Expansion – Archangel Michael
“Circumstances are what they are in your lives to give you the greatest opportunity for expansion. Looking at your lives as the opportunities that they are gives them meaning. If every challenge that arises is met with a desire to expand into something more, then suddenly everything in your life becomes a joyous experience.
You have the choice to see those circumstances in your lives as mere nuisances, and you have the freedom to see them as the opportunities they are. The next time you find yourselves struggling to overcome something, and using your minds to do so, drop the resistance, let go of your thoughts, and feel into the expansion that the circumstance has created.
You do not need to analyze and figure out what the circumstance is giving you. You do not need to know what expansion you are moving into. You just need to accept that this is the case and that in your surrender you will feel more of yourself.
Becoming enlightened is not about understanding a concept. It is about literally holding more light, because you are light. And the more light you are willing to embody, the more you can see everything in your lives for exactly what it is. So we recommend that you welcome everything in with open arms and that you decide to be free, to be more, and to allow your expansion to occur moment by moment, circumstance by circumstance, and by surrendering into what you already are.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”