Free Yourselves – The Hathors
“Freeing yourselves from the idea of oppression is more important than freeing yourselves from any actual oppression, you see. There is, of course, the idea of oppression and there is the idea that you are free and that you are creating your realities. You get to choose which one of those ideas you incorporate into your lives.
You will see and hear about these beings in your world who are attempting to control and to manipulate. But when you receive that information, you then get to decide how you want to use it to better yourselves, to better humanity, and to serve the collective. We are not advocates of fighting for freedom. We see that whole idea as a contradiction in terms.
You needn’t fight for that which is available to all of you in any moment and in every moment of every day. You are now being offered the opportunity to choose to continue to see yourselves as oppressed and as victims or to see yourselves as free and as creators. That is the choice you are being given right now. And some of you will say, ‘But it’s true!’ And we would say in response to that, ’So, what?’
All truths are true. Everything is, and everything is available to you to choose from. So if you are playing out this idea of oppression and victimization in any area of your life, including your relationships, including your work, we invite you to let go of that idea, to disempower the idea not the oppressor. The oppressor only has as much power as you give the oppressor.
We also want to invite you to see yourselves as the oppressor and, of course, to see yourselves as the creator of it all, because all of this is just a game that you are playing with yourselves. There really is no out there, so there really can be no forces out there that would oppress those who are asleep. It is all by agreement.
We so enjoy seeing those of you who wake up choose to be free, because you do and always will have the free will to choose your freedom. And as you free yourselves from the idea of oppression, control, forces outside of yourselves, you will see that your power is equal to anyone else, no matter what title they hold, no matter what amount of money they have, no matter who they are.
You are as powerful as any other being. And when you see yourselves in that way, then all you want to do is be an example to others, because the oppressor is not free. The one who plays that role is also not feeling the freedom to simply be who they are. You can offer them that opportunity with your example.
We are The Hathors. We thank you. And we wish you a fond good day.”