You Are All Heroes – Archangel Michael
“That which is often difficult for you to hear is the greatest thing that you could ever absorb. That which is easy for you to hear often has very little impact on you. You are uncovering parts of yourselves that have remained hidden, or dormant, for eons and eons of your time. And as you encounter these aspects of who you are, you may find that they are hard to look at.
You may wonder why it has to be so challenging to do the work that you are doing. You may wonder why this evolution business, this ascension process, could not be a bit easier. And you may wonder if it is all worth it. Why not just push that emotion back down? Why not just ignore that which you do not want to see? We will tell you why. It is because you are accepting your roles as the heroes of your own stories.
What is a hero, but one who is willing to face the unthinkable, the unimaginable, the insurmountable? The hero is given the most challenging of challenges, and the hero stands tall in the face of these challenges. The hero is not really defeating anything or anyone. That is a misinterpretation of the stories you are given. They are not about squashing out the evil. They are about facing that which is a part of you and being willing to look it in the eye. Once you do that, you have already won.
You are all heroes, simply for being here at this time. And for recognizing your strengths, your willingness, and your courage, you embody the heroes that you have often seen portrayed in your movies and in your stories. There is not one of you who has not faced enormous challenge, and all of you are discovering what you are made of. That is a true victory. That is why you create the challenge.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”