We Are All One ∞Quan Yin
“It is I, Quan Yin.
Our differences do not separate us from each other. Just because I am different from you and you are different from your neighbor does not make us separate. We are all the same. We are the same Being, expressing in different ways.
Of course, it serves us to play these roles and to give each other the illusion that we are separate. But what if it was possible to hold the knowing that we are all One, while at the same time playing in the illusion of separation for fun?
What if you looked at every single being on your world and saw them as another expression of you? Would that not lead to more unity, to better understanding, and ultimately to unconditional love? You want to use the illusion for fun without getting lost in it to such an extent that you forget the truth of who we all are.
This ability to hold the knowing that we are all One makes forgiveness easier and judgment impossible, and it is certainly easier to recognize that everything is in service. Every experience is helping us become more of who we are, and none of us gets left behind.
Feel the warmth in your heart as you consider this. Feel the broadness of your consciousness as you allow yourself to see everything and everyone as a part of you, as an expression of you.
Look for the ways in which you can express your uniqueness and encourage others to do the same. This gives us all strength and propels us into the expansion of who we are.
I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”