Love Yourselves First – The Founders
Send more of that unconditional love to yourselves, because it is what you are made of and it is the fuel that gives you the energy to be a human being. Love is not something that you feel because you have found something or someone that is deserving of your praise.
Love is what you are, and there are times and circumstances in your lives when you simply allow more of that stuff that you are made of to flow. So we suggest that you fill your tanks with the essence of your being-ness and that you use that fuel to then do whatever you feel inspired to do.
So our suggestion is that you look to yourselves for that which you desire to experience from another. We suggest that you are love and that what you do is not what makes you lovable. But what you do is the expression of the love that you are.
And anyone who sees that and acknowledges you is going to think that they love you because of what you are doing and how you are doing it. But really happens is that the part of them that is love gets activated and then suddenly they become more of themselves around you.
And that is why a person says, ‘I love you.’ But what is really happening is that you are inspiring more of the love that they are to flow forth and to be embodied by them. And so, all it really takes is for you to desire more of that flow of who you really are than you do anything else in your world that could or would act as a substitute for it.
We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”