The Past Versions of You – Archangel Michael
“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
In the chance that you should find yourself thinking about the past, see the version of yourself that you are thinking about as still existing, but also as a completely different being than the being you are today. Look upon that other version of your Oversoul with kindness and compassion. Give him or her what he or she needs. You know better than anyone how to be of service to that version of you.
Regret is not one of the ways that you are of service, neither is shame, neither is wishing you had done things differently. See that version of yourself as doing the best that he or she could. Look upon that version of you with love, and give thanks for the help that he or she has provided you in knowing more clearly who it is you want to be.
You are accessing much more than those versions of you from your past, and they are all working in service to your now. If you can see it that way, you can receive the full benefit.
So let go of any need that you may have for a different past experience of yourself. That version of you was doing the best that he or she could. Any other perspective on it will not be as helpful.
Your past does not make you who you are today. Who you are today is creating the past as you remember it. You can only remember details that are relevant to your now, and you will always take the perspective on your past that is a reflection of your now.
So if you are being hard on that version of you for not doing enough, for not being smarter, then you are doing that to yourself now. So it is time to let all versions of yourself off the hook and to decide who you want to be right now, based on all the information they are providing you with. That is our suggestion.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”