Stating Your Intentions ∞Quan Yin
“It is I, Quan Yin.
Stating your intention is putting your energy in alignment. As long as you are open to how that intention comes to fruition, it is an act of expansion through an act of focusing. Focusing on something specific may not seem like an inherently expansive thing to do, but it is all about you and your energy. It is all about what puts you in your flow.
And so, stating an intention and then letting it go will do just that. It will put you in the greater flow that is always available to you. You are creating that which is a part of your particular flow of energy. You are determining what works for you and what does not. By stating your intention you are acknowledging your uniqueness.
You did not all come to experience the same things. You are entitled to experience that which is most in alignment with the flow of your energy. It is not up to anyone else to decide that for you. But when you let the intentions of others get in between you and your intentions, you find yourselves out of your flow. You find your energy stifled, and that is when you get tired, sick, and uninterested in remaining in the physical reality.
So I suggest that you state your intentions and that you recognize that you have the right to do so. There is nothing for you to earn, and there is nothing for you to live up to. There is only your focus and where you decide to place it. And what you intend for yourself does not need to interfere with the intentions of anyone else.
All can be focused on that which is for each and every one of you the greatest and highest good, and no one has to be left out. No one has to be diminished or compromised in any way in order for all to live in alignment with their flow, with the flow of Source Energy.
I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”