Labels – Archangel Gabriel
“By getting the labels out of the way, you open new doorways that you had previously kept shut with them. The labels we are speaking of here are not just the ones that you are proud of and the ones that you are ashamed of.
We are also talking about the labels that you don’t even think of as labels. For instance, your country of origin and the country, or state, where you currently reside, your gender, your sexual preference, your age, your political party, your marital status, what you eat or do not eat, and so on.
The labels that you give yourselves, and that you use to define yourselves, are mostly used out of habit. You don’t even think of most of them as labels or as boxes that you put yourselves in. And then there are the ones that you feel proud of. You may be proud of the fact that you are a parent of three and that you have raised your children into adulthood. You may be proud of the fact that you are a vegan.
Even labels such as, ‘spiritual’ have a certain connotation. And they all serve to separate you from others, to pigeonhole you, and to limit you. For if you are a ‘spiritual’ person, how can you enjoy that boxing match or that football game? How can you eat that bacon double cheeseburger?
And then there are the labels you are ashamed of, like ‘alcoholic,’ for instance. Or ‘blue-collar worker,’ even ‘divorcé’ puts you in a box and drums up feelings of shame. We want to free you from all of these labels, but we also want you to understand that the label itself only has as much power as you give it.
So as much as we want you to stop using them, we also suggest that you do not see them as ways of being in the world. They are all temporary and only hold the meaning and the power that you give them. The easiest way to strip a label of its power is to stop using it when you are speaking of yourselves or others. And instead, know yourselves in the present moment as love incarnate. That is the only label we would ever use if we were you.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”