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Pleiadian Light Language for Activating Your Crystalline Light Codes ∞Pay What You Want
I channeledThe Pleiadian High Council of 7, and they delivered a light language that will activate your crystalline light codes, just by sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying them.
This Pleiadian Light Language Was Channeled by Daniel Scranton & the Pleiadian High Council of 7 to Activate Your Crystalline Light Codes
Crystalline Light Codes. They exist within all of us, but they are dormant in most. These codes, when activated, put us on the fast-track (and also the most joyous one) to our ascension, but they also do so much more! Crystalline light codes make it easier for us to be in our activated light bodies, and they help us to channel more light and energy, plus they connect us more fully to the crystalline energygrid on the Earth’s surface. Crystalline light codes, when fully activated, will make it easier for you to maintain your sovereignty, as well as your high-vibrational state of being. And we all can use some help in that arena from time to time. Joy! <3
For this 6-minute language of light, I channeledThe Pleiadian High Council of 7, and they delivered a light language that will activate your crystalline light codes, just by sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying them. There’s no need for you to interpret the light language or translate it into English…if it was meant to be understood by the mind, I would have channeled this in a language spoken on Earth. Instead, this light language is infused with the energy, vibration and intention (as well as the galactic light codes) to activate the crystalline light codes within you so that you can live a life of joy, freedom, and abundance. Love! <3
Pleiadian Light Language for Activating Your Crystalline Light Codes ∞Pay What You Want
I channeled The Pleiadian High Council of 7, and they delivered a light language that will activate your crystalline light codes, just by sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying them.
This Pleiadian Light Language Was Channeled by Daniel Scranton & the Pleiadian High Council of 7 to Activate Your Crystalline Light Codes
Crystalline Light Codes. They exist within all of us, but they are dormant in most. These codes, when activated, put us on the fast-track (and also the most joyous one) to our ascension, but they also do so much more! Crystalline light codes make it easier for us to be in our activated light bodies, and they help us to channel more light and energy, plus they connect us more fully to the crystalline energy grid on the Earth’s surface. Crystalline light codes, when fully activated, will make it easier for you to maintain your sovereignty, as well as your high-vibrational state of being. And we all can use some help in that arena from time to time. Joy! <3
For this 6-minute language of light, I channeled The Pleiadian High Council of 7, and they delivered a light language that will activate your crystalline light codes, just by sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying them. There’s no need for you to interpret the light language or translate it into English…if it was meant to be understood by the mind, I would have channeled this in a language spoken on Earth. Instead, this light language is infused with the energy, vibration and intention (as well as the galactic light codes) to activate the crystalline light codes within you so that you can live a life of joy, freedom, and abundance. Love! <3
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