Emotional Imprints – The Founders
“In the earliest stages of your development in this lifetime, you were imprinted with certain emotions, and those emotions have stayed with you. You took on emotion as a way of relating to those around you. So if you had a very anxious mother, you became anxious so that you would fit in, but also so that you would understand your mother and where she was coming from, vibrationally.
These emotional imprints then became the tools that you had available to you for creating your reality. And the reality became such a reflection of these emotions that you barely even recognized that you were feeling them. It was like asking a fish, ‘How’s the water?’
And then, at a certain point, you became aware of your emotional imprints. This is and was a pivotal moment in your lives. Once you became aware of the primary emotions that you took on as a young child, you then were faced with the choice of what to do about them.
Many of you were told to transcend those emotions, to seek joy and love and freedom instead. And some of you were able to access those emotional states and create a more enjoyable reality for yourselves. But you did not take on the emotional imprints by accident. You did not take them on without purpose.
Your purpose is to explore, to gather data, and to have experience. So those emotional imprints stay with you even when you attempt to ignore them. Not all of them are what you would consider to be negative or unwanted. Some of you were imprinted with joy and love. So it is not as though you only take on that which is challenging to explore, but explore these emotional states you have and you will.
They are not a punishment. They are not karma. They are simply ways of experiencing your reality. And when you accept that, when you accept all emotion as valuable, that is the moment when you get to choose to imprint yourselves with whatever frequency states you desire to experience. And that is when you truly become creator beings.
We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”