In this download from The Arcturian Council of just under 12 minutes they walk us through a process of reconnecting with our star families. They also explain where those star family members are likely to come from and why we feel such a strong connection to them. There is also an integration process into our energy fields that will open us up to more direct communication with these star family members. You’ll also feel more at home here on Earth after doing this process, as you will be bringing your star family members here. Enjoy! <3
Reconnecting with Your Star Family ∞ Pay What You Want
In this download from The Arcturian Council of just under 12 minutes they walk us through a process of reconnecting with our star families. They also explain where those star family members are likely to come from and why we feel such a strong connection to them. There is also an integration process into our energy fields that will open us up to more direct communication with these star family members. You’ll also feel more at home here on Earth after doing this process, as you will be bringing your star family members here. Enjoy! <3
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