Interests and Boredom – The Founders
“What seems interesting to you now will bore you in the future, and that is as it must be in order for you to continue to expand. What is interesting to you now will draw more lifeforce energy through you and you will engage with it with more of who you are.
When you lose interest in that which is pulling that energy through you, you often feel discouraged. You often wonder what is wrong with you, and you long for that sense of purpose that you once had. But it is always best to go with the flow and to realize that you are not the same person that you were when you first discovered that interest. And so what will grab your attention next will be that which is most alluring to the new version of who you are.
And so what do you do during those times in between when nothing in life seems to be calling energy through you? Well that is when you go within and you discover who you have become as a result of you engaging with your previous interest. You notice that there is more to you than you have ever recognized, and you seek to discover new depths, new insights, and new dimensions of your being-ness.
So what pulls the energy through you and gives you that feeling of being alive is not the be all and end all that it seems to be in those moments. You are the true prize, and as you acknowledge this then what you are interested in will never become an obsession or an addiction.
You will see it for what it is and you will relish the experience of having more lifeforce drawn through you, for that is what life is all about. Life is a journey of self-discovery and exploration, and whenever you acknowledge that you give yourself more power than you give those things that pique your interest.
We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”