Secrecy and Full Exposure – The Founders
“Secrecy will never get you what you really want. Hiding something for the sake of saving face is not really serving you. Openness and honesty, putting it all out on the table, that is what brings you what you really want. What you really want is full exposure without fear, without fear of reprisal, without fear of humiliation.
And in your openness and honesty, you disarm all others. No one else has anything that they can do or say to you when you say it all yourself, when you admit openly to whatever it is that you feel you need to hide.
In the age in which you live, there is less and less secrecy because all of your devices, gadgets, and technology, it is getting harder and harder to hide. And what that means is you are facing more and more of those secrets. You have no choice.
And when you do, you have a choice. You can choose to recoil in shame from that which you would hide from the world, or you can stand tall and feel how much bigger you are than that which you would hide.
It is time for all of you to release your judgments of yourselves and others. And the best way to start that process is to be completely honest and completely open, to let it all hang out, and to know that there is nothing that you could ever do, or be, or think, or say that would diminish the light that you are.
But in secrecy you hide your light, you dim your light. You do not let the fullness of who you are shine when you let any part of that which you are be shrouded. You are beautiful beings, and it is time to allow yourselves to be fully exposed.
We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”