Channeling Ophelia – Easing Your Way Into 5D
“Very soon you will have gained the perspective that will carry you into the fifth dimensional frequency. You have been holding your third dimensional perspective for most of your lives. It has served you very well to do this, because you needed to have certain experiences in order to be the whole being that you will operate as in the fifth dimension.
So I don’t want any of you thinking that you have done something wrong, or that you continue to do something wrong, by holding that third dimensional energy as your operating system. It was and is very appropriate. And now that you see that there is an opportunity for you to know yourselves in a new way, in a different way, you are all very excited to have that experience.
But you must be willing to let go without holding judgment. The things that you desire to let go of are not bad. They are energy, like everything else. They are created from Love, like everything else. And they serve a purpose, like everything else. So when you desire to let go, do so lovingly. Do so because you are choosing something else, not because what you have been choosing is wrong or painful. It just is. And it is a choice.
Choosing a new vibration, a new identity, a new way of experiencing yourselves and your reality is just that simple. It does not have to be dramatic. You do not have to break up with the third dimension or its ideas and structures, or the being that you knew yourself as in the third dimension. So holding the perspective of yourselves as creators who are choosing a new identity, new experiences, and a new way of knowing yourselves is the perspective that will lead you easily and softly into the fifth dimension.
I want you to realize that it is not like so many of your accomplishments of the third dimension. This journey is one of ease. This journey is like sliding into a comfortable shoe, because this journey is about you exploring more of your own energy. You are moving into a grander version of yourselves. Begin seeing yourselves as large bodies of light. Expand your awareness into this light, and feel yourselves floating and fluttering and flying into the higher frequency range.”