Time – Archangel Gabriel
“By taking time to savor a moment, you are extending that moment. You are releasing yourselves from linear time. You are taking yourselves into a different version of reality. You have the option of staying on the hamster wheel and feeling enslaved by the clocks, and you have the opportunity in each and every moment to extend time, to make it yours, and to do with it what you please.
These moments that you extend do not have to be of anything special. They do not have to be the moments that you want to experience more of. It can be a very simple and pure moment of quiet reflection or contemplation. You can experience your reality in more ways than you can imagine. And time is one of those variables that you can play with as you make time stop. With your full attention and full presence in the moment, you become masters of time and space.
You become shifters and jumpers, and you have more opportunities, because they present themselves to those who are masters of the moment. At this point in time, you are more powerful than you have ever been. And exercising your power has now become a priority. But exercise it in curiosity and in excitement and in joy, not because you are trying to prove anything to anyone, including yourselves.
Have fun with time. Play with time. See how long you can make a single second feel. And use your powers to slow time down or to speed it up as you see fit. This will be the first way in which you begin to exert true power on your reality. Time first, then space, and then whatever you want. So set some time aside to play and to enjoy and to savor a single moment.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”