What is Shifting – Archangel Michael
“All that you are is contained within the tiniest portion of you. There is no need for you to go anywhere or to become anything in order to access your Source and all of the energy and information that is contained within it.
We sometimes talk to you about your expansion and your growth, and we understand how that can give you the impression that you have you somewhere to go or that you are somehow less than your complete and whole self. What we really mean when we talk about expansion and becoming is your awareness of self.
Your awareness of who you are is what is shifting, and that is a very big deal. You are discovering that all of your limitations are nothing more than ideas that you have been exploring. These ideas were always part of the plan, and you have given them quite a bit of your attention over the many lifetimes that you have incarnated.
The ideas themselves are not bad. They are not to be demonized or squashed out with all of your mental gymnastics. They are simply to be seen as they are and for what they are. And you are taking your attention away from them because you are exploring new ideas and new ways of knowing yourselves.
This also holds true for the others on your planet and your planet itself. You have the opportunity to embrace something more, something different, and something new. And we are here to guide you in that direction. But you don’t really need us or anyone else to remind you. All you need to do is to feel for it within you and to follow the light.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are love.”