The Vibration of Your Planet – The Founders
We are pleased to announce to all of you that there has been a significant up leveling of the vibration of your planet. This has occurred as a part of a natural evolutionary cycle. This raising of the overall frequency is one that was scheduled by all of you.
Now, some of you might be thinking that this is a very good thing and that now everything will become much easier. But what it really means is that lower vibrations are going to be stirred up, activated, and you will be the ones navigating the experience of these lower frequencies.
So you might actually see a world around you that looks as though it is out of control. You may actually witness more actions on the parts of individuals, groups, and nations that would lead you to believe that the lower frequencies were prevailing. What you really are witnessing, however, is how uncomfortable certain beings on your world are with higher frequencies. And the acting-out behaviors are indicative of the turmoil faced by these individuals.
So when you witness others having their moments, it is up to you whether you are going to condemn, lose hope, and fall into despair, or whether you are going to be the ones who maintain your frequency and offer love and compassion to all of those affected by acts of violence and war. The persecutors suffer just as much as the persecuted, and it is all there in front of you to give you a choice.
And the choice is simple. You can see them as separate and needing to be punished, or you can see them as reflections of something inside of you and embrace them with your loving energy. We think you know what we recommend you do.
We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”