Releasing Resistance in the Information Age – Archangel Michael
“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
Because you are lessening your resistance to that which is and has been in your world, you are experiencing your shift with more ease. Because it is easier to simply release or reduce your resistance to something than to eradicate it, you are becoming more whole every day.
You cannot eradicate something within yourself, even if you were to somehow find a way to eliminate it outside of yourself. You would only be doing so temporarily, because nothing can be completely eliminated. It can be deactivated, however. And that is what you do when you release resistance and accept the presence of something that you do not like and that you do not want.
The way in which you are releasing resistance is through your information age. Not only is everything right in your face on your computers, and your televisions, and your phones, but you also get to see a variety of perspectives on this thing that you cannot ignore. The offering of those perspectives by others opens the doorway for you to have a new perspective of your own, one which carries with it less resistance, less fear, and less judgment.
So when you see things happening in your world that make it look as though you are regressing as a species, just realize that the events are giving you the opportunity to let go of some of that resistance, some of that fear, and some of that judgment. And by looking directly at it, you cannot help but do so. You cannot hold those lower frequencies anymore, not if you want to remain in this physical reality.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”