & Beliefs About Money
Money. Financial Abundance. Wealth. What do you feel as you read those words written on the screen in front of you? They’re bound to stir up some traumas, some emotions, and some stuck energies that need moving in order for you to live the life of freedom, creativity, joy, and purpose that you want to be living. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. Before I began channeling the tones and overtones for this sound healing, I set the intention to bring through sounds that would heal wounds, release stuck energies, and then open you up to receiving the abundance you’ve always wanted. In addition to the tones and overtones I created with my channeling, I also played one of my crystal bowls while holding that intention. And I know sound is the most powerful and most underutilized tool we have at our disposal for healing, transforming ourselves, and then creating a better reality for ourselves, our families, and all beings in creation. Let the tones, overtones, and sounds wash over you as you transform yourself from the inside out. Love! <3
Light Language Blessing for Financial Freedom
Financial Freedom. We all want it. It translates into so much freedom in our lives. The freedom to do what we want, go where we want, and have whatever experiences we want to have. There are people on our world who have this feeling of financial freedom within them all the time…so much so that they hardly even recognize it as a feeling. But then there’s the rest of us. We have money, and then we don’t. We have abundance, and then we have debt. And a lot of our lives are spent taking actions to pay off that mortgage, car, student loan, etc., so that we never really feel free to just live. That’s why I channeled this light language blessing. I want to experience financial freedom so I can spend more time with my wife and daughter and to be able to go on vacation without worrying about money. I’m sure you all have those types of desires as well. So let’s do it! Let’s activate those vibrations of financial freedom. I know that this light language can do so, as I felt the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes that came through me as I channeled it. Love! <3
How to Receive More Abundance, Prosperity & Wealth ∞St. Germain
I channeled St. Germain for this Process for Receiving More Abundance, Prosperity & Wealth in your life. It’s 11 minutes and 11 seconds in length, and throughout the course of the recording, you will open up to receive all of the money you’ve requested in this and every other lifetime. St. Germain’s soothing, high-vibrational energy will put you in harmony with all the wealth you deserve, as you relax deeper and deeper into the knowing that if you’ve asked for it, then it’s most certainly coming your way. St. Germain is known for his relationship to the violet flame, and he’s also known as the keeper of the vibration of abundance, and so, he was the perfect choice to bring through for this process. Love! <3
A Process for Manifesting More Abundance ∞The Arcturian Council
I channeled The Arcturian Council to bring forth this process because I know how challenging it can be to be out there in the world trying to manifest more money and abundance of all the other things I want more of in my life (time, ideas, joy, excitement, freedom, etc.). I’m sure most of you feel that way too, at least about something in your lives! To have a process like this one that is so easy to do and only takes a few minutes of our time is something that I feel has a lot of value for all of us. The Arcturian Council has made it very easy to complete this process, and you’ll notice that you feel the energy of abundance moving through you right away. Get in the flow! <3
Manifesting Abundance w/Ease & Joy – A Workshop with Daniel & Wifey MariCrís ∞Audio Recording
In the just over two and a half hour audio recording from this online event that I did with Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton, you’ll experience my channeling of The Creators, as well as the guidance from Maricris, who is a Psychic Priestess and Shamanic Soul Activator.
To start the event, Maricris led a beautiful guided meditation that aligned us all with the Earth’s energies, Source, and our chakra system. This meditation is one you can do every day to align you with the truth of who you are.
Next, The Creators brought through their perspective on the topic of Manifesting Abundance with Ease & Joy. Following their opening transmission, Maricris discussed her own journey with the topic and offered insights and support to the group.
Finally, we had the question and answer portion of the event. Everyone got to ask a question of The Creators and Maricris, and the topics included: removing blockages to abundance, balancing one’s chakras, how to deal with debt and guilt after a vacation, how to receive money for doing spiritual work. Many more questions were also asked and answered. It was a truly uplifting event! Enjoy <3
Shift Your Relationship to Time & Money ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of just over 12 and a half minutes, The Arcturian Council provide several methods to free us from the limiting thoughts and beliefs we often hold about time and money. The transmission itself is so full of high frequency energy, you will be soothed just by listening to it. And the tools they offer in shifting our relationship to time and money are simple and easy to enact. There is some profound wisdom in this one! Enjoy <3
Overtones for Increasing Abundance ∞The Hathors & The Creators
These overtones, provided by The Hathors and The Creators are infused with codes designed to help tap in to the abundance frequency that lies dormant within most of us. Remember to offer your intention that the overtones increase abundance in your life – whether you seek more money, love, recognition, joy, or opportunities. And you can sit back and focus on where that frequency of abundance exists within you, or you can tone along. Either way, enjoy the overtones! <3
Manifesting Abundance ∞Archangel Michael
Abundance. It’s everywhere, but at the same time, we can limit our experience of it in the physical realm, and at some point, almost all of us have. But we don’t limit our access to abundance intentionally. But rather, that habit of limitation is something we pick up from our parents, teachers, friends, society, etc. That’s why I channeled this recording with Archangel Michael on how to manifest wealth and abundance. Now that we’re aware of how we create our reality with our vibration, and that we can allow in (manifest) what we create consciously by intending to do so, we can shift our experience with abundance…in all areas of life!
In this 13 and a half minute download, Archangel Michael teaches us about the concept of money, abundance, and energy flow. Michael is known for providing protection, but the archangel offers so much more than that in this recording. Michael takes us through a step-by-step process to open ourselves to more of the abundance that we truly are. Michael helps us to tap into the infinite abundance of energy that flows from within us. The Archangel will guide you to that flow, open that channel, and put you in a state of positive expectation for the energy of abundance to flow to you. You will start to see the results in your bank account almost immediately.
Mantras for Receiving Passive Income from All Potential Revenue Streams ∞The Creators
Passive income. It’s something we would all like more of so that we can pursue our spiritual growth and practices, spend more time with our families, spend more time doing the things we love to do, have the time to write a book, meditate, and so on. Many of us believe that we first have to do something in order to create and receive from those passive income revenue streams, but the truth is that there are people who are receiving passive income all over the world right now, and they took no actions at all to create that set of circumstances in their lives…and all of that abundance that flows to them. That’s why I channeled The Creators to give us these mantras that will open us up to receive the passive income we all want and deserve. Love <3
Light Language for Receiving Financial Guidance from the Higher Realms & Higher-Dimensional Beings & Collectives
Receiving financial guidance from the higher realms. This concept/idea is one that really struck me today, as I was considering which light language offering to do next. Wouldn’t it be nice to be guided to buy and/or sell the right cryptocurrency at the right time? Or the right stock? And wouldn’t it be nice to also know when to take a loan out, refinance a mortgage, invest in silver, gold, platinum, and so on? That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. This light language contains the intention, vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to open you up to that financial guidance that’s coming from our spirit guides, higher self, oversoul, Source, Ascended Masters, Galactic Family Members, angelics, faeries, and any other beings/collectives that want to help us on our financial path to abundance. Joy!
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Receiving Abundance
Abundance. It sure makes our lives easier when we are in the flow of it. And why aren’t we in the flow of all of the abundance we have summoned in this lifetime, all the time? There’s more than enough abundance on this beautiful planet of ours for everyone to have more than what they need to survive, and even thrive, without toiling away at work that is unfulfilling or even mind-numbing. The answer is simple. We pick up these energetic blockages through past life experiences and through the programming we were exposed to in the early stages of our lives.
Removing those blocks and that programming is easier said than done. Sure. You can use your mind and your will power, but why not let a language of light do all the heavy lifting for you, as you just sit back and receive what is so natural to flow to you? When I channeled this light language, I was focusing on the removal of all of the blocks we all have to receiving abundance we want and need to make our lives more fun and exciting! Those intentions I set prior to channeling this light language is the reason why it is so powerful and why it will release your blocks to being in the flow of abundance in this lifetime. Joy! <3
Meditation for Opening, Clearing, Activating & Aligning Your Root Chakra for Healing Energy & Abundance to Flow ∞Archangel Michael
Our root chakras. They are perhaps the least talked about and focused upon of all the seven main chakras, and they’re the chakras that we carry the most trauma, blockages, and stuck energies in. That’s why I created this 15-minute, guided meditation with Archangel Michael. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music from world-renowned musician Anneda Char. Archangel Michael’s soothing tone, energy, and vibration will open, align, activate, and clear your root chakra, as the archangel leads you through a guided process of connecting to Mother Earth and shining high frequency light on the often forgotten about chakra at the base of our spines. Once your chakra has received the beautiful love and light offered by Michael in this meditation, you will be more open to receiving the healing energy for your physical being-ness and the financial abundance you’ve been asking for, and you’ll know yourself more fully as an eternal and infinite being. Love! <3
Light Language for Allowing More Abundance into Your Life
Light Languages work by bypassing the conscious mind and activating a vibration within you that matches the overall intention of the light language being spoken. For this light language, I tuned into the vibration of receiving abundance and opened myself up to it before allowing the light language to be channeled through me. A light language not only carries the intention of the speaker, but it also contains the galactic light codes, the vibration, and the sounds necessary to activate in the listen that which he or she desires. Therefore, I recommend holding that intention within you as you listen. That will increase the power of the activation and speed with which you can receive the abundance you’ve been asking for in this lifetime, as well as all previous lifetimes. That’s a lot of abundance! Love <3
Sound Healing for Releasing Your Blocks to Abundance ∞Daniel & Maricris
In this 10 minute sound healing, Maricris and I collaborated to help you release your blocks to receiving all the abundance you’ve asked for…in all of your lifetimes put together. Whether those blocks came from your parents, society, or past life versions of you, they influence your ability to open up to the abundance that is all around us. My recommendation for listening to this one is that you lie down and open your arms up to feel the abundance coming in. The tones, sounds, overtones, and drumming will chip away at any of those negative beliefs and limitations you’ve placed on yourself regarding abundance – like that it can only come from work that you do – or that the only way to have a huge amount come all at once is from the lottery. Listen to it any time you’re feeling a lack of abundance in your awareness. Let it in! <3
How to Leverage Your Debt to Receive All the Abundance You’ve Asked For ∞The Creators
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Creators take us through a process for accessing all of the abundance that we’ve summoned as a result of the debt we currently hold. They also widen the scope of the process to include all of the asking of the entire human collective. After doing this process, you will feel the abundance inside of you and all around you, and you’ll be free of the programming that tells you there are only a few possible ways to get out of your debt. Freedom! <3
Mantras for Manifesting Abundance ∞The Creators
In this download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds, The Creators take us through a series of mantras that you will either resonate with, or you won’t, on the topic of manifesting abundance in your life. The difference between this download and other mantras you may have encountered in the past is that The Creators won’t let you just speak the mantras…they want to make sure that you actually feel the vibration of them. And when you do, when you align with them, you will change your financial situation for the better. Love! <3
Breathing Exercises for Manifesting Abundance ∞The Creators
In this download of just over 11 minutes, The Creators walk us through a series of breathing exercises that are designed to remove limitations, beliefs, and blockages around receiving abundance. These are breathing exercises that are easy to do, and you can employ them several times throughout the day to bring in that abundance that all of us desire. You’ll feel more open and ready to receive after doing even just one of these exercises. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating the Abundance Frequency
In this download, I bring forth a light language that you can just sit back and absorb. This light language is infused with the frequency of abundance and the codes that will help to reprogram your relationship to abundance in your life. You can listen as many times as you like, whenever you feel you want to get into that abundance frequency, and eventually, you may feel inspired to speak your own light language to express that abundance frequency through you. Enjoy! <3
Abundance Vibration Activation ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council guide us into the feeling of abundance, activating that vibration within our chakras, bodies, and energy fields. They also explain how to find this vibration that we all have it within us, whether we’ve ever felt wealthy or not. This download will leave you feeling in the flow and ready to receive all the abundance that’s coming your way. Enjoy! <3
Tones & Overtones for Removing Blockages to Abundance ∞Various
This download is 11 minutes and 11 seconds of channeled tones and overtones that are infused with two intentions: to remove any blockages that we may have picked up to receiving the abundance to naturally flow and to activate the receptors in our physical bodies for the energies of abundance. Sit back, listen, and know that some tones are going to activate you…they may feel uncomfortable to listen to at first. But let that happen. It means that particular tone/overtone is working! Enjoy <3
Creating a Life of Abundance w/The Creators & Quan Yin (Channeled by Wifey, MariCrís) ∞Workshop Audio Recording
In this online event I did with my wife, Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton, I channeled The Creators and she channeled Quan Yin. The event lasted just over 2 and a half hours, and besides the topic of Creating a Life of Abundance, there were many other areas covered. Some of those topics included: getting a book published, feeling boredom, feeling social anxiety, and starting a new business. Maricris also led us through a wonderful and powerful opening meditation. It was a lovely event, and the energies that The Creators & Quan Yin transmitted with stay with you for a while after hearing the recording… Enjoy! <3
Root Chakra Clearing & Abundance Frequency Activation ∞The PHCo7
The root chakra is likely the last one to come along to the fifth dimensional frequency range. We tend to hold so much fear, trauma, and judgment in that often forgotten about chakra that it can hold us back from living the life we ultimately want to live. The Pleiadian High Council of Seven is here to help. They offer a process for clearing that stuck energy out of the root chakra and then assist in activating our abundance frequency in this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds. Enjoy! <3
Abundance Meditation ∞Archangel Michael
In this guided Abundance Meditation, I channeled Archangel Michael. The Archangel Michael collective uses their soft and soothing angelic energy to give us a new perspective on accessing the flow of abundance into our lives. This captivating meditation is set to beautiful new age music, is 15 and a half minutes in length, and it’s filled with high-frequency vibrations that are sure to shift your abundance set-point. I recommend listening to this meditation every day until you start to see the evidence of the vibrational work you’ve been doing with Michael. Then you can taper off to once a week, and when you’re really in the flow with this abundant universe, you might recognize that you only have to do it once a month. Enjoy! <3
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