Promises – Archangel Gabriel
Promises are only made to the self. Promises may be kept and they may be broken. But nothing is eternal, except you. So why would you ever feel the need to make a promise to someone else or to hold someone else to their promise to you? We will tell you why. It is out of a need for security – the security that cannot be given from one to another.
Security is non-transferable. It is more of a concept than a frequency. And your concepts are even less transferable. At least with your energy you can send an invitation. But you continue to make promises. And the others in your life continue to hold you to those promises, mostly out of fear, certainly not from a place of love.
Promise to remember who you are, and then be who you are. Let that be the commitment that you make and seek not promises from others. All you do when you ask for a promise is remove yourself from your present moment, project out into a future a time when you would need to hold someone to their word. And then you put yourself in alignment with that reality.
Exercise your right to live in the moment. Make your promise to be present. Make your promise to be whole, and ask others to make the same promise to themselves. This releases you from codependency, and freedom is such a large part of who you are. And as you grant each other the freedom to be who you are in the moment, you find it unnecessary to make promises or to ask for promises from others.
You will experience bonds between yourselves and others, between groups. Those bonds are formed with an understanding of energy exchange and unconditional love. And there are no terms. There are no contracts. There are no agreements when you live and let live and when you ask all others to do the same.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”