The Source Energy Perspective – Archangel Michael
“By living your life, you are letting Source Energy play through you. You are giving Source Energy an opportunity for new experience. Therefore, live your life and recognize that this is precisely what is happening. Believing this is one thing. It is nice to come to this awareness and to hold that knowing in your mental body.
But to live it, to truly embody it, that is what you are all here to do. That is what you are all sorting out. You may find that the challenge lies not within knowing that you are allowing Source Energy to have an experience through you, but in synching up with that perspective of Source as you go through the motions of your day.
Every act is an opportunity to know yourself as Source and to see something through the eyes of Source for the very first time. Taking on the perspective of Source is as easy as deciding that it is the perspective that you would like to hold. Because remember, you already are Source. And sometimes, many times in fact, you are simply pretending to be something else, something separate, or less, than who and what you really are.
And every time that you acknowledge your true identity as a Source Energy Being, filtering Its way through a physical experience, you make it easier for yourself and others to hold that perspective. And the more of you who hold that perspective, the more you create Heaven on Earth. Be willing to don the perspective of who you really are and to live your life in that vibration.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”