The Perfect Life – The Founders
“In your perfect lives that you sometimes imagine for yourselves, do you create obstacles, challenges, and that which you call disappointment? Do you ever add anything like that in your fantasies about the perfect life you would like to lead? Of course you do not, so we are playing with you a bit.
But here is what we mean in the asking of the question. Do you ever consider what life would be like without the obstacle? Do you really believe that you could handle a perfect life? We can hear all of you like a choir saying, ‘yes!’ in this moment. But we are talking about nonstop perfection, never a snag, never a single detail overlooked, nor a single hair out of place.
Do you know what that would be like for all of you? It would be beyond boring. You would stagnate. You would draw less energy through you, because without the challenge and with a perfect environment around you, there would be nothing to call it forth, to call you forth.
Your mission in life is not to create a perfect world, or even a perfect cocoon for yourself within that world. Your mission is always to feel more of who you are flowing through you, and nothing does that better than an imperfection, than something going wrong.
So we suggest that you not only embrace those imperfections, those obstacles, those challenges, but we also recommend that you notice how much more of who you are they pull through you and how much more interesting life is with all of its little dilemmas. Now, imagine in the creation of the circumstances of your lives that you were the ones putting all the obstacles in place and perhaps you will be able to see them, from now on, through very different eyes.
We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”