A Journey Into the Unknown
“To the point of your own satisfaction, we suggest that you give yourselves the opportunity to explore. It is a very, very, very large universe that you live in, and for quite some time you have been giving yourselves only the opportunity to explore within the realm of the five senses. That which you could immediately experience with your senses has been the extent to which many of you have explored your universe.
What we are suggesting is to give yourselves more permission to be out there in the unknown with no map, with no compass, with no GPS, with just your own sense of where it is you would like to go and to let yourselves be the guides through this journey of exploration, to allow yourselves the freedom to be wherever it is that your heart takes you. This journey that we are proposing you take is one of feeling, it is one of sensing, it is one of allowing yourselves to receive that which is already in your presence, but that which you are unaware of.
So we are asking you to look for the unseen, and to listen for the unheard, to even feel for that which is not there as if it is, and to give yourself permission to step through portals that exist all around you and to be the pioneers who are willing to be wrong, who are willing to sound foolish, who are more than ready to be called a fraud. Because without you out there giving others permission to do the same, the process of human evolution will be thwarted; it will not continue on as easily and as smoothly as it could.
Because this society, this world, this universe needs its weirdoes, needs its fringe element, needs those who are willing to drop out of society and to look for the roads that have no signposts and which also have no end.”