Live Your Truth – Archangel Gabriel
“The absolute truth that you seek is not a truth at all. It is a feeling state. You attempt to put into words, thoughts, ideas, and teachings that which can only be felt and experienced by you or by another. And so the translations that you make, the attempts at defining that which is ethereal and esoteric, fall short of their goal. And you, beautiful beings that you are, are left scratching your heads.
For you want to convey something, you want to communicate it and share it with others. You want to give them the experience that you have had, but you cannot. What you can do is live your truth. You can be an example to every single person who meets you of that which you feel and experience. You can be the truth. And then all you need to do is convince them not to worship you.
We have seen that time after time. The one who walks their walk, and wants only to teach through their example, becomes a savior or a figurehead. And instead of following in the footsteps of the one who lived their truth, the followers once again attempt to interpret it, and put it in words, and write it down. And that is why it is time for all of you to be your own teachers, your own gurus, your own saviors.
It is time to put away the teachings and to start living. Start living the truth that you are, the feeling that you are, and the Love that you are. And you will notice that others around you will do the same.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”