Interpreting Our Energy – Archangel Michael
“We always let you interpret our energy however you wish to interpret it. We are not giving all of you the exact same messages. And part of that is because you are all different, and part of that is because you all have different filters that translate what we are into your way of understanding us. It will always benefit you to access us in whatever way you desire and in whatever way you are most comfortable.
As you recognize the parts of you that exist within us and the parts of us that exist within you, you select how you will interpret our energy. Vibrating as high as you possibly can will open up a new interpretation. Giving yourselves all that you can will alleviate some of the more trying questions and some of the lower-vibrational frequencies that you sometimes hold. And you will see us less as those who are here because you need us.
And instead, you will interpret us as those who you resonate with. As you walk your path in this life, you encounter many – many different beings and many different vibrational signatures. And you have your knee-jerk reactions to each. There will come a time when you will no longer react. There will come a time when you will only interpret the energy, without judgment and without creating a story.
Now, we like your stories, especially the ones you have created around us. But we want your experience of us to be in the moment, as you interpret our frequency, and nothing more. We have always been with you, and we will always be with you. And your lives will always touch us. Believing is your first step to contact with our purest energetic state. Needing us to respond will only create a feeling of separation and an experience of separation.
Placing us on a pedestal will also keep you from accessing us fully. We are equals, and we would love to interact with you as such.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”