You Are Magical – Ophelia the Faerie
“I am here. I am with you.
Somewhere, somewhen you exist as pure energy. That part of you that knows itself without physical form has a truth that it would like to share with you. And that truth is that you are magical just as you are. You needn’t do anything magical or change anything about yourself to know this magic. You simply are it. So how can you know yourself more as magic and as magical?
There’s a certain amount of whimsy and flare that goes along with being a magician. The magician entrances the audience. The magician entertains the audience. The magician knows that he is not the act, but that the illusion is the act.
You are also working with illusion. You exist in an illusion. And you have the opportunity to entrance yourself into whatever state of being that you want to hold. That then allows the illusion to do what illusion does. You allow it to create an experience.
Because you are working with these physical bodies that do not seem to change very much from moment to moment, you have a challenging time recognizing your magic and your powers. I want to invite you into the realm of magic. I want you to know yourselves as magicians who play with illusion and form for the purpose of entertainment and experience, with the result of wonder and awe. I encourage you to be your own audience, to allow your life to be your act, and to seek to entertain and to entrance yourselves.
This is your journey. This is your show. The stage is yours. The possibilities are limitless, and your bag of tricks is bottomless. But you must reach in and you must believe in magic in order to have any chance at all of forming the illusion that you want. Be whimsical and fun and do not take your act so seriously that it loses its wonder and its aspect of joy.
I am Ophelia, and I love you.”