Becoming Creator Beings – Archangel Gabriel
“Speculation is your attempt to understand. Education is your attempt to transmit an idea. And creation is deciding that you have arrived at your conclusion. We are interested in seeing all of you come to that conclusion, because now is the time for you to decide.
Once you are accepting of your roles as Creator Beings, the power of your decisions will begin to settle in and you will see your reality through new eyes. Most of your lives up until this point have been about reaching your individual conclusions.
In order for you to make informed decisions, you must experience all sides and all angles. It is necessary in order for you to know what your creations will be. It is necessary for you to feel all of the different sides, all of the different perspectives.
That is one of the reasons why we, and others like us, are reminding you to feel. We are inviting you to feel all of your emotions, not because we are like your parents prodding you to eat your vegetables, but because it is necessary for you in order to make informed decisions as Creator Beings.
It is necessary for you to feel all of it and to know compassion. Only then will you allow yourselves to step into your full power and full creative potential. So that is why we say, ‘Embrace all of it.’
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”