Your True Power – Archangel Gabriel
“The day that you decide that you will expect everything to go your way will be the day that you begin to exercise your true power. Your true power exists, but you do not always exercise it. There are moments when you do. But in those moments you may not even recognize that you are exercising your true power. Because in those moments, you are only believing that things are going your way because that is your habit.
So we are suggesting that you make some new habits. Make a habit of believing in your self-worth. Make a habit of giving more of yourself in every situation. Make a habit of receiving. Make a habit of living your life by your own rules, and make a habit of making those rules up as you go.
You have plenty of old habits, most of which you are aware of. But the day that you decide that you are going to make some new habits is the day that you begin to feel your power, to harness your power, and to direct your power where you want it to go.
You often give your power away. You give it to those who are all too ready to take it, who do not question whether or not they deserve it, and who will do everything in their power to convince you that you do not need it. And so, little by little, you take back your power. And little by little you exercise your power.
You stand on your own two feet and you declare your power. And that is how we recommend you proceed. That is how we see you. We see you stepping into your power, and we see you acknowledging your power, and we see you filling yourselves with that power breath by breath.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”