The Threshold of the Fifth Dimension – The Founders
Whether or not you believe it, you have already taken yourselves beyond the threshold of the fifth dimension. There is no need to wait for some big event to occur to let you know. There is no stopping you from experiencing yourselves as fifth dimensional beings.
But many of you are waiting for a big event – a financial collapse, full disclosure, or even a natural disaster of catastrophic magnitude. In the game you are playing now, there are not such clear demarcations because you are making it all up as you go.
Some of you have already begun experiencing yourselves and your reality in a fifth dimensional way, but those of you who have had those experiences bring yourselves back to the rest of the pack. You are not willing to stay that far out in front. And that is quite all right, but now the time is coming for those of you who are capable of holding a fifth dimensional frequency, and maintaining it, to show others how to do it.
You are ready to step into leadership roles, and your students are ready for you to do so. As long as you are waiting for someone or something outside of you to tell you that the shift to the fifth dimension is already taking place, you will limit yourselves, you will not realize your full potential, and you will let the outside evidence determine the frequency you hold and the dimensional range you find yourselves in.
It is time to take ownership of yourselves as fifth dimensional beings and to begin creating a new world.
We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”