You Are an Expression of Source – Archangel Michael
“Zeroing in on what you want often gives you the sense of satisfaction that you are seeking from your lives. Being able to receive that which you have determined is valuable gives you more of that sense of satisfaction. Taking your lessons in life as though they were badges of honor is another way to engage with a sense of satisfaction.
No matter what it is that you are seeking, you will find that satisfaction is at the core of each desire. You all seek a sense of completion. You all want to know that you have gotten all that there was to get out of life, no matter what it is that you are seeking.
All satisfaction that you are looking for comes from a perspective that you hold. You can easily obtain the satisfaction that you seek without ever having to achieve, or obtain, or experience a single thing. Deep satisfaction comes from knowing that you are a Source Energy expression.
That kind of knowing will never be obtained by looking outside of yourselves for the evidence, whether you are looking for the evidence from relationships, material wealth, or spiritual enlightenment. You’ll always be able to tell yourselves that there is more. You will always fall short.
Knowing yourselves as Source Energy is not complicated. It does not involve years and years of spiritual practice. It is a simple acknowledgement, and you are the only one who can give it to yourselves. Take a moment to tell yourself that you are an expression of Source Energy.
Feel where that hits you in your body. See if you can take it again, and again, and again until you are satisfied, until you are filled with that knowing. And then enjoy your life, rather than seeking something in your life to confirm to you the most important truth in the universe.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”