Interact with the Energy – The Founders
It always behooves you to recognize when you have a certain idea about something or someone that contradicts the desire that you have for an experience. So if you have an expectation for a person to be difficult, challenging, disagreeable, or in some other way not to your liking, and you know that you will have future dealings with this individual, then something must change in order to give you the experience you want to have.
You may wish to experience conflict with this individual and not even realize that you have that desire. But most of you would like to have pleasant interactions with others where there is cooperation, unity, and closeness. So when you become aware of an expectation for a less-than-desirable experience with another, ask yourself whether you can let go of that expectation.
If the answer is no, then give yourself the opportunity to create a different version of that person. How do you do this, you might wonder. Well, all individuals that you encounter are comprised of energy, and energy is far more malleable than a person with a personality and a history and past lives.
So if you interact with the energy that comprises the person first, rather than anticipating the interaction you think you are going to have with the person, you have a much better chance of creating the experience that you want to have.
So how do you interact with the energy first? You do so by feeling for the person’s energy, by contacting that energy, and by seeking out the core vibration within it. The core vibration is always love, and if you can interact with the love that is at the heart of every individual on your planet, you will have a much easier time navigating through your relationships.
We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”