Pursue Your Interests – The Founders
“Your will is always directed towards that which is most interesting to you. You cannot force yourself to be interested in something. It is either calling you to it, or it is not. So you cannot use will power to direct you towards an activity that is not calling you. You can do it for a certain amount of time, but you always burn out. Or something comes up to actually prevent you from doing that thing.
Now, when you feel that you should do something, it is usually because that thing that you feel you should do is a means to an end. And it is the desired end that you use to fuel what you call will power. We say to you that there is no force outside of you that can force you to do something, and there is nothing inside of you that can force you to do something either.
So when you say that you have no will power or that you are procrastinating, know that it is because of a lack of interest in whatever it is that you want to force yourself to do. Now some of you pursue your interests even though you feel guilty about it, because here is this thing over here that you should be doing, and instead you are pursuing your interests. And that makes you a weak person in your opinion. Some of you would even go so far as to say that it makes you a bad person.
We want to encourage you to follow whatever is calling you with interest and curiosity and to leave the guilty feelings behind. Know that you picked up the idea that there is something wrong with doing what you are interested in doing from someone else. And just as easily as you picked it up, you can put it down.
You can allow yourselves to freely pursue your interests and let go of your feelings of shame, guilt, and obligation to do something else. When you do, you take command of your life. And when you take command of your life, you actually start enjoying it. And isn’t that why you want that thing that you think you need to do something else to get anyway? Isn’t it because you want to enjoy life? Why not start enjoying your life now? And make no excuses for it.
We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”