Finding the Truth – The Founders
“Finding the truth is not as important as you might think. Finding the truth implies that there is only one truth to be found. Finding the truth that works for you in the moment is really what you are after.
If you need to find the truth in order to convince someone else of something, you are not taking into account that they have a different perspective than you do. So that other person’s truth may be different from yours, and that must be okay with you if you are to live happily on a planet with billions of other people.
As soon as you decide that all beings must hold the same truth, you are limiting yourself, you are limiting others, and you are going to find yourself fighting an uphill battle. It is so much easier and so much more enjoyable to find the truth that works for you in the moment and to live that truth out for as long as it serves you.
Now, if someone else sees you doing this they may call you out. They may ask you to explain yourself, because some individuals will want your truth to be consistent and everlasting. They may need that in order to feel secure around you. But you do not need to explain your truth to anyone else, ever. Because as soon as you do, you then may feel the need to hold on to that truth longer than it serves you or to defend that truth, and that never goes very well for any of you.
So any time you find yourself seeking the truth about anything, remember that the truth that you seek is also your creation, just as everything else is. So create the truth that you want to experience and then live it and live by it, and ask no one else to find your truth true for them.
That is a wonderful way to live, and it is time for all of you to recognize that everyone else that you share your world with is also creating their reality. And therefore, they may create a different truth than yours. We think that is wonderful. We think that is true freedom. And so we encourage you all to find whatever truth works for you and to let it be as fleeting as the wind.
We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”