Miracles – The Hathors
“Set aside, for a moment, your disbelief in that which you would call a miracle. Let go of your rational mind and embrace, for just a moment, the possibility that anything at all was possible, and that not only was it possible, but that it could, and might, and was very likely to happen.
Now discover how the doubt creeps in, how it seeps beneath the cracks under the door. Allow yourself to embrace the doubt. Allow yourself to sit with it, to notice its vibration. And now switch back to the miracle vibration. There will be no question in your mind as to which vibration feels lighter, feels more comfortable, more at home in your body.
Let that be a sign to you that not only are miracles possible, but they are natural. They are compatible with who and what you are. That is why they exist and have existed for so long, to show you not only what was possible, but also what is when you are being your true self, your natural self.
You do not need to be master or an enlightened being in order to experience a miracle. In fact, we ask you to hold us to this statement by requesting a miracle in some area in your life. Go right ahead and be a person who believes in miracles, who not only believes in miracles but seeks them out.
We want you to recognize that everything is a miracle, if you allow it to be. If you do not set your standards too high for what is miraculous, then you can begin to live your life from miraculous occurrence to miraculous occurrence.
You will notice that the doubt will be reflected back to you in others. They will tell you not to get your hopes up. They will tell you that you are crazy, or that you should live in the real world. And we want you to love them. See them as representatives of that place within you that carries the doubt.
Do not attempt to convince them that your life is one gigantic miracle. But instead, see it as a miracle that they were brought to you, to show you where your doubt still lies. When you love the doubters, then you love that part of you that holds the doubt and you transform it with your love. And then watch as the miracles come rolling in.
We are the Hathors. We thank you. And we bid you a fond good day.”