The Negative – Archangel Michael
“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
From your perspective, there are things, there are actions, and there are people who you would define as negative. You often label something as negative without really understanding what that means. What is negative? What does it mean to you? And most importantly, what do you do about it?
We suggest that instead of calling something or someone negative, you take note of how you feel. Put your attention there. That is how you are served by that which you are calling negative.
You are given the opportunity to experience something within yourselves that you could not otherwise experience. And if you cannot experience an emotion like fear, sadness, anger, or despair, then you also cannot experience love, joy, freedom, or excitement.
Seeing as that is the case, can you not see how something negative could actually be considered positive? Can you not see the benefit of what you consider to be inherently negative? And if you are able to do this, if you are able to turn something negative around, you are then capable of getting to the emotion that you want to feel more quickly.
Now here comes the tricky part. You must allow that which you have deemed negative to be what it is, and you must allow it to trigger you in the way that it does. There is no need to pretend that something is not what it is, or that you don’t feel how you do about it. That is a trap. So allow what is negative to be, allow yourselves to feel what you feel, and then derive the benefit of the experience by shifting your perspective.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”