True Essence – Archangel Michael
“Everyone that you encounter is a person that deserves your full attention. You would appreciate who it was you were interacting with more if you could see their true essence. If you knew that the homeless person on the street was an angel in disguise, you would have a bit more reverence for that individual.
When you interact with anyone, regardless of who they are to you, give your attention to their true essence. Now that essence may be shrouded, but it is still there. We are not asking you to overlook what it is that the person is saying or doing, as though those things do not matter. We are simply asking that you consider the Source.
Recognize that the distortions through which the light is shining are not the truth of who that being really is. Be willing to address what they are offering to you, while simultaneously holding your focus on the essence of who they are.
This awareness will also serve you when you turn your attention back to self. You are also a high-frequency being of light and love expressing in human form, and you deserve to give yourself that same respect and reverence as you would if you could see the true essence of who you are.
We also encourage you to view everything around you as a miracle. All That Is expressing Itself in form is a miraculous event. Be willing to look deeper. What you see on the surface is a projection. All that you see is Love in some form, in some format. And it is all there in service to the Light that you are. Remember and remind yourselves of this on a more frequent basis as you move through this journey.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”