The Path You Are On
“One day you will discover the path that you are on. In other words, you will be able to make sense of everything that you have experienced. It will become crystal clear to you why didn’t get that job, why that person you wanted to be with didn’t think they were right for you, why you were denied that loan or admission to that particular school, why certain people come into your lives at precise times.
Everything in your lives has purpose, and it always serves you. When you desire something, take into account the fact that it will come if it serves you. Know that you will only get that which serves you in the moment, what serves your highest good, what serves your ultimate truth, what gives you what you need for your expansion. That is what you will always receive.
There are no mistakes; there are no injustices; there are no technicalities. Those are all just ways for you to make sense of why things are happening, one way or the other. But everything that needs to happen to nudge you along your way, along your path, will happen in the precise timing.
So what do you have control over then? How are you guiding your life? You are being given the opportunity to expand. You are being given clues, breadcrumbs. You have all the tools necessary to follow the path that you are on with the greatest amount of joy that is humanly possible.”