Find Your Harmony – Archangel Gabriel
“Setting aside the way that you interact with your world and listening for the wisdom that is contained within each moment will get you further than all the research you could ever do. Every single moment has within it the wisdom of thousands of years. Everything that has preceded the moment where you are has been a part of its creation.
And everything that has ever happened, or has even been imagined, is encoded within the moment where you currently find yourselves. Therefore, nothing is more significant than being exactly where you are.
And so, if you ever feel out of synch with the reality where you find yourself, you are not only in resistance to what is before you. You are in resistance to all that came before the moment where you find yourself.
It is a very tall order for you to undo what has taken place over that much time. It is not something that we recommend. We do not recommend the use of time travel, literally or figuratively, to change anything about your past. We know that some of you get excited when you hear that the past is alterable. But we ask you, ‘To what end would you alter the past?’
Everything that you seek to change about your reality tells you everything that you need to know about yourselves. You can see and feel and even touch what you are not in harmony with.
And so, we are inviting you to find your harmony within whatever is before you. Find where you fit in. Find how you can be in service to the world as it is, the world you have created, the world that is perfect just as it is.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”