Experiencing All Angles – Archangel Michael
“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
In order for you to experience something fully, you must experience it from all angles. This is what you all decided to do before incarnating on planet Earth. You decided to experience all that you could in a human body, from every imaginable perspective.
And this is what you have done over the course of your many lifetimes on planet Earth. So everything that you see happening in the world today – every injustice, every act of violence, and every joyous occasion – have all been experienced by you in some incarnation.
And so whatever it is that you find abhorrent, and whatever it is that you would love to experience but do not believe that you can, you have already experienced these things. If you hadn’t, you would be experiencing them in this current lifetime.
What we suggest that all of you do is look around and decide that you are going to accept all that is and is not in your life and all that is happening in the world today. As you do, you welcome a part of yourself home, you become more whole, and you release trauma.
You are living in this lifetime in service to all of your other lifetimes. And as you recognize that, you can see and understand how everything that is and is not is of service to you.
So be willing to engage with your world with this knowing. And in so doing, you release all resistance, and you welcome all aspects of yourself home. This is truly how you live as a divine Being in a physical body.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”