Being and Doing – Archangel Gabriel
“Being is a more intense experience than doing. You often do to escape your state of being. For some of you, the idea of sitting still and just being in your bodies is your idea of torture or punishment. This being-ness that you are does want to be expressed. And therefore, doing is a natural consequence of being.
The two play off of one another quite nicely. So we are not here to place being-ness above your actions or tell you that you should spend more time doing one than the other. In fact, if anything, we would ask that you play with merging the two. Instead of seeing them as opposite ends of a spectrum, see them as two sides of the same coin.
And give yourselves the experience of feeling more of who you are as you do that which you do throughout your day. Much of what you do has become devoid of meaning. And so you go through the motions without really experiencing what you are doing. We encourage you to allow your being-ness to become so strong within you that it literally catapults you into action.
We want you to have that experience of your being-ness becoming the force that not only inspires the action, but energizes it with the fuel of the Love that you are. Love is your natural state of being. Any act of love, therefore, would be a natural state of doing. The more love you infuse into everything that you do, the easier it will be for you to access more of the love that you are while you are sitting completely still, with no agenda and no list of things to do.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”