All That You Are – Archangel Gabriel
“Portions of your consciousness are going to emerge. They are only going to emerge when you are ready. These portions of your consciousness are not asleep. They are simply unavailable. You are fully capable of operating as a self-actualized human being without these portions of your consciousness.
So do not think for a moment that there’s something about you that is missing or that you cannot be perfect as you are until you have full access. This life that you are living right now gives you all the opportunities that you would ever need to know yourselves more fully, to know yourselves as Source Energy.
But many of you believe that you must have full access to all that you are in order to experience all that you are. And we want you to know that you experience all that you are when you look upon a flower with appreciation. We want you to know that you experience all that you are when you hold the hand of a child. We want you to know that you experience all that you are when you look in the mirror and smile because you love the person that you are.
This age of enlightenment and transformation that you are in is not only about becoming more of who you are and experiencing all of those portions of your consciousness. This time is about experiencing who you are right now from a different perspective. It is about knowing yourselves as Source Energy Beings by accessing the feeling that you are Source Energy Beings, rather than accessing all of the power and all of the wisdom of Source Energy.
All of that will come in due time. But seek not what you do not have. And instead, engage with what you do have more fully and with more of that energy of Source pulsing through your veins, giving you the riches experience of your world that you could possibly have.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”