Transcending Polarity – Archangel Michael
“The encouragement that you seek from outside sources is no different than the criticism that you attempt to avoid. Whenever you are looking for someone or something outside of you to give you a sense of validation or worth, you are always going to get the opposite of that which you seek as well. You cannot receive just one side or one end of the spectrum. So know that if you go seeking one, you will find the other as well.
When you are addressing yourselves, you get to choose every time whether you give yourselves praise or whether you criticize. You choose from both ends of the polarity. They are both there. They are both allowed to exist as choice. But you get to choose which one.
Now, most of you are not doing this consciously. So you choose to give yourselves praise only when you feel you deserve it, and you choose to criticize yourselves when you feel you deserve that. But what if you made the choice to give that which you want to receive to yourselves no matter what? What if you allowed the choice for self-criticism to be there, and yet, you chose self-love, encouragement, and blessing yourselves?
There would be no need for any of you to justify that which you gave yourselves with some sort of accomplishment or desired result. You could give yourselves unconditional praise before doing something. And then perhaps you would no longer seek that praise, that love, and that encouragement from an outside source. This is how you free yourselves from duality, from polarity. This is how you live in the fifth dimension.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”